Page 2 - qt edition #3 January 16, 2025
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Mayor Eric Adams’ Community Op-Ed: Making New York
City The Best Place to Raise a Family
(Continued from page 1) Safe Haven beds that offer people dependents to help you make rent,
on our streets extra support and afford groceries, and cover the
Adams never stopped fighting to specialized services; open a new cost of childcare.
provide her family with a better facility to care for unhoused New And to lay the foundation for
life, and that is why I will never Yorkers suffering from serious a lifetime of financial freedom,
stop fighting to do the same for mental illness; and launch a new we set a new goal of making sure
you. program to connect soon-to-be every student can learn how to
To make America’s safest big parents applying for shelters with save and spend money by 2030.
city even safer, we are adding permanent housing, because no We are going to put a financial
hundreds of new officers to our child should ever be born into our educator in every school district
subways and making the smart, city’s shelter system. to provide workshops, counsel-
upstream investments that prevent To make sure more families ing, and curriculum, and we are
crime in the first place. can afford to live across the five going to open new bank branches
This year, we will begin a $163 boroughs, we’re launching “City in city schools to give students
million expansion of five of our of Yes for Families.” We’ll work hands-on experience creating a
most successful programs that with city agencies and with the bank account.
connect young people to careers, City Council to build more fam- Finally, from Central Park to
college, and counseling. We know ily-friendly neighborhoods; that Flushing Meadows, our city’s
that if we do not educate, we will means more family-sized homes parks are where families come
incarcerate, which is why we will and homes for multi-generational together, so this year, we are go-
expand these programs to reach families, so parents, grandpar- ing to open up more playgrounds
A & F Auto Repairs, Inc. 8,000 young New Yorkers. ents, and grandchildren can live for use on nights, weekends, and
When we came into office, we together. It also means building during the summer to put another
General Auto Repairs said the days of letting people lan- more homes alongside schools, 20,000 New Yorkers within a
guish on our streets and subways libraries, grocery stores, and 10-minute walk of a park.
(Foreingn and Domestic) were over. We moved 8,000 New playgrounds so families have ev- No matter what challenges New
Accessories Yorkers from our subways into erything they need close to home. York City faces, I promise you
• Tires • Batteries shelter and committed to caring To put more money back in this: no one will fight harder for
• Electronic Tune-ups for those who could not care for your pockets, we put forward an your family than our administra-
• Inspection Station themselves. But we need to go ambitious proposal to eliminate tion will.
• Towing further. city income taxes for working- With these investments in
ARIS & FRANK Last week, I announced a class families making 150 percent public spaces and public safety,
$650 million investment to bol-
of the federal poverty line or less. housing and financial freedom,
43-05 111th Street • Corona Heights, NY ster that work and tackle street Our “Axe the Tax” proposal will we will make sure that the greatest
Greek, Spanish and Italian Spoken homelessness in New York City. give over $63 million back to city in the world is also the best
We are going to add 900 more 582,000 New Yorkers and their place to raise a family.
(718) 592-7470 (718) 699-2499
Money In Your Pockets: Governor Hochul
Read Our Paper Online Visit our Proposes Sweeping Expansion of The Child Tax
website: Credit to Deliver Up to $1,000 Per Child
or scan QR code
(Continued from page 1) ends meet — and I’ll never stop its gradual rate of phaseout means
fighting to make New York more even a family of four with house-
Subscribe to the As her second proposal for the affordable for every family.” hold income of $170,000 would
Queens Times 2025 State of the State, Governor Governor Hochul’s proposed receive over $500 per year. That
Kathy Hochul today proposed a expansion of New York’s child tax family would not have qualified
historic expansion of New York’s credit will drive significant assis-
for any credit under the current
child tax credit for more than tance to families with the youngest program.
Your Local Newspaper-One Edition for All Of Queens 2.75 million children. Governor children and help families across This announcement builds
Hochul’s plan would give 1.6 mil- the income spectrum. The average on Governor Hochul’s legacy of
Just $36.50 per year... and have the paper lion New York families an annual credit given out to families will lifting up New York’s families,
delivered to your door by US Mail tax credit of up to $1,000 per child double from $472 to $943. It will including expanding the State’s
under age four and up to $500 per be instrumental in helping to ad- child tax credit to more than
Please Enter my Subscription For One Year child from four through sixteen. dress child poverty in New York 600,000 previously excluded
This proposal represents the State — and will also deliver relief children under four in 2023. With
Name .............................................................................. single largest boost to New York’s to many middle-class families Governor Hochul’s plan unveiled
child tax credit in its history, and whose incomes are currently too today, a family with a three-year-
Address .......................................................................... a significant increase above the high to qualify for the credit. old would benefit from up to
value of the existing credit, which For example, under Governor $1,000 — money that can be put
City..................................................Zip........................... currently provides only up to $330 Hochul’s expanded child tax toward child care, food and other
Please make check payable to: Queens Times and mail to: per child. credit, a family of four with a tod- essentials — when they would
11-20 154th Street, Whitestone, NY 11357 “From groceries to strollers to dler and school-age child, and a have qualified for zero dollars
kids’ clothes, the cost of living and household income up to $110,000, only two years ago.
raising a family is still too damn would receive a credit of $1,500 From groceries to strollers to
high — and that’s why we’re pro- per year — representing nearly kids’ clothes, the cost of living and
posing a massive increase in New $1,000 more per year than what raising a family is still too damn
York’s child tax credit to put up to that family receives under the high — and that’s why we’re pro-
$1,000 per kid back in the pockets current program. posing a massive increase in New
of hardworking families,” Gover- Additionally, while the full York’s child tax credit to put up to
nor Hochul said. “As New York’s credit is available to jointly filing $1,000 per kid back in the pockets
first mom governor, I know how households up to $110,000, the of hardworking families.” Said
Published every week by CT Publishing Corp. hard it can be for parents to make expanded credit combined with Governor Hochul
Executive Office: 102-54 Nicolls Avenue, Corona Heights, NY 11368
Operations: 11-20 154th Street, Whitestone, NY 11357
Phone (718) 592-2196 • FAX (718) 357-3682 Council Member Francisco Moya And
Web Site:
email: Mayor Adams Revitalize Roosevelt Avenue
James C. Lisa .........................Publisher/Editor (Continued from page 1) safety concerns and enhanc- a renewed sense of community
Lew Scala .............................. Associate Publisher/Webmaster ing the area’s overall quality of pride.
Lou Duro ...............................International Correspondent Operation Restore Roosevelt is life. Council Member Francisco On a recent Friday evening,
Nicole Rescigno.....................Office Manager in collaboration with the Mayors Moya and Mayor Eric Adams community leaders and business
Joseph V. Dorsa ...................Photo Journalist Office, the Office of Council recently walked along the avenue owners applauded the operation’s
Joseph Natalle .......................Photojournalist Member Moya and NYC Agencies to observe the positive progress success. The improvements have
The Queens Times, USPS # P127 AIC060 is published weekly by CT Publishing Corp. firsthand. Once known for illegal not only reduced crime but have
for an annual subscription charge of $28.50, mail subscription request to Queens Times, Launched in October 2024, activities, street vending, and un- also boosted local businesses,
11-20 154th Street, Whitestone, NY 11357, Periodicals Postage at Flushing, NY. Operation Restore Roosevelt aims sanitary conditions, the avenue is creating an atmosphere of hope
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Queens Times at 11-20 154th Street, to revitalize Roosevelt Avenue in now undergoing a transformation
Whitestone, NY 11357 Corona, Queens, by addressing marked by improved safety and (Continued on page 3)