Page 11 - qt edition #6 January 6, 2025
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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2025                                 THE QUEENS TIMES                                                           PAGE 11

          LEGAL NOTICES           LEGAL NOTICES           LEGAL NOTICES            LEGAL NOTICES           LEGAL NOTICES             Reintroduce
        Notice of formation of   Notice of Formation of  ADMINISTRATION CITATION  November 28, 2005, which the  PROBATE CITATION RUTH   E-Bike Safety
        EFFICIENT PARA SERVICES,   KAMPUNG COCO LLC.  Arts.  File No.: 2020-1414/A  petitioner, as a creditor of the  PEEK                 Bill
        LLC. Arts. Of Org. were filed   of Org. filed with Secy. of State  SURROGATE’S COURT -  Estate, is not seeking to offer  File No. 2021-2948
        with the Secretary of State of   of NY (SSNY) on 01/09/25.  QUEENS COUNTY  to probate pursuant to SCPA  SURROGATE’S COURT -   (Continued from page 10)
        NY (SSNY) on 01/16/2025.   Office location: Queens  CITATION             1001.9                   QUEENS COUNTY
        Office  in  Queens  County.   County. SSNY designated  THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE  HON. CASSANDR A A .  CITATION             from preventable hazards.
        SSNY has been designated   as agent of LLC upon whom  OF NEW YORK,       JOHNSON, Surrogate       THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE  I am proud to support this
        as agent of the LLC upon   process against it may be  By the Grace of God Free and  JANET EDWARDS TUCKER,  OF NEW YORK,   commonsense measure to
        whom process against it may   served. SSNY shall mail  Independent,      Chief Clerk              By the Grace of God Free and  ensure that these products
        be served. SSNY shall mail   process to: 54 State Street,  TO:   Dorothy Aranda  Dated, Attested and Sealed,   Independent  meet rigorous safety stan-
        process to 5920 Gates Avenue,   Ste 804, Albany, NY 12207  Elena Pulmones, Nominated  January 28, 2025  TO: Julius Christian Peek Jr.,  dards before they reach the
        Apt. 2R, Ridgewood, NY 11385.   Purpose: any lawful activities.  Executor under Will  Name of Attorney for Petitioner:  if living and if dead, to his/her  market.”
        1/30,2/6,13,20,27&3/6/2025  1/16,23,30,2/6,13&20/2025  Ira Seplow, Legatee and  Steven M. Palmer, Esq., of  heirs at law next of kin and       “For years, it has been
                                                         Alternate Executor under Will  LOGS Legal Group LLP f/k/a  distributees whose names and  clear that unregulated lith-
        Notice of formation of APT RE   Notice of Formation of CC$D   Queens County Public  Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC  places of residence are unknown  ium-ion batteries pose a
        MANAGEMENT LLC Cert. of   ENTERPRISES LLC. Arts.   Administrator         Address: 175 Mile Crossing  and if he/she died subsequent  clear and present threat
        LLC filed with Secy. of State of   of  Org. filed  with Secy. of   The heirs at law, next of kin  Boulevard, Rochester, New  to the decedent herein, to his/  to the public’s safety, and
        NY (SSNY) on Dec. 30, 2024.   State of NY  (SSNY) on   and distributees of Barbara  York 14624    her executors, administrators,  it’s long past time that we
        Office location: Queens County.   11/14/24. Office location:   Hillary, deceased, if living,  Telephone No.: (585) 247-9000  legatees, devisees, assignees,  do something about it,”
        SSNY designated as agent   Queens Count y. SSNY   and if any of them be dead  Email:  and successors in interest whose  said Rep. Ritchie Torres.
        of LLC upon whom process   designated as agent of LLC   to their heirs at law, next of  Note: This citation is served  name and places of residence  “My district specifically is
        against it may be served.   upon whom process against   kin, distributees, legatees,  upon you as required by law.  are unknown and to all other heirs  acutely aware of the unmiti-
        SSNY shall mail a copy of the   it may be served. SSNY shall   executors, administrators,  You are not required to appear.  at law next of kin and distributees  gated disaster that urban
        process to 3759 61st Street,   mail process to: Chantal   assignees and successors  If you fail to appear it will be  of RUTH PEEK, the decedent  fires pose and the urgent
        Apt 5C, Woodside, NY 11377.   Benjamin, 135-36 245th   in interest whose names  assumed, you do not object to  herein, whose names and places  need for stronger  safety
        Purpose: any lawful activity.   Street, Rosedale, NY 11422.   are unknown and cannot be  the relief requested. You have a  of residence are unknown and  standards. My colleagues
        1/9,16,23,30,2/6&13/2025  Purpose: any lawful activities.   ascertained after due diligence.  right to have an attorney-at-law  cannot be ascertained after due  and I fought throughout the
                                1/9,16,23,30,2/6&13/2025  A petition having been duly  appear for you. #102092  diligence,        last Congress to advance
        Notice of formation of AMT GRACE                 filed by Talya Lopez, Contract  2/6,13,20&27/2025  A petition having been duly filed  this legislation, and we will
        LLC. Art. Of Org. filed w. Secy of   GRAND 4124 LLC, Arts. of   Management Coordinator of         by SETH PEEK and NAOMI  continue pushing it toward
        State of NY (SSNY) on 12/06/2024.   Org. filed with the SSNY on   PHH Mortgage Corporation as  NOTICE OF FORMATION  MEACHAM who is domiciled  the finish line in the 119th
        Office loc: Queens County. SSNY   12/27/2024. Office loc: Queens   attorney-in-fact for Mortgage  OF 102N D PRECINCT  at 19010 114th dr. St Albans NY  -- no matter the national
        designated as agent of LLC upon   County. SSNY has been   Assets Management, LLC,  COMMUNITY COUNCIL INC.  11412 and 19450 115th Dr St  political scene.”
        whom process against it may be   designated as agent upon whom   who is domiciled at 1661  Articles of Organization were  Albans NY 11412  “Keeping our country safe
        served. SSNY shall mail copy of   process against the LLC may be   Worthington Rd. Ste 100, West  filed with the Secretary of  YOU ARE HEREBY CITED  from the dangers of lithium-
        process to: AMT GRACE LLC., 150-  served. SSNY shall mail process   Palm Beach, FL 33409 c/o  State of New York (SSNY)  TO SHOW CAUSE before the  ion batteries is incredibly
        20 71 Avenue, #5K, Flushing, NY   to: Denis Xhari, 4124 38th St,   LOGS Legal Group LLP f/k/a  on January 24, 2025. The  Surrogate’s Court, Queens  important, because as we
        11367. Purpose: Any lawful activity.   Long Island City, NY 11101.   Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak,LLC,  corporation is incorporated in  County, at 8811 Sutphin  have seen time and time
        1/9,16,23,30,2/6&13/2025  Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose.   175 Mile Crossing Boulevard,  the State of New York under  Boulevard, Jamaica, New York,  again, they present unique
                                 1/2,9,16,23,30,2/6/2025  Rochester, New York    the Not-for-Profit Corporation  on April 3rd, 2025, at 9:30 o’clock  safety risks to the public
        Notice of Formation of                           14624.                  Law. Office location: Queens  in the fore noon of that day, why  and to first responders,”
        KRISTEN KIM, PSYD, PLLC.   Notice of formation of 6518  YOU  ARE HEREBY CITED  County. SSNY is designated  a decree should not be made in  said NYC Fire Commission-
        Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of   AUSTIN LLC. Art. Of Org. filed  TO SHOW CAUSE before the  as an agent of the corporation  the estate of RUTH PEEK lately  er Robert Tucker. “We’re
        State (SSNY) on 09/20/2024.   w. Secy of State of NY (SSNY)  Surrogate’s  Court,  Queens  upon whom a process against  domiciled at 19010 114th Dr. St.  grateful to our partners in
        Office location: Queens County.   on 1/20/2025. Office loc: Queens  Countv. at 88-11 Sutphin Blvd.,  it may be served. SSNY shall  Albans NY 11412 admitting to  government for bringing
        SSNY designated as agent   County. SSNY designated as  Queens County Courtroom 62,  mail a copy of any process  probate a Will dated May 1st 2012  back this legislation we
        of PLLC upon whom process   agent of LLC upon whom process  Jamaica, New York 1 1435, on  to: 110-08 Jamaica Avenue,  (a Codicil dated   (a Codicil  know will save lives. We
        against it may be served.   against it may be served. SSNY  March 27, 2025 at 9:30 0’clock  Richmond Hill, NY 11418.  dated         will  continue  to  beat  the
        SSNY shall mail process to:   shall mail copy of process to:  in the forenoon of that day, why  Purpose: Any Lawful activity.  a copy of which is attached,  drum on safe usage and best
        c/o The PLLC, 220 5th Ave, 11th   6518 AUSTIN LLC., 6 Fieldstone  a decree should not be made  2/6,13,20,27,3/6&13/2025  as the Will of RUTH PEEK  practices of these devices to
        Floor, New York, NY 10001.   Lane, Great Neck, NY 11020.  in the Estate of Barbara Hillary        deceased, relating to real and  help prevent tragedies in the
        Purpose: any lawful activity.   Purpose: Any lawful activity.  lately domiciled at 548 Beach   NOTICE OF FORMATION  personal property, and directing  future.”
        1/2,9,16,23,30&2/6/2025  1/23,30,2/6,13,20&27/2025  68th Street, Arverne, Queens   OF LIMITED LIABILITY  that                       “I  thank  Senator
                                                         County, New York 11692, in   COMPANY (LLC) Artemis  [x] Letters Testamentary issue  Gillibrand, Representative
        Notice of Qualification of  Notice of Formation of CD&E  the County of Queens, State   Relics LLC. Articles of  to SETH PEEK and NAOMI  Torres, and their allies for
        Chenega Defense & Aerospace  VENTURES LLC. Arts. of  of New York granting Limited   Organization filed with the  MEACHAM  their continued leadership
        Solutions, LLC. App. For Auth.  Org. filed with Secy. of State  Letters of Administration to   Secretary of State of New York  [ ] Letters of Trusteeship issue  and perseverance on the
        filed with Secy of State of  (SSNY) on 1/27/25. Office  Dorothy           (SSNY) on 01/31/2025. Office  to                Setting Consumer Stan-
        NY (SSNY) on 1/8/25. Office  location: Queens County. SSNY  Aranda or any eligible   location: Queens County.  [ ] Letters of Administration c.t.a.  dards for Lithium-Ion Bat-
        location: Queens County.  designated as agent of LLC  distributees of the decedent   SSNY is designated as agent  issue to    teries Act,” said Chief Josh
        LLC formed in Alaska (AK)  upon whom process against it  and upon their default or failure   for service of process against  (State any further relief  Waldo, President and Chair
        on 2/21/19. SSNY designated  may be served. SSNY shall mail  to qualify, then to the Queens   the  LLC. SSNY shall  mail  requested)  of the Board, the Interna-
        as agent of LLC upon whom  process to: c /o T h e L LC, 31-  County Public Administrator   process to: 31-51 32nd street  Dated, Attested and Sealed  tional Association of Fire
        process against it may be  19 68St, Woodside, NY 11377.  and if they are permitted to   Astoria, NY 11106. Purpose:  Feb. 4th, 2025  Chiefs. “Fire departments
        served. SSNY shall mail  Purpose: any lawful activity.  renounce, then to Deborah   Any lawful act or activity.  HON. CASSANDR A A .  across the country face
        process to: Cogency Global  2/6,13,20,27,3/6&13/2025  A. Case, Esq., the nominee   2/6,13,20,27,3/6&13/2025  JOIfNSON     numerous challenges when
        Inc., 122 E 42nd St, 18th Fl,                    of the Petitioner upon duly                      Surrogate               responding to these prevent-
        NY, NY 10168. AK address  Notice of Formation of   qualifying; and that authority  Notice of Formation of  JANET EDWARDS TUCKER  able incidents. We have
        of LLC: 3000 C Street, Ste   GRAZING GUILD, LLC. Arts.   of the representative under the  HOMEINSPECTX LLC. Arts.  Chief Clerk  gone far too long without
        301, Anchorage, AK 99503.   of Org. filed with Secy. of State   foregoing letters be limited as  of Org. filed with Secy. of State  Alan Gerson Esq  any impactful changes to
        Arts of Org filed with Julie   (SSNY) on 1/25/25. Office   follows: To receive service of  (SSNY) on 02/03/25. Office  Attorney for Petitioner  ensure the safety of humans
        Sande, Commissioner of Dept   location: Queens County.   process on behalf of the Estate  location: Queens County.  718-279-7555  around these devices. As we
        of Commerce, Community   SSNY designated as agent   of Barbara Hillary, relative  SSNY designated as agent  Telephone Number  have seen, further injury
        & Economic Development,   of LLC upon whom process   to  a mortgage  foreclosure  of LLC upon whom process  21245 26th Ave Ste 7 Bayside  and property damage is the
        333 W. Willoughby Ave,   against it may be served. SSNY  action commenced in the  against it may be served.  NY 11360     result of inaction. It is time
        9th Fl, Juneau, AK 99801.   shall mail process to: 44-11 31st   Queens County Supreme  SSNY shall mail process to:  Address of Attorney  for Congress to act together
        Purpose: any lawful activity.   Ave, Apt 1L, Astoria, NY 11103.   Court to foreclose a Home  139-15 83rd Avenue, Apt305,  and  pass  this  life-saving
        1/23,30,2/6,13,20&27/2025  Purpose: any lawful activity.   Equity Conversion Mortgage  Briar wood, NY 11435.  NOTICE: THIS CITATION  legislation.”
                                 2/6,13,20,27,3/6&13/2025  dated February 23, 2005, and  Purpose: any lawful activity.  IS SERVED UPON YOU AS
        Notice of formation of Due                       recorded in the Office of the  2/6,13,20,27,3/6&13/2025  REQUIRED BY LAW. IF YOU
        Ledger LLC. Arts. Of Org.  Notice of Formation of 5308   City Register of the City of             WISH  TO CONTEST  THE
        were filed with the Secretary  Revere Owner LLC. Arts. of   New York on August 9, 2005,   Notice of Formation of   RELIEF REQUESTED, YOU,
        of State of NY (SSNY) on  Org. filed with Secy. of State   in CRFN 2005000445254,   HANDYVAL CONSTRUCTION,   OR AN ATTORNEY ON YOUR
        01/21/2025. Office in Queens  (SSNY) on 1/23/25. Office   relative to real property located   LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy.   BEHALF, MUST CONTACT THE
        County. SSNY has been  location: Queens County. SSNY   at 548 Beach 68th Street a/k/a   of State (SSNY) on 01/31/2025.   COURT PRIOR TO THIS DATE   QUEENS
        designated  as  agent  of  the  designated as agent of LLC   5-48 Beach Street, Arverne,   Office location: Queens County.   IN THE MANNER SET FORTH   TIMES
        LLC upon whom process  upon whom process against it   New York 1 1 692; and authority   SSNY designated as agent of   IN THE ATTACHED NOTICE.
        against it may be served.  may be served. SSNY shall mail   to accept service of process   LLC upon whom process against   IF YOU DO NOT CONTACT
        SSNY shall mail process to  process to: c/o Mega Contracting   would be granted despite   it may be served. SSNY shall   THE COURT AS SET FORTH
        the Due Ledger LLC,4815  Group LLC, 48-02 25th St,   the presence of a copy of a   mail process to: 18706 Hillside   IN THE NOTICE IT WILL BE
        Franc is Lewis Blvd  2Fl  Ste 400, Astoria, NY 11103.   document purporting to be   Avenue, Queens, NY 11432.   FOUND YOU CONSENT TO
        Oakland Gardens, NY 11364.  Purpose: any lawful activity.   the Last Will and Testament   Purpose: any lawful activity.   THE RELIEF REQUESTED
        1/23,30,2/6,13,20&27/2025  2/6,13,20,27,3/6&13/2025  of Barbara Hillary dated   2/6,13,20,27,3/6&13/2025  2/6,13,20&27/2025
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