P. 6

PAGE 6                                                     THE QUEENS TIMES                                     THURSDAY, JULY 11, 2024

        Meng Issues Statement On Biden Re-Election

                                     migrant communities continue           The  stakes for November
                                     to face unprecedented attacks,  couldn’t be clearer -- we can con-
                                     environmental protections have  tinue our progress or go back to the
                                     been weakened, and millions of  chaos, dysfunction, and attacks on
                                     Americans died during a misman-  our values of the Trump era. By
                                     aged pandemic -- and he did it  working hand-in-hand with House
                                     all while feeding anti-Asian hate.  Democrats and investing in out-
                                     Over the last 3 years, Joe Biden has  reach to Asian, Black, and Latino
                                     worked tirelessly to right the ship.  communities, I know that we’ll be   To read GIA online in English and Italian
                                     He’s fought to protect choice, even  able to defend our values -- and       Visit
                                     with a Supreme Court and radical  win across the nation. I’m proud
                                     Republicans  doing  everything  to serve on the National Advi-  Servicing The Tri-State Area and Long Island, Florida and Italy
                                     they can to ban all reproductive  sory Board for Biden-Harris 2024
                                     freedom,  including  IVF.  He’s  because I know what millions of
                                     worked to get rid of junk fees, for-  Democratic primary voters know:
        Congresswoman Grace Meng (D-  given billions of dollars of student  Joe Biden will lead us to victory.
        NY) issued the following state-  debt, and fought inflation. He’s       It’s past time we all do what
        ment about President Biden’s  lowered the price of prescription  Congressional Democrats have
        re-election.                 drugs, including capping insulin  been doing for years. Let’s focus
                                     costs. He’s created thousands of  on the work ahead and get ready to
             “Thanks to Donald Trump,  good jobs. He fought to keep our  beat Trump and MAGA extremists
        our reproductive rights have been  water safe and our air clean. And  in November by re-electing Presi-
        gutted, middle-class families are  he signed a historic investment in  dent Joe Biden and Vice President
        struggling with higher costs, im-  our infrastructure into law.  Kamala Harris.”

           Assemblywoman Nily Rozic Funds Chinese-American
                 Planning Council Queens Community Center

        Rozic Allocated $125,000 in State
        Capital Funding for Upgrades to
        the Community Center

             Assemblywoman Nily Rozic
        (D,WF-Fresh Meadows) visited
        the Chinese-American Planning
        Council’s (CPC) Queens Com-
        munity Center this week to see
        the repairs funded by a $125,000
        state capital grant she secured for
        the center. Visitors of the commu-
        nity center, seniors and children
        in particular, have been able to
        enjoy the use of functioning el-
        evators thanks to the state grant.
        The state funding also provided  in improving the infrastructure of  grams at 35 locations citywide.
        air conditioning units for CPC’s  our Queens Community Center  The Queens Community Center
        daycare center.              that serves nearly 20,000 com-  provides social services to all
             “Centers such as the Chinese-  munity members each year. These  but especially to Asian American
        American Planning Council’s  enhancements will allow us to  Pacific Islander immigrant and
        Queens Center are vital to our  better serve community members  low-income households through
        community,” said  Assembly-  and expand our programs, ensur-  food access, health assistance,
        woman Nily Rozic. “This state  ing that we can meet the growing  family counseling, legal services,
        allocated funding has improved  needs of Queens residents. We  child care, and English translation
        the infrastructure at the center,  are grateful for Assemblywoman  services. The center is located
        facilitating its use for many in  Rozic’s support and commitment  on 41st Avenue and 133rd Street
        the community–especially those  to the well-being of Queens,” said  in Flushing and is open Monday
        who rely on its services the most.  Wayne Ho, President and CEO of  through Friday from 9:00 a.m to
        I am proud to support the seniors,  the Chinese-American Planning  5:00 p.m.
        parents, guardians, and children  Council (CPC).                Additional community invest-
        that are directly benefiting from       The Chinese-American Plan-  ments recently announced by Ro-
        these renovations as well as all  ning Council is the nation’s  zic include $250,000 to P.S. 162
        the community members whose  largest Asian American social  The John Golden School’s reno-
        services CPC reaches.”       services organization serving  vated auditorium and $50,000 to
             “We thank Assemblywoman  thousands daily in educational,  South Asian Council for Social
        Nily Rozic for the $125,000 capital  social, career, and community  Services’ food pantry and com-
        grant, which will be instrumental  services through over 50 pro-  munity programming.

            Red Tape to Turn Off Jackson Heights Red Light
                            Spas in “Red Light District”

                                     prostitutes and pimps.        City, although massage therapists
                                          On Roosevelt Avenue going  themselves are regulated by the
                                     west from Junction Boulevard  State of New York.
                                     toward the 90s and 80s during the       Moya is pushing legislation that
                                     day provocatively dressed women  would mandate business licensing.
                                     are in doorways with their pimps.  This would make spas subject to
                                     On a Friday evening, men steer  NYC Health and Safety inspec-
                                     customers toward establishments  tions, inevitably shutting down
                                     near 88th Street where woman are  illegitimate spas that are fronts
        NYC Councilman Francisco  wearing form-fitting red dress.  for prostitution.
        Moya said, “Open prostitution       Councilman Moya worked with       Councilman Moya  said, “This
        continues in broad daylight along  Mayor Eric Adams to crack down  bill is going to secure the public
        Roosevelt Avenue, with recent  on prostitution earlier this year,  safety for one, prevent human
        cleanup efforts seeming to have  which resulted in the shutdown  trafficking, two, and three, and
        no impact. He went on to say it is  of a number of “spas.” However,  it’s going to help regulate an in-
        as bad as he has ever seen”.   the effort required a lot of police  dustry that has not been regulated
                                     work, and illegal activity quickly  for years”.
             Councilman Moya wants to use  returned.                    The bill still needs to accu-
        red tape to turn off the “red light”       Massage parlors do not need  mulate enough sponsors and go
        spas that are essentially fronts for  a license to operate in New York  through the hearing process.
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