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THURSDAY, JULY 25, 2024                                    THE QUEENS TIMES                                                           PAGE 11

          LEGAL NOTICES           LEGAL NOTICES           LEGAL NOTICES            LEGAL NOTICES           LEGAL NOTICES            LEGAL NOTICES
        RDL 9120, LLC, Arts. of  JSKOZI LLC  Auth. filed   Fortress Produce, LLC Arts of  NOTICE OF SALE  SUPREME   Long, deceased, who at the  paid pursuant to the Last Will
        Org. filed with the SSNY  7/5/24. Cty: Queens Co.   Org. filed 06/12/2024. Office:  C OUR T  C OUN T Y  O F   time of death was a resident  and Testament as follows;
        on 06/21/2024. Office loc:  LLC formed in CA on 7/31/19.   Queens Co. SSNY designated  Q U EE N S P N C B A N K ,   of 4 74 48th Avenue, Apt 11C,  20% to Michael Woodhams
        Queens County. SSNY has  SSNY desig. for process   as agent for process & shall  NATIONAL ASSOCIATION,   Long Island City, NY 11109, in  20% to Bernard Woodhams
        been designated as agent  & shall mail to: 1804 Via   mail to 16842 88th Ave  Plaintiff AGAINST MAHADEO   the County of Queens, State of  20% to Timothy Woodhams
        upon whom process against  Sage, San Clemente, CA   #5B, Jamaica NY 11432.  RAMCHARRAN, DEOMATTIE   New York.             20% to Christopher James
        the LLC may be served. SSNY  92673. CA addr. of LLC: 1804   Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose.  RAMCHARRAN, ET AL.,   SEND GREETING:  20% to Tania James Price
        shall mail process to: The LLC,  Via Sage, San Clemente,   6/20,27,7/4,11,18&25/2024  Defendant(s)   Pursuant to   Upon the petition of LOIS  Dated, Attested and Sealed
        91-20 Vanderveer St, Queens  CA 92673. Cert. of Form.                    a Judgment of Foreclosure   M. ROSENBLATT, Public  18th day of July, 2024
        Village, NY 11428. Reg Agent:  filed w/ CA SOS, 1500   JKR BRANDS LLC. Filed  and Sale duly entered March   Administrator of Queens  HON. PETER J. KELLY
        Priya D. Kichenamourty, 134  11th St, Sacramento, CA   10/6/2023. Office: Queens Co.  17, 2023, I, the undersigned   County, who maintains  Acting Surrogate, Queens
        Greenway E, New Hyde  95814. Purp: any lawful. .   SSNY designated as agent for  Referee will sell at public   her office at 88-11 Sutphin  County
        Park, NY 11040. Purpose:  7/11,18,25,8/1,8&15/2024  process & shall mail to:  54 STATE  auction at the Queens County   Boulevard, Jamaica, Queens  Janet Edwards Tucker
        A ny  L a w f u l P ur p o s e .                 STREET, STE 804, ALBANY,  Supreme Courthouse, on the   County, New York 11435, as  Chief Clerk
        6/27,7/4,11,18,25&8/1/2024   Notice of Formation of SUNNY   NY 12207. Purpose: General.  second floor in Courtroom   Temporary Administrator of  GERARD J. SWEENEY, ESQ.
                                 STAR TRADING, LLC. Arts. of   6/20,27,7/4,11,18&25/2024  25, 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard,   the Estate of Glenis Long aka  (718) 459-9000
        P L A TI N U M U N IT E D   Org. filed with Secy. of State               Jamaica, New York on August   Glenis R. Long, deceased,  1981 Marcus Avenue,
        PROPERTIES  LLC  Articles   (SSNY) on 06/30/2024. Office   Latam Courrier, LLC, Arts of  23, 2024 at 10:30AM, premises   you and each of you are  Suite 200
        of Org. filed NY Sec. of State   location: Queens County. SSNY   Org. filed with Sec. of State  known as 123-01 109th Street,   hereby cited to show cause  Lake Success, New York 11042
        (SSNY) 5/22/24. Office in   designated as agent of LLC upon   of NY (SSNY) 6/17/2024.  South Ozone Park, NY 11420.    before the Surrogate at the  NOTICE: THIS CITATION
        Queens Co. SSNY design.   whom process against it may be   Cty: Queens. SSNY desig.  All that certain plot piece or   Surrogate’s Court of the County  IS SERVED UPON YOU AS
        Agent of LLC upon whom   served. SSNY shall mail process   as agent upon whom process  parcel of land, with the buildings   of Queens, to be held at the  REQUIRED BY LAW.  YOU
        process may be served. SSNY   to: c/o 76-15 167th Street,   against may be served & shall  and improvements erected,   Queens General Courthouse,  ARE NOT REQUIRED TO
        shall mail copy of process to   Fresh Meadows, NY 11366.   mail process to 35-08 95th  situate, lying and being in the   6th Floor, 88-11 Sutphin  APPEAR; HOWEVER, IF
        Neil Thaker 11722 220th St   Purpose: any lawful activity.   St, Apt. 1L, Jackson Heights,  Fourth Ward, Borough and   Boulevard, Jamaica, City and  YOU FAIL TO APPEAR IT
        Cambria Heights NY 11411.   7/4,11,18,25,8/1&8/2024  NY 11372. General Purpose.  County of Queens, City and   State of New York, on the 29th  WILL BE ASSUMED YOU
        Purpose: Any lawful activity.                    6/27,7/4,11,18,26&8/1/2024  State of New York, Block: 9603   day of August, 2024 at 9:30  DO NOT OBJECT TO THE
        6/27,7/4,11,18,25&8/1/2024  Notice of Qualification of                   Lot: 42.  Approximate amount   o’clock in the forenoon, why  RELIEF REQUESTED. YOU
                                 4 Chickens, LLC. App. For   65-10 Fresh Pond Rd LLC  of judgment $604,020.62   the Account of Proceedings  HAVE A RIGHT TO HAVE
        Notice of Formation of   Auth. filed with Secy of State   filed Arts. of Org. with the  plus interest and costs.    of the Public Administrator of  AN ATTORNEY APPEAR
        8709 LLC. Arts. of Org.   of NY (SSNY) on 4/10/24.   Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY)  Premises will be sold subject   Queens County, as Temporary  FOR YOU, AND YOU OR
        filed with Secy. of State   Office location: Queens   on 6/10/2024. Office: Queens  to provisions of filed Judgment   Administrator of the Estate  YOUR ATTORNEY MAY
        (SSNY) on 05/02/2024.    County.  LLC formed in   County. SSNY has been  Index #709090/2015. The   of said deceased, a copy of  REQUEST A COPY OF THE
        Office location: Queens   Delaware (DE) on 7/20/16.   designated  as  agent  of  the  aforementioned auction will be   which is attached, should  FULL ACCOUNT FROM
        County. SSNY designated   SSNY designated as agent   LLC upon whom process  conducted in accordance with   not be judicially settled, and  TH E PETITIO N ER O R
        as agent of LLC upon whom   of LLC upon whom process   against it may be served and  the QUEENS County COVID-19   why the Surrogate should not   PETITIONER’S ATTORNEY
        process against it may be   against it may be served.   shall mail process to: c/o The  Protocols located on the Office   fix and allow a reasonable  Accounting Citation
        served. SSNY shall mail   SSNY shall mail process to:   LLC, 78-46 Metropolitan Ave,  of Court Administration (OCA)   amount of compensation to  7/25,8/1,8&15/2024
        process to: c/o 8711 169th   c/o Pryor Cashman LLP, 7   Middle Village, NY 11379.  website (https://ww2.nycourts.  GERARD J. SWEENEY, ESQ.,
        Street, Jamaica, NY 11432.   Times Square, NY, NY 10036,   Purpose:  any lawful act.    gov/Admin/oca.shtml) and as   for legal services rendered to  Notice of Formation of JR
        Purpose: Any lawful activity.   Attn: Nicholas T. Ratsep, Esq.   6/27,7/4,11,18,25&8/1/2024  such all persons must comply   petitioner herein in the amount  MARKETING SERVICES LLC.
        7/11,18,25,8/1,8&15/2024  DE  address  of LLC:  1209                     with social distancing, wearing   of $20,711.01 and that the Court  Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of
                                 Orange St, Wilmington, DE  22-69 CRESCENT STREET   masks and screening practices   fix the fair and reasonable  State (SSNY) on 05/22/2024.
        Notice of Formation of A.J.N   19801. Arts of Org filed with  LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec.  in effect at the time of this   additional fee for any services  Office location: Queens County.
        BASKETS & BEYOND LLC.    DE Secy of State, 401 Federal  of State (SSNY) 6/14/24. Office in   foreclosure sale. Avrohom Y.   to be rendered by GERARD J.  SSNY designated as agent
        Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of   St, Ste 4, Dover, DE 19901.  Queens Co. SSNY design. Agent  Gefen, Esq., Referee   Fein,   SWEENEY, ESQ., hereafter in  of LLC upon whom process
        State (SSNY) on 07/11/2024.   Purpose: any lawful activity.  of LLC upon whom process may   Such & Crane, LLP 28 East   connection with proceedings  against it may be served.
        Office location: Queens   4/25,5/2,9,16,23&30/204  be served. SSNY shall mail copy   Main Street Rochester, NY   on kinship, claims etc., prior  SSNY shall mail process to:
        County. SSNY designated                          of process to The LLC 2263   14614   QPNJC001 81392.     to entry of a final Decree on  c/o The LLC, 14463 37th Ave.
        as agent of LLC upon whom   S & A ALLEN NY, LLC. App.  Crescent St Astoria NY 11105.   7/25,8/1,8&15/2024  this accounting in the amount  Apt 3C, Flushing, NY 11354.
        process against it may be   for Auth. filed with the SSNY  Purpose: Any lawful activity.          of 6% of assets or income  Purpose: any lawful activity.
        served. SSNY shall mail   on 06/21/24. Originally filed  7/4,11,18,25,8/1&8/2024  File No.: 2022-4466/B  collected after the date of the  7/25,8/1,8,15,22&29/2024
        process to: c/o 168 06 144th   with the Secretary of State of             CITATION                within accounting; and why the
        Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434.   Florida on 05/09/24.  Office:  Notice of Formation of   THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE  Surrogate should not fix and   AG James
        Purpose: Any lawful activity.   Queens County. SSNY  T.M.MSPORTS LLC. Arts. of   OF NEW YORK      allow an amount equal to one   Announces New
        7/18,25,8/1,8,15&22/2024  designated as agent of the LLC  Org. filed with Secy. of State   BY THE GRACE OF GOD,  percent on said Schedules of
                                 upon whom process against  (SSNY) on 03/25/2024. Office   FREE AND INDEPENDENT  the total assets on Schedules A,   Protections . . .
        37-31 78TH ST LLC filed   it may be served.  SSNY  location: Queens County.   To:                 A1, and A2 plus any additional   (Continued from page 10)
        Articles of Organization with   shall mail copy of process  SSNY designated as agent   Emily Tobey,  monies received subsequent
        the Secretary of State of New   to the LLC, 2531 N.W. 35th  of LLC upon whom process   Michael Woodhams,  to the date of this account,  of  Housing  Preservation
        York (SSNY) on 07/12/2024.   Street, Ocala, FL  34475.   against it may be served.   Bernard Woodhams,  as the fair and reasonable  and Development and the
        Office: Queens County. SSNY   Purpose: Any lawful purpose.  SSNY shall mail process to:   Timothy Woodhams,  amount payable to the Office  Center for New York City
        has been designated as agent   6/27,7/4,11,18,25,8/1/2024  c/o The LLC, 91-011 216ST,   Christopher James,  of the Public Administrator for  Neighborhoods as part of a
        of the LLC upon whom process                     Queens Village, NY 11428.   Tania James Price aka Tania  the expenses of said office  program aimed at increasing
        against it may be served. SSNY   Notice of Formation of JTH   Purpose: any lawful activity.   James,  pursuant to S.C.P.A. §1106(3);  awareness of deed theft in
        shall mail copy of process to   PROPERTIES MANAGEMENT   7/4,11,18,25,8/1&8/2024  Elizabeth Murphy, Esq., Miller  and why the claim of Elizabeth  vulnerable neighborhoods.
        the LLC to 6294 WETHEROLE   LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy.           & Milone, PC,           Murphy, Esq., by Miller &  In January 2020, Attorney
        ST, REGO PARK, NY 11374.   of State (SSNY) on 07/03/2024.   SKR REAL ESTATE HOLDING,   American Express,  Malone PC in the amount of  General James launched
        Purpose: any lawful purpose.   Office location: Queens County.   LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the   Bargold  Storage Systems,  $6,836.25 should not be paid;  the Protect Our Homes ini-
        7/18,25,8/1,8,15&22/2024  SSNY designated as agent   SSNY on 05/21/24.  Office:   LLC.,           and why the claims of American  tiative and announced the
                                 of LLC upon whom process   Queens County. SSNY   Spectrum,               Express in the total amount  formation of an interagency
        Notice of formation of   against it may be served. SSNY   designated as agent of the LLC   Bank of America NA,   of $14,240.65 should not be  law enforcement task force
        WINTEREGG LLC Cert. of   shall mail process to: c/o PO   upon whom process against it   Attorney General of the State  rejected; and why the claim  to respond to Deed Theft
        LLC filed with Secy. of State of   Box 520181, Flushing NY 11352.   may be served.  SSNY shall   of New York  of Bargold Storage Systems,  and other real estate fraud.
        NY (SSNY) on Sept. 26, 2023.   Purpose: Any lawful activity.   mail copy of process to the   The unknown distributees,  LLC in the amount of $435.00       New Yorkers who be-
        Office location: Queens County.   7/11,18,25,8/1,8&15/2024  LLC, 87-59  Dunton  Street,   legatees, devisees, heirs at  should not be rejected; and why  lieve they are a victim of
        SSNY designated as agent of                      Hollis, NY  11423-1147.    law and assignees of Glenis  the claim of Spectrum in the  deed theft are encouraged
        LLC upon whom process against   Notice of Formation of   Purpose: Any lawful purpose.    Long aka Glenis R. Long,  amount of $790.69 should not  to contact OAG by calling
        it may be served. SSNY shall   PLAINVIEW ROAD HOMES LLC   7/4,11,18,25,8/1&8/2024  deceased, or their estates, if  be rejected; and why the claim  1 (800) 771-7755, emailing
        mail a copy of process to 9318   Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of        any there be, whose names,  of Bank of America, NA in the, or
        43rd Ave., Elmhurst, NY 11373.   State of NY (SSNY) on 07/03/24.   Notice of Formation of BADGE   places of residence and post  amount of $2,149.85 should not  filing a confidential com-
        7/11,18,25,8/1,8&15/2024  Office location: Queens County.    6E LLC Arts. of Org. filed with   office addresses are unknown  be rejected; and why the Last  plaint.
                                                         Secy. of State of NY (SSNY)
                                Princ. office of LLC: Triangle
                                                                                  to the petitioner and cannot with  Will and Testament dated May       The Homeowner Protec-
        Team Abstract LLC, Arts of  Equities  496  West  Jericho   on 05/24/24. Office location:   due diligence be ascertained  1, 2007, copy attached, should  tion Program, a network
        Org. filed with Sec. of State  Turnpike, LLC, 30-56 Whitestone   Queens County. SSNY   A copy of this citation and  not be admitted to Probate; and  of housing counselors and
        of NY (SSNY) 1/18/2024.  Expressway, Whitestone, NY   designated as agent of LLC upon   the accounting, as well as all  why the Letters of Temporary  legal services providers
        Cty: Queens. SSNY desig.  11354. SSNY designated as   whom process against it may be   amendments to it, if any, shall  Administration issued to the  throughout New York sup-
        as agent upon whom process  agent of LLC upon whom process   served. SSNY shall mail process   be served on the Guardian Ad  Public Administrator should not  ported by OAG, offers free
        against may be served &  against it may be served. SSNY   to c/o Seward & Kissel LLP, Attn:   Litem, Thomas Sciacca, Esq.  be revoked; and why Letters  housing counseling and
        shall mail process to Brian  shall mail process to the LLC   David E. Stutzman, One Battery   Being the persons interested as  of Administration CTA should  legal assistance statewide.
        Pun, 3636 Main St, Flushing,  at the addr. of its princ. office.   Park Plaza, NY, NY 10004.   creditors, legatees, distributees  not be issued to the Public  Homeowners can contact
        NY 11354. General Purpose.  Purpose: Any lawful activity.   Purpose: Any lawful activity.   or otherwise in the Estate of  Administrator; and why the net  HOPP online or call 1 (855)
        6/20,27,7/4,11,18&25/2024  7/11,18,25,8/1,8&15/2024  7/11,18,25,8/1,8&15/2024  Glenis Long aka Glenis R.  residuary estate should not be  466-3456 to get help.
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