P. 6

PAGE 6                                                     THE QUEENS TIMES                                     THURSDAY, JULY 25, 2024

           Liu To MTA: Queens Bus Redesign Must Improve
                                    Bus Service For All

                                           State Senator John Liu has  over reductions to express bus
                                      called on the MTA to incorporate  service, access to Bell Boulevard,
                                      more feedback from Queens bus  business corridors, senior centers
                                      riders  to ensure  the  final plan  and  religious  institutions,  and
                                      of the Queens Bus Redesign  congestion in downtown Flush-
                                      achieves its intended goals of cre-  ing.
                                      ating more reliable service, faster       He stated, “As we approach   To read GIA online in English and Italian
                                      travel and better connections.   the final phase of the redesign,          Visit
                                           Liu, a member of the Sen-  the MTA must incorporate these
                                      ate Transportation Committee,  community concerns into the fi-
                                      cited concerns from bus riders in  nal plan and engage more closely   Servicing The Tri-State Area and Long Island, Florida and Italy
                                      subway-deprived neighborhoods  with riders in northeast Queens
                                      in northeast Queens and noted  to develop solutions that better
                                      the Proposed Final Plan focuses  serve our needs. As the largest
                                      more on cutting costs rather than  bus network in the five boroughs,
                                      improving service. Among the  it is imperative that this redesign
                                      issues highlighted are concerns  improve service for all residents.”

                 CAPAC Welcomes Rep. Tom Suozzi as New
                                    Associate Member

                                     (CA-28) and Rep. Suozzi issued  Congressman Suozzi is a key ally
                                     the following statements:     in our work to elevate AANHPI
                                          CAPAC Chair Rep. Judy Chu  visibility and ensure that the needs
                                     (CA-28):                      and concerns of our communities
                                          “I am thrilled to welcome Con-  are met, and I am grateful for his
                                     gressman Suozzi back to CAPAC  support. I look forward to collabo-
                                     as an Associate Member of our  rating with him to continue cham-
                                     caucus! Congressman Suozzi  pioning our shared priorities.”
                                     has been a strong champion for       Rep. Tom Suozzi (NY-03):
                                     the vibrant and numerous Asian  “Chinese, Korean, Indian, Paki-
                                     American, Native Hawaiian, and  stani, and other Asian and South
                                     Pacific Islander communities of  Asian Americans are an important
                                     New York’s third congressional  and growing part of my Congres-
                                     district. Congressman Suozzi’s  sional district. I see my family’s
                                     commitment to our communities  immigrant story—my father was
                                     will once again be an important  born in Italy—in each of them. A
                                     asset to our caucus. From speak-  commitment to hard work, edu-
             The Congressional Asian  ing out against anti-Asian hate  cation, family, and deep-rooted
        Pacific American Caucus (CA-  and pushing back on xenophobic  values are what have ensured
        PAC) welcomes Rep. Tom Suozzi  anti-China rhetoric to increasing  their continued success and their
        (NY-03) as a newly confirmed  language access and data equity  significant contribution to our
        Associate Member for the 118th  and protecting the civil rights of  country. I am honored and excited
        Congress, bringing the total mem-  our communities, CAPAC will  to join my colleagues in CAPAC
        bership of the Caucus to 77 Mem-  continue to ensure that the wide  as we seek ways to better repre-
        bers of the U.S. House and Senate.  range of AANHPI issues and  sent our Asian and South Asian
             CAPAC Chair Rep. Judy Chu  voices are uplifted in Congress.  constituents.”

                  Meng Statement On President Joe Biden

        U.S. Rep. Grace Meng (D-
        Queens) released the following
        statement today on President

             “Throughout his career in pub-
        lic service, President Joe Biden
        has always put his country first.
        Under his leadership as President,
        we have made historic progress
        and passed once-in-a-generation
        legislation expanding healthcare
        access, reducing the cost of pre-
        scription drugs, addressing gun
        violence, creating millions of jobs,
        rebuilding our economy following
        the COVID-19 pandemic, defend-
        ing democracy around the world,
        and so much more. Thank you,
        Mr. President for your decades
        of service, belief in the promise
        of America, and dedication to
        making communities like Queens
        a better place for hardworking
        families, seniors, veterans, and
        students. Your legacy will un-
        doubtedly create a better future
        for generations to come.
             I will forever be grateful to
        President Biden for signing into
        law key legislation that I pushed
        such as combating hate crimes, in-  York. He visited Queens after our  ship Council which has worked
        creasing internet access to schools  borough was devastated by Hur-  to promote and implement the
        and libraries and my measure that  ricane Ida, and under his admin-  historic legislation he signed into
        seeks to create the first national  istration, our state has received  law, and I’m thrilled that Queens
        museum dedicated to preserving  billions to improve everything  has reaped the benefits of many
        the history and culture of Asian  from our roads to the environ-  of these bills.
        Americans and Pacific Islanders.   ment. I am proud to have served       I’m excited to continue to serve
             I will also never forget how  as New York’s representative  with President Biden as he com-
        President Biden delivered for New  on the House Regional Leader-  pletes his term.”
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