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PAGE 2                                                     THE QUEENS TIMES                                     THURSDAY, JULY 11, 2024

                                                                     Mayor Adams Community Op-Ed: Fighting For Safer,
                                                                                                  Cleaner Streets

                                                                       (Continued from page 1)  creation of our fifth quality of   and more.
                                                                                                life improvement hub, located        The coalition deploys teams
                                                                        We know that community   in Midtown Manhattan. These   to conduct regular walkthroughs
                                                                   input is critical to improving   hubs bring together law enforce-  where they observe issues in real
                                                                   public safety. That is why we are   ment, elected officials, and com-  time and speak with local com-
                                                                   bringing partners from across the   munity and business leaders to   munity members and businesses
                                                                   city together to find innovative   address retail theft, substance   on the ground. They also iden-
                                                                   approaches to reducing crime   use, the mental health crisis,   tify specific individuals in the
                                                                   and improving quality of life.   beautification, illegal scaffold-
                                                                   Last  week, we announced the   ing, unlicensed cannabis shops,   (Continued on page 3)

                                                                      Council Member Francisco Moya Announces FY 2025
                                                                        Discretionary And Capital Budgets For District 21

                                                                      (Continued from page 1)   •    Publicolor Art Programming  •    Classroom Upgrades
                                                                                                •    Iconic Sports Lab & Soccer  •    Dance Classroom and Gym
                                                                   Community Services and Clean-  for Kids                   Upgrades
                                                                   up Efforts: Total: $330,000  •    Hispanic Federation Saturday       Additionally, significant
                                                                   •    Department of Sanitation  Night Lights               funding has been directed to key
                                                                   Clean-Up Services                 Older Adults Programming:  District 21 institutions, including:
               A & F Auto Repairs, Inc.                            •    ACE Community Cleanup  Total: $360,000               •    Queens Theatre
                                                                                                                             •    Hall of Science
                                                                                                •    Elmcor Older Adult Centers
                            General Auto Repairs                        Parks and Recreation: Total:  •    RAICES Senior Center  •    Rooftop Films
                                                                                                                                  “These funds will not only
                                                                                                •    Su CASA Programming
                           (Foreingn and Domestic)                 •    NYC Parks Fitness & Com-  •    CityMeals on Wheels   enhance the quality of life for
                                Accessories                        munity Programming           •    Urban Upbound Programming  residents but also ensure that
                             • Tires • Batteries                   •    Rooftop Films Free Movies  for Seniors               our youth, seniors, and families
                            • Electronic Tune-ups                       Legal and Crisis Services:       Capital Budget Highlights:  have access to vital services and
                             • Inspection Station                  Total: $185,000              •    Over $4 million has been al-  programs. I am committed to
                                 • Towing                          •    Legal Services and Crisis  located to District 21 schools for  continuing to work
                    ARIS & FRANK                                   Intervention                 various upgrades, including:  for the needs of District 21 and
                                                                        Animal Care: Total: $20,000
                                                                                                                             look forward to seeing the posi-
                                                                                                •    Outdoor Space Renovations
                43-05 111th Street • Corona Heights, NY            •    Animal Care Center Pet Vac-  •    HVAC and Gym Upgrades  tive impact these funds will have
                                                                                                •    Security Cameras
                     Greek, Spanish and Italian Spoken                  Youth Programming: Total:  •    Library and Playground Up-  on our community,” said Council
                                                                                                                             Member Francisco Moya.
                 (718) 592-7470        (718) 699-2499              $540,000                     grades                            For more information, please
                                                                   •    Cultural After-School Adven-  •    Technology and Computer  contact Chantal Alba 917-993-
                                                                   ture (CASA)                  Labs                         1697,
          Read Our Paper Online Visit our
           website:                               Governor Hochul Launched The “Get Offline, Get
                    or scan QR code                                                    Outside” Summer Campaign
                                                                      (Continued from page 1)   Stop Addictive Feeds Exploita-  children ages 1-4 and that climate
                         Subscribe to the                               Governor Kathy Hochul has  New York Child Data Protection  events, NY SWIMS will build
                                                                                                tion (SAFE) for Kids Act and  change will increase extreme heat
                  Queens Times                                     launched the “Get Offline, Get  Act – to protect kids from addic-  out municipal swimming facili-

                                                                   Outside” summer campaign to  tive social media feeds and shield  ties in high-need areas, connect
                                                                   promote physical and mental  their personal data from online  New Yorkers to the State’s rivers
                Your Local Newspaper-One Edition for All Of Queens  health by helping New York’s  platforms.                 and lakes, deploy pools in urban
                                                                   kids and families to put down       As part of her $1 billion invest-  environments, and invest in State
                     Just $36.50 per year... and have the paper    their phones and computers, take  ment in mental health statewide,  parks and pools. It will also pro-
                       delivered to your door by US Mail           a break from social media, and  Governor Hochul has significantly  mote initiatives to help more New
                                                                   enjoy recreation and outdoor so-  expanded access to mental health  Yorkers swim safely by addressing
                   Please Enter my Subscription For One Year       cial gatherings. Governor Hochul  care and resources for young peo-  the statewide lifeguard shortage,
                                                                   kicked off the campaign by an-  ple and their families, including  increasing swimming instruction,
           Name ..............................................................................  nouncing that the State is waiving  school-based mental health clinics  and increasing amenities at pools
                                                                   swimming pool entry fees at New  and Youth Assertive Community  and beaches.
           Address ..........................................................................  York State Parks this summer.  Treatment teams. This focus on       Governor Hochul announced
                                                                   Additionally, Governor Hochul  youth supports and services con-  a $1.5 million Connect Kids to
           City..................................................Zip...........................  launched the $1.5 million Connect  tinued with additional investments  Swimming Instruction Transpor-
              Please make check payable to: Queens Times and mail to:    Kids to Swimming Instruction  secured by the Governor in the  tation Grant program. Admin-
                    11-20 154th Street, Whitestone, NY 11357       Transportation Grant program  FY2025 Enacted Budget.      istered by the Office of Parks,
                                                                   to help with transportation to       Just as Governor Hochul is  Recreation and Historic Preser-
                                                                   swimming lessons as part of the  helping young people to avoid  vation (OPRHP), the Connect
                                                                   NY SWIMS initiative. This fol-  unhealthy habits and support their  Kids to Swimming Instruction
                                                                   lows the Governor’s historic $150  mental health, she is also making  Transportation Grant Program
                                                                   million NY SWIMS investment  it easier for kids to get physically  will connect New York school
                                                                   to support pools in underserved  active and spend time outdoors  age children (pre-K through grade
                                                                   communities – New York’s big-  with friends and family. Today’s  12) with swimming instruction by
                                                                   gest investment in swimming  announcements to expand access  reimbursing transportation costs
                                                                   since the New Deal. Governor  to  pools  and  transportation  to  (including parking and vehicle use
                     Published every week by CT Publishing Corp.   Hochul made today’s announce-  swimming lessons will help more  fees) incurred by eligible entities
            Executive Office: 102-54 Nicolls Avenue, Corona Heights, NY 11368  ment  at  Riverbank  State  Park  New Yorkers across the state to  for travel to facilities in New York
                 Operations: 11-20 154th Street, Whitestone, NY 11357  Pools in New York City alongside  “Get Offline, Get Outside.”  State that are operated by State,
                    Phone (718) 592-2196 • FAX (718) 357-3682      local elected officials.          Governor Hochul announced  municipal, and not-for-profit orga-
                      Web Site:                     “We’re making it easier for our  that the State is waiving pool entry  nizations and offer swim instruc-
                      email:                young people to put down their  fees for the rest of this summer at  tion for a nationally recognized
                                                                   phones and computers, enjoy time  swimming pools located at State  learn-to-swim curriculum such as
               James C. Lisa .........................Publisher/Editor  with friends and family, and stay  Parks throughout New York.  the American Red Cross, YMCA,
               Lew Scala .............................. Associate Publisher/Webmaster  active all cross our state,” Gov-  Regular parking fees still apply at  or Starfish Aquatics.
               Lou Duro ...............................International Correspondent  ernor Hochul said. “Summer is  State Parks locations that include       The program allows for grant
               Nicole Rescigno.....................Office Manager  here – get offline and get outside.”  on-site parking. Governor Hochul  recipients to be reimbursed up to
               Joseph V. Dorsa ...................Photo Journalist       Governor Hochul’s “Get Of-  has also initiated a pilot program  $45,000 per fiscal year for eligible
               Joseph Natalle .......................Photojournalist  fline,  Get  Outside”  campaign  at State Park pools to offer free  transportation expenses and there
         The Queens Times, USPS # P127 AIC060 is published weekly by CT Publishing Corp.   builds on her efforts to promote  sunscreen to help families stay  is no matching share required.
         for an annual subscription charge of $28.50, mail subscription request to Queens Times,   healthy living among young peo-  safe in the sun and enjoy the  Applications will be received on
         11-20 154th Street, Whitestone, NY 11357, Periodicals Postage at Flushing, NY.    ple and families across New York.  outdoors.  a rolling basis. Grant details and   (Continued on page 10)
         POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Queens Times at 11-20 154th Street,    Governor Hochul recently signed       Recognizing that drowning  guidelines are available on the
         Whitestone, NY 11357                                      nation-leading legislation – the  is the leading cause of death for  State Parks website.
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