P. 3

THURSDAY, JULY 25, 2024                                    THE QUEENS TIMES                                                            PAGE 3

                 Jeanette Garramone Joins Assemblywoman                                           Senator John Liu: Statement On

                            Stacey Pheffer Amato’s Team                                                      Biden’s Departure
                                           New York State Assembly-  tant work of resolving constituent       State Senator John Liu stated  was the right choice to restore
                                      woman Stacey Pheffer Amato  cases. It’s my privilege to be part  the  following  about  President  hope to our country. Thank you
                                      announced the hiring of known  of this team and join this office  Joe Biden’s decision to not seek  for your service to our nation,
                                      community activist Jeanette Gar-  in doing great work for all of us,”  reelection.     Mr. President, and for putting
                                      ramone in the role of Constituent  said Jeanette Garramone.         “President Biden’s deci-  the best interests of our nation
                                      Liaison. “I am so excited that       Jeanette serves as the Part  sion was not an easy one, but it  first.”
                                      Jeanette has joined our team,”  B Female District Leader for
                                      said Assemblywoman Pheffer  the 23rd Assembly District,     Velázquez Statement on Netanyahu’s
                                      Amato. “Her volunteerism and  an unpaid role that focuses on
                                      track record for serving our com-  civic engagement that she was    Joint Address to Congress
                                      munity is beyond exceptional.  elected to alongside the late Lew
                                      Jeanette’s desire to help her  Simon. In addition, she is the  Congresswoman Nydia M.   ians. At least 39,000 Palestinians,
                                      neighbors shows that she will do  President of the Lew M. Simon  Velázquez issued the following  including 15,000 children, have
                                      great work for the residents of the  Regular Democratic Club on the  statement ahead of Israeli Prime  lost their lives, tens of thousands
                                      23rd Assembly District.”     Rockaway Peninsula, a Lion at  Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s  more have been injured, millions
                                                “Assemblywoman  Pheffer  the Howard Beach/Ozone Park/  joint address to Congress:  have been displaced, and Gaza
                                      Amato’s Office has always helped  Woodhaven Lions Club, one of                         has been made unlivable for the
                                      the residents of our community.  the founders of the Rockaway       “On Wednesday, Israeli Prime  Palestinian people.
                                      My sleeves are rolled up and I’m  Kiwanis Club, and is a member  Minister Benjamin Netanyahu       “The situation in Gaza is a
                                      ready to participate in the impor-  of Queens Community Board 14.  will address a joint session of  humanitarian disaster, and lead-
                                                                                                Congress for a record fourth time.  ers in our government cannot
            New York’s 2024 Delegates To The Democratic National                                I will not be attending.     simply sit back and watch it hap-
                                                                                                     “Hamas’ brutal and inhuman  pen. That is why I have pushed
            Convention Endorse Vice President Kamala Harris For                                 attack of October 7th took the  for a permanent ceasefire and
                             President Of The United States                                     lives of 1,200 innocent Israeli  de-escalation since the early days
                                                                                                civilians, resulted in hundreds of  of the war.  It is clear that Prime
             New York’s delegation to the       “As the state with the second  continue doing everything in my   Israelis and multiple Americans  Minister Netanyahu is a major
        2024 Democratic National Con-  most Democratic delegates in  power to defeat him in November.”   being taken hostage, and cast  obstacle to achieving a permanent
        vention  voted  to endorse  Vice  the country, I’m so proud of New       “The New York State Democrat-  widespread fear for Israelis and  ceasefire, securing the release
        President Kamala Harris for the  York’s delegation for joining me  ic Delegation stands behind Vice   Jewish people around the world.   of the remaining hostages, and
        Democratic nomination for Presi-  to support Vice President Har-  President Harris and is excited to   I was one of the first members  ultimately achieving a two-state
        dent.                         ris,” said Governor Kathy Hochul.  cast our votes for her at the Demo-  of Congress from New York to  solution. From his conduct in
             During a virtual meeting  “Vice President Harris is a proven  cratic Nominating Convention,”   condemn these heinous attacks.  this war to his actions to weaken
        this evening, Governor Hochul  leader with the experience, skills,  said Chairman Jay Jacobs. “The   While Israel has the right to de-  Israeli Democracy, it is clear he
        and leaders from the New York  and moral clarity necessary to  Vice President is a true leader, a   fend its borders and protect its cit-  is putting his political fortunes
        State Democratic Party applauded  lead and there is no one better pre-  partner to one of our most success-  izens, since last October, Prime  above the Israeli people. In the in-
        President Biden for his courage  pared to prosecute the case against  ful Presidents, and someone who   Minister Netanyahu has presided  terest of protecting human rights
        and patriotism, and rallied support  Donald Trump. I’ve made it clear  represents the ideals and values of   over a truly horrific war in Gaza.   and ending this terrible conflict,
        for Vice President Harris as the  that Trump is the greatest threat  the Democratic Party – I’m thrilled   The military campaign in Gaza  Congress should not welcome Ne-
        Democratic nominee.           to America’s future and I will  New York has her back.”   has unleashed unprecedented  tanyahu with open arms. That is
                                                                                                carnage on innocent Palestin-  why I will not attend his address.”

            QBP Richards On President Biden’s Withdrawal                                           Nation’s Largest Healthcare Union,
                         From 2024 Presidential Election                                           1199SEIU, Endorses Kamala Harris
                                                                                                                  For President

             Queens Borough President  ment,” said Borough President  he invested millions of dollars       1199SEIU United Healthcare  George  Gresham,  President  of
        Donovan Richards Jr. stated the  RICHARDS. “In his nearly four  to  upgrade  our  infrastructure.  Workers East has endorsed Kamala  1199SEIU. “Vice President Harris
        following in response to President  years in the Oval Office, Presi-  He visited our borough to shine  Harris for President. The decision  is the next-generation leader we
        Joe Biden’s announcement that  dent  Biden  has  done  and  been  a spotlight on our crisis manage-  was made after the Union’s Execu-  need to defeat those who would
        he is withdrawing from the 2024  exactly that. From unprecedented  ment system as well, calling our  tive Council—the highest decision-  turn back the clock on our rights
        presidential race and endorsing  investment in our infrastructure  cure violence groups a national  making body comprised of elected  and instead ensure that working
        Vice President Kamala Harris.  to record low unemployment to  model for how to uplift at-risk  officers and rank-and-file members  families can prosper and thrive.  As
             “Joe Biden assumed the presi-  beating back the COVID-19 pan-  youth. Queens has never had a  from every state and region of  a former senator, attorney general,
        dency in a time when American  demic, there has not been a more  better friend on the federal level  1199SEIU—voted unanimously in  and prosecutor, she is more than up
        democracy was teetering on the  successful presidential term in my  than Joe Biden,” added Borough  support of her candidacy.  to the task to prosecute the case
        brink. In the throes of a deadly  lifetime than President Biden’s.  President RICHARDS. “With       With 450,000 members across  of why a twice-impeached and
        pandemic and just two  weeks  His unquestionable successes  American democracy once again  the East Coast, 1199SEIU’s en-  34-times convicted felon—the
        after a fatal insurrection at the  and historic record have made the  on the jagged edge, I commend  dorsement comes with a mas-  person who instigated the assault
        Capitol — encouraged by his  United States a better place, and  President Biden for demonstrating  sive voter turnout and member  on our nation’s Capitol and who
        disgraced, twice-impeached pre-  President Biden will go down in  his unmatched dedication to this  engagement operation, ready to  was also found liable for sexual
        decessor  who  did  unspeakable  history as one of America’s great-  country by stepping aside. In Vice  hit the streets to get out the vote  assault—has no place anywhere
        damage to our nation — Presi-  est leaders.                President Kamala Harris, we are  to advance the most pro-worker  near the Oval Office.   As a Black
        dent Biden swore an oath to our       “Here in Queens, we’ve seen  lucky to have yet another unshak-  agenda in US history.  and Asian woman, Kamala Harris
        Constitution and pledged in his  President Biden’s empathy and  able ally in Washington. This No-       “This is a unifying and elec-  will continue to shatter glass ceil-
        inaugural address to restore the  love of country first hand. In the  vember, I wholeheartedly believe  trifying moment for the Demo-  ings and inspire a new generation
        soul of America. To be a president  wake of Hurricane Ida’s destruc-  she will shatter that glass ceiling  cratic Party and our country,” said  of Americans.”
        for every American, all of whom  tive flooding that claimed a dozen  once and for all and I look forward
        deserve to be treated with dignity  lives, he not only came to East  to working with her in continuing   Gillibrand Endorses Vp Kamala Harris
        and respect from their govern-  Elmhurst to mourn with us, but  to move America forward.”
                                                                                                                   For President

                Statement On President Biden’s Decision To                                           U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand  ers and justice. She is incredibly
                                                                                                endorsed VP Kamala Harris for  well-qualified, with experience as
                              Withdraw From The Race                                            president and issued the following  a prosecutor, as a lawmaker, and as
                                                                                                                             a leader on the world stage. Now is
                                                                                                 “I am proud to endorse my friend,  the time to unite. VP Harris has the
                                                                                                Vice President Kamala Harris, for  grit and toughness to beat Donald
             I admired Joe Biden when he  years – and I have ad-mired the   and party above his own personal  president. VP Harris is an unwav-  Trump and I’m eager to join her in
        was a United States Senator.  I  job he has done under the most   desires, places him in the category  ering champion for families, work-  this fight.”
        thought his selection as Barack  difficult of circumstances.   of every great political leader
        Obama’s Vice Presidential pick       I have never admired Joe Biden   since George Washington set the
        was perfect for our country.  I  more than I do today.  Voluntarily   standard some 225 years ago.
        have admired Joe Biden’s decency,  ceding the nomination and forgo-       While the nation’s gratitude
        honesty, and his demonstrated  ing a chance to serve for another   may be blurred by the politics of
        courage in the face of the most  four years in the job that he did so   our current times, history will
        difficult of personal adversities.   well in and spent a lifetime dream-  record and all will long remember
        Joe Biden has been one of our  ing of attaining, is as noble an   Joe Biden not just for what he did
        most successful and impactful  act as ever recorded in America’s   as President, but for what he gave
        Presidents – certainly one of the  political history.  Joe Biden’s   up, so that we may continue as that
        most productive in the past 60  selflessness; his putting country   “shining city on a hill.”

                                                                      (Continued on page 8)
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