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THURSDAY, JULY 11, 2024                                    THE QUEENS TIMES                                                           PAGE 11

          LEGAL NOTICES           LEGAL NOTICES           LEGAL NOTICES            LEGAL NOTICES           LEGAL NOTICES            LEGAL NOTICES
         RDL 9120, LLC, Arts. of   MARIAM TRANSPORT LLC,  Fortress Produce, LLC Arts of  Notice  of  Formation  of  Notice of formation of   Notice of Formation of JTH
         Org. filed with the SSNY   Arts. of Org. filed with the  Org. filed 06/12/2024. Office:  PLAINVIEW ROAD HOMES  WINTEREGG LLC Cert. of   PROPERTIES MANAGEMENT
         on 06/21/2024. Office loc:   SSNY on 06/06/2024. Office  Queens Co. SSNY designated  LLC Arts. of Org. filed with  LLC filed with Secy. of State   LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy.
         Queens County. SSNY has   loc: Queens County. SSNY  as agent for process & shall  Secy. of State of NY (SSNY)  of NY (SSNY) on Sept. 26,   of State (SSNY) on 07/03/2024.
         been designated as agent   has been designated as agent  mail to 16842 88th Ave  on 07/03/24. Office location:  2023. Office location: Queens   Office location: Queens County.
         upon whom process against   upon whom process against  #5B, Jamaica NY 11432.  Queens County.  Princ. office  County. SSNY designated   SSNY designated as agent
         the LLC may be served. SSNY   the LLC may be served.  Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose.  of LLC: Triangle Equities 496  as agent of LLC upon whom   of LLC upon whom process
         shall mail process to: The LLC,   SSNY shall mail process  6/20,27,7/4,11,18&25/2024  West Jericho Turnpike, LLC,  process against it may be   against it may be served. SSNY
         91-20 Vanderveer St, Queens   to: Mohamed N. Elgazzar,                  30-56 Whitestone Expressway,  served. SSNY shall mail a   shall mail process to: c/o PO
         Village, NY 11428. Reg Agent:   3608  29th  Street,  Apt  2A,   JKR BRANDS LLC. Filed  Whitestone, NY 11354. SSNY  copy of process to 9318 43rd   Box 520181, Flushing NY 11352.
         Priya D. Kichenamourty, 134   Long Island City, NY 11106.   10/6/2023. Office: Queens Co.  designated as agent of LLC  Ave., Elmhurst, NY 11373.   Purpose: Any lawful activity.
         Greenway E, New Hyde    Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose.   SSNY designated as agent for  upon whom process against  7/11,18,25,8/1,8&15/2024  7/11,18,25,8/1,8&15/2024
         Park, NY 11040. Purpose:   6/13,20,27,7/4,11&18/2024   process & shall mail to:  54 STATE  it may be served. SSNY shall
         A ny L aw f ul Pur p o s e.                     STREET, STE 804, ALBANY,  mail process to the LLC at  Notice of Formation of 8709
         6/27,7/4,11,18,25&8/1/2024   Notice of Formation of SUNNY   NY 12207. Purpose: General.  the addr. of its princ. office.  LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with
                                 STAR TRADING, LLC. Arts. of   6/20,27,7/4,11,18&25/2024  Purpose: Any lawful activity.  Secy. of State (SSNY) on
        P L A TI N U M U N IT E D   Org. filed with Secy. of State               7/11,18,25,8/1,8&15/2024  05/02/2024. Office location:
        PROPERTIES  LLC  Articles   (SSNY) on 06/30/2024. Office   Latam Courrier, LLC, Arts of           Queens County. SSNY
        of Org. filed NY Sec. of State   location: Queens County. SSNY   Org. filed with Sec. of State   JSKOZI LLC Auth. filed 7/5/24.  designated as agent of LLC
        (SSNY) 5/22/24. Office in   designated as agent of LLC upon   of NY (SSNY) 6/17/2024.   Cty: Queens Co. LLC formed  upon whom process against   TIMES
        Queens Co. SSNY design.   whom process against it may be   Cty: Queens. SSNY desig.   in CA on 7/31/19. SSNY  it may be served. SSNY shall
        Agent of LLC upon whom   served. SSNY shall mail process   as agent upon whom process   desig. for process & shall  mail process to: c/o 8711 169th
        process may be served. SSNY   to: c/o 76-15 167th Street,   against may be served & shall   mail to: 1804 Via Sage, San  Street, Jamaica, NY 11432.
        shall mail copy of process to   Fresh Meadows, NY 11366.   mail process to 35-08 95th   Clemente, CA 92673. CA addr.  Purpose: Any lawful activity.
        Neil Thaker 11722 220th St   Purpose: any lawful activity.   St, Apt. 1L, Jackson Heights,   of LLC: 1804 Via Sage, San  7/11,18,25,8/1,8&15/2024
        Cambria Heights NY 11411.   7/4,11,18,25,8/1&8/2024  NY 11372. General Purpose.   Clemente, CA 92673. Cert.
        Purpose: Any lawful activity.                    6/27,7/4,11,18,26&8/1/2024  of Form. filed w/ CA SOS,
        6/27,7/4,11,18,25&8/1/2024  Notice of Formation of                        1500 11th St, Sacramento,   Read Our Paper Online
        Notice of Formation of SL   GEALAN BOLO ZANABRIA  65-10 Fresh Pond Rd LLC   CA 95814. Purp: any lawful. .        
                                 HOLDINGS LLC. Arts. of  filed Arts. of Org. with the
        SUSTAINABLE ENERGY       Org. filed with Secy. of State  Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY)
        COMPANY LLC. Arts. of    (SSNY) on 05/31/2024. Office  on 6/10/2024. Office: Queens   Five CUNY Senior Colleges Named Nation’s
        Org. filed with Secy. of State   location: Queens  County.  County. SSNY has been
        (SSNY) on 05/17/2024.    SSNY designated as agent  designated  as  agent  of  the          Best Colleges by Money
        Office  location:  Queens   of LLC upon whom process  LLC upon whom process
        County. SSNY  designated   against it may be served.  against it may be served and  Baruch, City College, Hunt-       Money’s ranking, which  of the lifeblood of New
        as agent of LLC upon whom   SSNY shall mail process to:  shall mail process to: c/o The  er, John Jay and Lehman  uses a five-star rating sys-  York City. Founded in 1847
        process against it may be   c/o The LLC, 5906B 38th Ave.   LLC, 78-46 Metropolitan Ave,  Earn Top Marks Based on  tem to compare the listed  as  the  nation’s  first  free
        served. SSNY shall mail   Apt. B3, Woodside, NY 11377.   Middle Village, NY 11379.  Graduation Rates, Afford-  colleges, awarded Baruch  public institution of higher
        process to: The LLC, 64-15   Purpose: any lawful activity.  Purpose:  any lawful act.    ability, Financial Aid and  College five stars under this  education,  CUNY  today
        210St, Bayside, NY 11364.   6/6,13,20,27,7/4&11/2024  6/27,7/4,11,18,25&8/1/2024  Graduate Salaries  methodology and four-and-  has seven community col-
        Purpose: any lawful activity.                                                                     a-half stars to the four other  leges, 11 senior colleges and
        6/6,13,20,27,7/4&11/2024  Notice  of  Formation  of  140  22-69 CRESCENT STREET        Five CUNY senior col-  schools.    seven graduate or profes-
        MINDSTAQ LLC. App. for   Beach 137 LLC, Articles of  LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec.   leges were listed among the       This ranking is the lat-  sional institutions spread
        Auth. filed with the SSNY   Organization filed with the  of State (SSNY) 6/14/24. Office in   best colleges in the United  est recognition of CUNY’s  across New York City’s
        on 06/05/24.  Originally filed   Secretary of State of New York  Queens Co. SSNY design. Agent   States by Money, the per-  success in providing an af-  five boroughs, serving more
        with the Secretary of State   (SSNY) on 02/27/2024. Office  of LLC upon whom process may   sonal finance website. The  fordable and high-quality  than 225,000 undergraduate
        of Delaware on 01/26/2012.    Location: Queens, NY. SSNY  be served. SSNY shall mail copy   colleges — Baruch College,  college education. Last year,  and graduate students and
        Office: Queens County.   designated as agent of LLC  of process to The LLC 2263   City College of New York,  CUNY  colleges featured  awarding 50,000 degrees
        SSNY designated as agent   upon whom process against  Crescent St Astoria NY 11105.   Hunter College, John Jay  prominently in an interac-  each year. CUNY’s mix of
        of the LLC upon whom     it may be served. SSNY shall  Purpose: Any lawful activity.    College of Criminal Justice  tive college ranking, created  quality and affordability
        process against it may be   mail process to: 140 Beach  7/4,11,18,25,8/1&8/2024  and Lehman College —  by the New York Times, that  propels almost six times
        served.  SSNY shall mail   137 LLC, 140 Beach 137th                      were named among the top  allowed users to prioritize  as many low-income stu-
        copy of process to the LLC, 43   Street, Belle Harbor, NY   Notice of Formation of   745 colleges in the country  such factors as high earn-  dents into the middle class
        Boulevard, Malba, NY  11357.    11694. Any lawful purpose.   T.M.MSPORTS LLC. Arts. of   based on an analysis of  ings, academic profile, eco-  and beyond as all the Ivy
        Purpose: Any lawful purpose.   6/6,13,20,27,7/4&11/2024  Org. filed with Secy. of State   graduation rates, cost of  nomic mobility, low sticker  League colleges combined.
        6/13,20,27,7/4,11&18/2024                        (SSNY) on 03/25/2024. Office   attendance, financial aid  price, low net price, racial  More than 80 percent of the
                                 Notice of Qualification of   location: Queens County.   offerings and graduates’  diversity and economic  University’s graduates stay
        21-50 75TH STREET LLC    4 Chickens, LLC. App. For   SSNY designated as agent   salaries.         diversity.              in New York, contributing
        Articles of Org. filed NY Sec.   Auth. filed with Secy of State   of LLC upon whom process        “We are thrilled to once       Similarly, five CUNY  to all aspects of the city’s
        of State (SSNY) 4/26/24.   of NY (SSNY) on 4/10/24.   against it may be served.   again see CUNY colleges  colleges — Baruch, Brook-  economic, civic and cultural
        Office in Queens Co. SSNY   Office location: Queens   SSNY shall mail process to:   recognized as some of the  lyn College, City College,  life and diversifying the
        design. Agent of LLC upon   County.  LLC formed in   c/o The LLC, 91-011 216ST,   best in the country for stu-  Hunter and Queens College  city’s workforce in every
        whom process may be      Delaware (DE) on 7/20/16.   Queens Village, NY 11428.   dents who are looking for  — were listed among “The  sector. CUNY’s graduates
        served. SSNY shall mail copy   SSNY designated as agent   Purpose: any lawful activity.   an excellent and affordable  Best 389 Colleges for 2024”  and faculty have received
        of process to The LLC 2250   of LLC upon whom process   7/4,11,18,25,8/1&8/2024  education that will lead to  by The Princeton Review,  many prestigious honors,
        81st St Flushing NY 11370.   against it may be served.                   a prosperous career,” said  based on survey and opinion  including 13 Nobel Prizes
        Purpose: Any lawful activity.      SSNY shall mail process to:  SKR REAL ESTATE HOLDING,  CUNY Chancellor Félix  data from 165,000 students  and 26 MacArthur “genius
        6/13,20,27,7/4,11&18/2024   c/o Pryor Cashman LLP, 7  LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the  V. Matos Rodríguez. “Pro-  who attend the 389 recog-  grants.” The University’s
                                 Times Square, NY, NY 10036,  SSNY on 05/21/24.  Office:  spective CUNY students  nized four-year schools.   historic mission continues
        EIGHTEEN ZERO EIGHT      Attn: Nicholas T. Ratsep, Esq.  Queens County. SSNY  should remain assured that       The City University of  to this day: provide a first-
        LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with   DE  address  of LLC:  1209  designated as agent of the LLC  our colleges are ready and  New York is the nation’s  rate public education to
        the SSNY on 05/29/24.    Orange St, Wilmington, DE  upon whom process against it  able to set them up for suc-  largest urban public uni-  all students, regardless of
        Office: Queens County. SSNY   19801. Arts of Org filed with  may be served.  SSNY shall  cess as they pursue their  versity, a transformative  means or background. To
        designated  as  agent  of  the   DE Secy of State, 401 Federal  mail copy of process to the  professional and personal  engine of social mobility  learn more about CUNY,
        LLC upon whom process    St, Ste 4, Dover, DE 19901.  LLC, 87-59  Dunton  Street,  goals.”        that is a critical component  visit
        against it may be served.    Purpose: any lawful activity.  Hollis, NY  11423-1147.
        SSNY shall mail copy of   4/25,5/2,9,16,23&30/204  Purpose: Any lawful purpose.    Take 5 Top-Prize Ticket Sold In Sprngfld Gardens
        process to the LLC, 18-08                        7/4,11,18,25,8/1&8/2024
        25th Road, Astoria, NY  11102.    S & A ALLEN NY, LLC. App.                   The New York Lottery  drawn from a field of one   year 2022-2023 to help
        Purpose: Any lawful purpose.   for Auth. filed with the SSNY  Notice of Formation of BADGE  has announced one top-  through 39. The drawing   support education in New
        6/13,20,27,7/4,11&18/2024  on 06/21/24. Originally filed  6E LLC Arts. of Org. filed with  prize winning ticket was  is televised twice daily at   York State.
                                 with the Secretary of State of  Secy. of State of NY (SSNY)  sold for the Jul 4 TAKE  2:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. A        New Yorkers struggling
        Team Abstract LLC, Arts of  Florida on 05/09/24.  Office:  on 05/24/24. Office location:  5 MIDDAY drawing. The  Lottery draw game prize of   with a gambling addiction,
        Org. filed with Sec. of State  Queens County. SSNY  Queens County. SSNY  ticket was sold at:      any amount may be claimed   or who know someone who
        of NY (SSNY) 1/18/2024.  designated as agent of the LLC  designated as agent of LLC upon  •    NEW ARROW DELI  up to one year from the date   is, can find help at NYProb-
        Cty: Queens. SSNY desig.  upon whom process against  whom process against it may be  GROCERY INC located  of the drawing., by
        as agent upon whom process  it may be served.  SSNY  served. SSNY shall mail process  at 186-02 122ND AV-       About the New York Lot-  calling New York’s toll-
        against may be served &  shall mail copy of process  to c/o Seward & Kissel LLP, Attn:  ENUE in SPRNGFLD  tery - The New York Lot-  free confidential HOPEline
        shall mail process to Brian  to the LLC, 2531 N.W. 35th  David E. Stutzman, One Battery  GDNS, which sold one  tery continues to be North   at 1-877-8-HOPENY (1-
        Pun, 3636 Main St, Flushing,  Street, Ocala, FL  34475.   Park Plaza, NY, NY 10004.  prize-winning ticket worth  America’s largest and most   877-846-7369), or texting
        NY 11354. General Purpose.  Purpose: Any lawful purpose.  Purpose: Any lawful activity.  $19,159.00   profitable Lottery, contrib-  HOPENY (467369). Stan-
        6/20,27,7/4,11,18&25/2024  6/27,7/4,11,18,25,8/1/2024  7/11,18,25,8/1,8&15/2024       TAKE 5 numbers are  uting $3.7 billion in fiscal   dard text rates may apply.
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12