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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2024                                THE QUEENS TIMES                                                            PAGE 3

             INVESTOR ALERT: Attorney General James                                              Congressman Tom Suozzi Meets With

           Warns New Yorkers of Investment Scams Using                                          South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol
                               AI-Manipulated Videos                                                             In South Korea
                                                                                                   (Continued from page 1)   the US, South Korea’s historic
             New York Attorney General Le-  It can be difficult to tell from the  make any investments. Even if it           investment in the United States,
        titia James has issued an investor  video alone if it is a deepfake.  appears to be a livestream, this   Congressional Delegation met  and how our countries can work
        alert warning New Yorkers about        Once their victims show inter-  could in fact still be a deepfake.   with President Yoon Suk Yeol  together to strengthen outbound
        scams that are luring potential  est in the supposed investment,  •    To do a reverse search of   to discuss the importance of the  investment restrictions to China
        investors with fake videos created  scammers may try to move the  the footage used, check reliable   US-Korea alliance in the face of  and our critical and emerging
        with artificial intelligence (AI) to  conversation off of public social  sources for previous interviews of   authoritarian pressure from China  technology supply chains.
        show celebrities and business lead-  media into encrypted private mes-  the speaker. Fraudsters will often   and North Korea; and, the delega-       The Delegation concluded
        ers touting fraudulent investment  saging services such as Whatsapp  utilize footage from an existing   tion also met with Korean legisla-  with a visit to the American and
        schemes. These AI-manipulated  or Signal. After the victims have  public video or audio.  tors at the National Assembly.  Korean Joint Security Area at
        videos, known as deepfakes, of-  made an initial investment on the  •    Do not provide any personal in-       The Congressional Delegation  the Demilitarized Zone between
        ten appear in social media feeds,  fraudulent platforms described  formation, financial information,   met with the Foreign Trade Min-  North and South Korea to learn
        digital ads, and messaging apps  in the ads, scammers will often  log in credentials, etc., to individu-  ister to discuss the importance of  more about the work of our troops
        and are expected to fuel billions of  create fake websites showing the  als that you have only met online.  trade between South Korea and  in the region.
        dollars in fraud every year. After  investment increasing in value  •    If a solicitation comes from
        receiving complaints from New  and encourage victims to send  one of your known contacts, verify  Older Adult Town Hall At Forest Hills
        Yorkers about these videos and  more money. After making more  that it is your actual contact by       Community Center
        their associated scams, the Office  investments, sometimes totaling  reviewing their profile and con-
        of the Attorney General (OAG) is  hundreds of thousands of dollars,  tacting them through an alternate
        urging New Yorkers to follow tips  victims will be unable to with-  form of communication, such as
        to protect themselves and to report  draw their funds or will be asked  a phone call.
        this misleading content to law  to pay more in withdrawal fees  •    To prevent fraudsters from im-
        enforcement and the social media  or “taxes.” Eventually, the scam-  personating your contacts, change
        platforms they appear on.    mers will cut off contact, having  your profile settings to keep your
             “Sophisticated scammers are  pocketed the victim’s money from  friends list, photos, videos, posts,
        using AI to impersonate trusted  the first investment. Even worse,  and even comments private.
        business leaders and scam vul-  victims may be later contacted  •    Do not click on any links in
        nerable New Yorkers out of their  by services that suggest they can  emails or direct messages unless
        hard-earned money,” said Attor-  retrieve their funds, only to end  you have confirmed the identity
        ney General James. “Manipulated  up draining more of the victims’  of the sender.
        videos advertising phony invest-  net worth.               •    Be wary of unsolicited invest-
        ment scams are spreading like       Attorney General James recom-  ment  opportunities,  especially
        wildfire on social media, and New  mends that New Yorkers take the  those that come via email, social
        Yorkers should know how to avoid  following steps to avoid becoming  media, or phone calls. Legitimate
        falling victim to these schemes. I  the victim of a deepfake invest-  firms do not aggressively push       Queens is leading the way in  City’s Older Adult Town Hall. Over
        encourage anyone who encounters  ment scam:                potential investors to make quick  older adult population growth in  120 older adults from our six Older
        these types of scams to contact my  •    When considering investing,  decisions or disclose sensitive in-  New York City, with a remarkable  Adult Centers across Queens gath-
        office.”                     look out for the following red  formation through these channels.  increase of 39.3% in the last de-  ered to discuss issues important to
             Deepfake investment scams  flags:                     •    Enable Multi-Factor Au-  cade. To care for Queens means to  them, and had the opportunity to
        target victims online with AI-  •    Promises of guaranteed returns  thentication (MFA) on all your  ensure that the needs of older adults  ask Mayor Adams questions about
        manipulated videos that show  on your investment.          accounts, particularly those re-  are being heard and addressed.  what’s being done to address those
        wealthy individuals like Elon  •    Demands to invest immediately  lated to finance and email. MFA  By involving them in the City’s  concerns. Many of the participants
        Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Warren  or warning that you will miss out  requires more than one method  decision-making processes, we can  emphasized the need to increase
        Buffet apparently touting the  on the opportunity.         of verification, making it much  create more inclusive and equitable  funding for NYC Aging to support
        scammers’ investment schemes,  •    Requests to invest by celebrities  harder for scammers to access  communities.   programs and services for older
        which often involve cryptocur-  or other famous people.    your accounts—even if they use       On August 28, we hosted NYC  adults. Other issues mentioned
        rency. Scammers use AI tools  •    Demands that you send cryp-  sophisticated techniques like  Mayor Eric Adams at our Forest  include safety, housing, mental
        to manipulate existing videos to  tocurrency to a non-bitlicensed  deepfakes.           Hills Community Center for the  health, and transportation.
        change the voice and mouth move-  platform or a private wallet.  •    Please keep in mind that these
        ments of the individuals to create  •    Requests to move public con-  transactions are almost always ir-   Council Member James F. Gennaro
        seemingly genuine endorsements  versations to encrypted private  reversible. If you decide to invest,
        for their frauds. These videos are  messaging platforms.   keep all your paperwork and pre-  Calls on DOT, Adams Administration to
        then served to social media users  •    Conduct your own due dili-  serve your communications.  End E-Scooter Program in District 24
        as advertisements or broadcast as  gence by searching the internet for       Attorney General James encour-
        fake livestreams on platforms like  reviews about the salesperson and  ages anyone who may have been        “Since the launch of the Mayor’s  Transportation (DOT) and their
        YouTube. Scammers may also pose  by verifying any physical address  a victim of this type of scam to   e-scooter program in Northeast  stakeholders are failing in their
        as government officials or other  provided by the salesperson.   report it to OAG by filing a com-  Queens, my office has gotten a  promise to hold customers ac-
        people in order to gain victims’  •    You can check investment pro-  plaint online or calling 1-800-771-  lot of feedback from community  countable when they finish their
        trust. The accessibility of AI tools  fessional registration at FINRA’s  7755. Any identifying information   members, who are overwhelm-  rides and ditch the scooters in
        allows scammers to produce ads  BrokerCheck.               provided to OAG will be protected   ingly unhappy about what it  the middle of the sidewalk, or on
        for their frauds at scale with a  •    Be wary of livestreams or other  according to law and policies on   has done to our quality of life.  private property. While I cannot
        variety of impersonations to target  video/audio messages you receive  the safeguarding of identifying   I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it  force DOT to end this program
        a wide range of potential victims.  that are trying to persuade you to  information.    again – e-scooters have no place  or modify its rules, we have been
        NYC Parks Serves Up Pizza-Specific Trash Cans To Manage                                 in our community. Not only do  sharing all the feedback we’ve
                                                                                                they pose a major hazard to both  gotten directly with them. The
                              Trash, Fight Scourge Of Rats                                      its operators and pedestrians, but  community does not want these
        Pizza boxes, difficult to fit in                                                        they are also often left haphaz-  scooters here. I do not want these
                                                                                                ardly on sidewalks and streets,  scooters here. And I call on this
        typical trash cans, can now be                                                          creating dangerous obstacles on  Administration and DOT to ter-
        disposed in specially designed                                                          our sidewalks. It is clear from all  minate this program in District
        receptacles in five parks citywide                                                      this feedback that the Dept. of  24 immediately.”

             NYC Parks Commissioner                                                                Assemblywoman Pheffer Amato
        Sue Donoghue announced the
        installation of new trash recep-                                                           And NYPD Hold 9/11 Memorial
        tacles custom-designed for the
        disposal of pizza boxes. Through                                                             New York State Assembly-  ness. The ceremony is also a way
        this initiative, visitors at parks                                                      woman Stacey Pheffer Amato  to honor the NYPD class of 2001,
        throughout the city can dispose                                                         is once again partnering with  the over 1,100 officers who had
        of their empty pizza boxes in                                                           the Community Affairs Bureau  graduated a few months before
        dedicated containers, rather than                                                       of the NYPD to host the annual  the terrorist attack and jumped
        forcing the rectangular boxes into                                                      “Memorial Prayer For The NYPD  into action to save the lives of
        circular bins.                                                                          9/11 Class” on September 7th at  New Yorkers.
             By keeping pizza boxes sepa-                                                       the Amphitheater on Beach 94th       “The NYPD Class of 2001 had
        rate from other trash, Parks hopes                                                      Street and Shore Front Parkway  just graduated, they were still
        to reduce trash can overflow to  boxes and food waste are disposed       “Pizza Rat will find no quarter  starting at 10:30am. The memorial  rookies, yet, none of our City’s
        keep our parks cleaner, as bulky  of separately will also reduce the  in city parks soon enough, thanks  event honors NYPD officers who  finest hesitated to help on that day.
        pizza boxes sometimes cause  food sources available to rats, fur-  to these pizza-ready trash cans,”  were killed on September 11th,  All of the first responders who ran
        blockages inside traditional trash  thering New York City’s ongoing                     2001, along with those who have
        cans. Ensuring that empty pizza  rat-mitigation efforts.       (Continued on page 9)    died as a result of 9/11-related ill-  (Continued on page 9)
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