Page 6 - qt edition #3 January 16, 2025
P. 6
Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato Reminds
Community Of Alternative Transit Options
allow anyone to be completely cut 2 routes:
off and have no access to public ● The Q97 bus which will run
transportation. I appreciate that between Howard Beach and Far
the MTA worked with our com- Rockaway
munity to provide acceptable ● The Q109 bus which will
alternatives, and more options run from Howard Beach to Beach
to follow as we go through this 67th Street via Broad Channel
process,” said Assemblywoman and Beach 90th Street
Pheffer Amato. ● Tickets from the Far
Starting January 17, due in part Rockaway LIRR station to Man-
to the work of Assemblywom- hattan’s Grand Central/Penn
an Stacey Pheffer Amato, the Station or Brooklyn’s Atlantic
following alternatives will be Terminal will cost $2.75, less than
available while the A train is the current subway fare
New York State Assembly- shut down: ● Effective January 20 there will
woman Stacey Pheffer Amato ● For service to/from affected be free subway shuttle service
has spent months coordinating stations there will be a free trans- across the Rockaway Peninsula in
with the MTA to secure alterna- fer/shuttle buses which will run both directions from Beach 116th
tive transportation routes as the on three routes: Street Station to Mott Avenue free
A train is set to be temporarily ● Nonstop between Howard of charge during the duration of
shut down beginning January Beach and Far Rockaway-Mott the construction
17. For the next 17 weeks, the A Avenue The Assemblywoman was also
train will not run past the Howard ○ Between Howard Beach part of the conversation to expand
Beach Station, impacting Broad and Far Rockaway-Mott Avenue, express bus service between the
Channel and the Rockaway Pen- making all stops: Broad Channel, community and Manhattan along
insula. The MTA is conducting Beach 90 Street, Beach 67 Street, the QM15, QM16 and QM17. This
major upgrades to help protect Beach 60 Street, Beach 44 Street, will include 36 additional bus
the line from future storms and Beach 36 Street, and Beach 25 trips during the weekday, and 20 Park Side Restaurant
ensure reliable service for over Street additional trips on Saturdays. In
9,000 daily riders. In lieu of the ● Between Howard Beach and addition, the QM15 express buses
A train service, Pheffer Amato Rockaway Park-Beach 116 Street, will make additional stops in both Queens’Finest Italian Restaurant
worked with the MTA to provide stopping at Broad Channel, Beach directions throughout Howard
several alternative transportation 98 Street, and Beach 105 Street Beach and into Arverne, follow-
options saying “I was not going to ● Free shuttle bus service along ing the same route as the QM17.
Statement by CUNY Chancellor Félix V. Matos Rodríguez
on The Ratification of a New Contract for 30,000 Faculty
And Professional Staff
The Professional Staff Congress
announced that an overwhelming
90% of its members voted to ratify
the union’s new contract with
CUNY. The nearly five-year deal About Park Side Restaurant - An Italian Landmark in the heart of Corona,
covers 30,000 full- and part-time Queens, Park Side Restaurant is truly a destination that is worth the trip.
faculty and professional staff and After one visit, you will be sure to be back again and again for one the
runs retroactively from March 1, city’s Best Italian restaurants. Bring your appetite and enjoy authentic
2023, through Nov. 30, 2027. It and always delicious dishes using the freshest ingredients and attention to
provides across-the-board wage detail served by our professional staff. Park Side is also happy to host your
increases of 13.37% across the life next function with our private dining area and flexible banquet packages.
of the contract and a lump-sum
ratification bonus of up to $3,000.
It was approved by the CUNY 107-01 Corona Ave. Corona Heights, NY
Getty images
Board of Trustees on Dec. 16. Pic ture d , CUNY Chanc e llor Fé lix V. M atos (718) 271-9274 • (718) 271-9871
The following is a statement by Rodríguez and PSC President James Davis shake
CUNY Chancellor Félix V. Matos hands after signing the Memorandum of Agreement. - Reservations Suggested -
“Every day our talented faculty title-specific lump sums and eq- adjuncts will also receive a mini-
and staff members put CUNY’s uity raises, a promotional track for mum 29.1% pay increase to $7,100
mission — to provide an excep- full-time lecturers, an improved per three-credit class at the start
tional public higher education to research award program and re- of the 2027 Summer Session. In
anyone who seeks one — into assigned time pilot in support of addition, teaching adjuncts will
action. This contract reflects the CUNY’s research mission, and continue to receive health insur-
University’s commitment to these the continuation of a multi-year ance, a longstanding CUNY ben-
hardworking and dedicated indi- appointment pilot program for efit that many adjuncts in higher
viduals and will ultimately benefit teaching adjuncts. education typically don’t receive.
CUNY’s students. “In recognition of the critical
“The new contract also includes role they play at CUNY, teaching (Continued on page 8)
CM Linda Lee Attended Bellerose Commonwealth
Civic Association Swearing-In Ceremony
Recently, Councik Member
Linda Lee attended Bellerose
Commonwealth Civic Associa-
tion’s January meeting to meet
with neighbors and to swear in
their officers as we begin a new
year. Great civics like BCCA
work to preserve the integrity and
wellbeing of our neighborhoods. I
am looking forward to yet another
year of impactful collaboration
with Bellerose Commonwealth