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PAGE 2                                                     THE QUEENS TIMES                                     THURSDAY, JULY 25, 2024

                                                                          NYC Mayor Adams Community Op Ed: Protecting
                                                                                    New Yorkers From Unsafe Batteries

                                                                      (Continued from page 1)   battery charging and swapping,  dangers of unsafe batteries by
                                                                                                increasing compliance with safety  investing an additional $1 million
                                                                   and banning the sale of uncertified  regulations, and protecting the lives  in the FDNY’s public education
                                                                   e-vehicles and refurbished batter-  of New Yorkers.       campaign. We must underscore
                                                                   ies. Governor Hochul has been a       These charging stations will  the danger posed by these devices,
                                                                   great partner as well, signing key  provide  an  alternative  to  risky  even if they are just being stored
                                                                   legislation that will protect New  charging sites that block exits, and  improperly. We need all New York-
                                                                   Yorkers from the dangers of unsafe  every one of them will be thor-  ers to know that uncertified means
                                                                   batteries.                   oughly inspected and approved  unsafe, no matter what.
                                                                        The result? A significant drop in  by the FDNY, the Department of       Approximately 59 percent of last
                                                                   lithium-ion battery related deaths  Transportation, and the Depart-  year’s fires started without these
                                                                   this year. In 2023, there were 18  ment of Buildings.     faulty batteries even being plugged
                                                                   deaths related to lithium-ion battery       The Department of Trans-  in — every New Yorker should be
                                                                   fires; this year, there has been only  portation will also be launching  aware of this danger. Just as you
                                                                   one so far — still one too many, but  America’s first municipal trade-in  wouldn’t store gasoline in your
                                                                   an important step in the right direc-  pilot program, which will help get  home or bedroom, no one should
                                                                   tion and proof that our education  unsafe e-bikes, e-scooters, and  be keeping these devices in their
                                                                   and prevention efforts are working.  batteries off our streets and replace  living spaces, either.
                                                                        Now, we are taking another leap  them with certified, high-quality       E-bikes and e-scooters are here
                                                                   forward with the launch of the New  devices and batteries.  to stay, and there are clear benefits
                                                                   York City Safe Charging Accelera-       In addition, we are working to  to using these low-cost, low-carbon
               A & F Auto Repairs, Inc.                            tor, a groundbreaking new effort to  create the Department of Sustain-  forms of micromobility. But these
                                                                   help make safe charging accessible  able Delivery, a first-in-the-nation  benefits must go hand-in-hand

                            General Auto Repairs                   to all New Yorkers.          entity which will regulate new  with updated safety efforts and
                                                                        We’re going to make it easier —  forms of delivery transit and ensure  aggressive enforcement. Working
                           (Foreingn and Domestic)                 and faster — for property owners  their safety.           together, we will ensure New York
                                Accessories                        to install public battery charging       Finally, we are continuing our  City is again leading the way and
                             • Tires • Batteries                   stations on our city’s sidewalks.  public  awareness  campaign to  getting battery safety done right
                            • Electronic Tune-ups                  These stations will allow for safe  inform New Yorkers about the  as we protect New Yorkers’ lives.
                             • Inspection Station
                                 • Towing                                Suozzi Fights For Quiet Skies; Battles FAA To
                    ARIS & FRANK                                                              Stop Aircraft Noise

                43-05 111th Street • Corona Heights, NY               (Continued from page 1)   He became Co-Chair of the Con-  countable and ensuring they take
                     Greek, Spanish and Italian Spoken                                          gressional Quiet Skies Caucus  meaningful action—not just
                 (718) 592-7470        (718) 699-2499              the Town of North Hempstead,  in 2017.                    offer lip service—to address this
                                                                   and Mayors Barbara Donno of       Over the years, Suozzi testified  deafening issue that, in addition
                                                                   Plandome Manor, Bernie Ryba of  several times before congres-  to impacting one’s quality of
          Read Our Paper Online Visit our                          Old Brookville, and Daniel Serota  sional hearings, chaired multiple  life, can negatively affect one’s
                                                                   of Brookville, met with the FAA  meetings with relevant federal  health,” he warned.
           website:                            and the Port Authority officials.  agencies, and secured significant       On a second front, Suozzi con-
                    or scan QR code                                     “We discussed many issues;  noise and safety provisions in the  tinues his fight to stop the FAA’s
                                                                   I asked the FAA to 1) evaluate  FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018.  new attempt to reassign seventeen
                                                                   “continuous descent final ap-       “This is not my first time  air traffic controllers from New
                         Subscribe to the                          proach” protocols to optimize  going toe-to-toe with the FAA,”  York Terminal Radar Approach
                                                                                                                             Control (TRACON/N90) to Phila-
                                                                   noise reduction and 2) reevaluate  Suozzi said.
                  Queens Times                                     a procedure maintaining a mini-       “We were able to reach a  delphia Tower/TRACON.
                                                                   mum 3000’ altitude on approach  number of agreements with them       “These union employees are

                                                                                                things got somewhat better after I  operation  of  almost  100,000
                                                                   agreed to consider these propos-
                Your Local Newspaper-One Edition for All Of Queens  to 22L/R at JFK. The FAA has  in 2019 and 2020 to reduce noise;  essential to the safety and smooth
                                                                   als, and I will follow through,”  left office at the end of 2022, but  flights daily and work in high-
                     Just $36.50 per year... and have the paper    announced Suozzi.            apparently, the FAA disregarded  stress, fast-paced environments
                       delivered to your door by US Mail                Since taking office in 2017,  our agreements, and the situa-  with the utmost professionalism
                                                                   Suozzi began traversing the com-  tion has gotten worse,” explained  and dedication to excellence.
                   Please Enter my Subscription For One Year       plex maze of the Federal Aviation  Suozzi.                They are the backbone of our
                                                                   Administration (FAA), looking to       “I am back…and I am com-  nation’s aviation system,” Suozzi
           Name ..............................................................................  sort out the jurisdictional issues.  mitted to holding the FAA ac-  stated.

           Address ..........................................................................  Assemblywoman Pheffer Amato’s Legislation To Increase
           City..................................................Zip...........................  Benefits To Widows/Widowers Signed Into Law
              Please make check payable to: Queens Times and mail to:    (Continued from page 1)  City and State have for the fami-  appreciation, will provide some
                    11-20 154th Street, Whitestone, NY 11357                                    lies whose loved ones made the  relief,” said Assemblywoman
                                                                   emailed the Assemblywoman to  ultimate sacrifice. Governmental  Pheffer Amato.
                                                                   thank her for introducing and pass-  employees selflessly work to keep       In addition, the Assembly-
                                                                   ing the bill, writing, “my husband  our community moving forward,  woman’s bill guaranteed that
                                                                   died in the line of duty in 1976 and  and it was my honor to pass this  SADB will continue to be paid to
                                                                   through your help, I have been able  expansion of their benefits because  the child of a fallen hero if they
                                                                   to take care of my family.”   we have an obligation to take care  are the beneficiary until they are
                                                                        “There are no words to express  of these families. I hope that this  18 years old, or 23 years old if a
                                                                   the gratitude, and condolences, our  increase, along with our eternal  student.
                     Published every week by CT Publishing Corp.
            Executive Office: 102-54 Nicolls Avenue, Corona Heights, NY 11368  Mayor Adams’ Statement On Decision By
                 Operations: 11-20 154th Street, Whitestone, NY 11357         President Biden Not To Seek Reelection
                    Phone (718) 592-2196 • FAX (718) 357-3682
                      Web Site:                                             ing statement after President Joe  country needs strong leadership
                      email:                                             Biden announced he would not  from a new generation.
                                                                                                seek reelection this November:        “From here, the Democratic
               James C. Lisa .........................Publisher/Editor                                                       Party must continue to put
               Lew Scala .............................. Associate Publisher/Webmaster                “America owes a debt of  working-people first and ad-
               Lou Duro ...............................International Correspondent              gratitude to President Joe Biden  dress their concerns about the
               Nicole Rescigno.....................Office Manager                               for his decades of service. He  cost of living, public safety, and
               Joseph V. Dorsa ...................Photo Journalist                              and his team took us out of CO-  our shared democratic values. I
               Joseph Natalle .......................Photojournalist                            VID, stabilized the country, and  look forward to working with
         The Queens Times, USPS # P127 AIC060 is published weekly by CT Publishing Corp.        restored the soul of the nation.   senior members of the party as
         for an annual subscription charge of $28.50, mail subscription request to Queens Times,        “President Biden is now  we make our push towards No-
         11-20 154th Street, Whitestone, NY 11357, Periodicals Postage at Flushing, NY.         again delivering for the Ameri-  vember and ensure we address     (Continued on page 10)
         POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Queens Times at 11-20 154th Street,    New York City  Mayor Eric   can people by passing the torch  the concerns of New Yorkers
         Whitestone, NY 11357                                      Adams has released the follow-  at a critical moment, when the  and all Americans.”
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