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THURSDAY, JULY 11, 2024                                    THE QUEENS TIMES                                                            PAGE 3

         Postal Service Agrees To Implement Recommendations
               Included In New Federal Probe Exposing Major                                           Suozzi Seeks New Bipartisan

           Mismanagement In Combating Mail Theft In Queens                                          Coalition  Of “Business, Badges,
        Investigation spurred by the Con-  this investigation exposed just  ommendations to address these   And The Bible” To Bring “Order To
        gresswoman was conducted by  how extensive the problem is,”  failures by the Postal Service:               The Border”
        Postal Service’s Office of Inspec-  said Meng. “The Postal Service  1.   Develop and implement a plan,
        tor General following current  has clearly not been doing enough  including communication strategy
        spike in mail theft throughout  to fix the problem, especially with  and available staff, for the timely   (Continued from page 1)  Republicans in a bitterly divided,
        the borough                  mail stolen from green relay box-  deployment and installation of                       election year congress.
                                     es, and that is why it is crucial to  mail theft initiatives nationwide.  tive technology, cutting-edge       “Democrats and Republi-
             U.S. Rep. Grace Meng (D-  implement the recommendations  2.   Add the functionality to the   tools, and “order at the border”  cans in Washington must work
        Queens) announced  that the  made by the Inspector General’s  Collection Point Management   to better protect our borders and  together to pass bipartisan im-
        U.S. Postal Service has agreed to  office. From checks and credit  System to differentiate between   communities.”   migration reform legislation to
        implement the recommendations  card statements to medication  blue collection and high security        “The U.S. faces an immigra-  firmly secure our borders and
        outlined in a new federal probe  and personal items, everybody in  collection boxes.    tion  crisis  because  too  many  establish clear, legal paths,” he
        that revealed major mismanage-  our borough is entitled to safely  3.   Direct the Vice President,   politicians have spent too many  asserted.
        ment in how the agency is ad-  send and receive their mail. I will  Delivery Operations to update   years ‘weaponizing’ immigra-       Suozzi said he was disap-
        dressing the rise of mail theft in  continue to keep up the pressure  the Collection Point Management   tion policy-fighting across the  pointed when a bipartisan Senate
        Queens.                      on postal officials, and make sure  System to differentiate between   aisle- but haven’t done a thing to  deal struck last February between
             The investigation – which was  that the recommendations are  blue collection and high security   fix it,” declared Suozzi.  Senators James Lankford  (R-
        the first ever probe into mail theft  implemented.”        collection boxes in the New York        “My goal is to introduce bipar-  OK),  Kyrsten  Sinema  (I-AZ),
        in Queens – was launched in Janu-       The Office of Inspector General  2 district.    tisan legislation this summer that  and Chris Murphy (D-CT) was
        ary by the Postal Service’s Office  is an independent entity within  4.   Reiterate arrow key security   will 1) secure the border, 2) fix  torpedoed by former President
        of Inspector General after Meng  the Postal Service. It oversees the  policies and responsibilities to   the broken and outdated asylum  Donald Trump.
        urged the agency to conduct the  integrity and efficiency of the na-  managers and supervisors in   system, and 3) treat people like  “You’ve got to keep on working.
        audit. The results were released in  tion’s postal system, ensuring the  Queens, NY.    human beings,” he announced.  There’s an old expression: ‘Don’t
        a report in late May and it found  accountability and transparency  5.   Require the New York 2 Dis-       Suozzi has visited the southern  mourn—organize,’” Suozzi ral-
        numerous issues with the deploy-  of postal operations.    trict Manager to confirm all arrow   border three times, meeting with  lied.  “It’s hard. Getting this done
        ment and installation of mail theft       The green relay boxes are used  keys are added to the inventory in   border patrol agents, local law  is hard work, but I have made
        mitigation initiatives throughout  to store mail and are located next  the Retail and Delivery Analytics   enforcement officials, mayors,  this my number one priority. I
        the borough. It also provided sev-  to many of the blue collection  and Reports system.  businesses, and nonprofits.  “It’s  am going to build this coalition,”
        eral recommendations to improve  boxes throughout Queens.   6.   Require the New York 2   not working,” Suozzi says.  he added.
        the situation, and Meng last month       Specific findings of the in-  District Manager to establish             “The  present  immigration       In May, when Suozzi realized
        called for these recommendations  vestigation disclosed that local  procedures to complete annual   system is hopelessly outdated.  that Congress was not going to
        to be implemented in letters she  postal facilities failed to track and  safety  inspections,  remediate   The original asylum process  pass the Senate’s bipartisan legis-
        sent to the head of the Postal  secure keys to green relay boxes.  deficiencies, and document the   was created during the ‘cold  lation, he worked with Congress-
        Service, U.S. Postmaster General  Nor did these facilities properly  results for blue collection and   war.’ The United States Refugee  man Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) to
        Louis DeJoy, and the district man-  track and deploy the installation  green relay boxes.  Act of 1980 when America was  call on President Biden to take
        ager overseeing postal operations  of high-security boxes and elec-  7.   Develop a process to define   happy to provide a safe haven to  executive action.
        in Queens, John Tortorice. In  tronic locks – technologies that  roles, responsibilities, and fre-  ‘individuals fleeing persecution       In June, Suozzi welcomed the
        response to her correspondence,  are designed to better protect blue  quency for inspecting green relay   in the Soviet Union, Cuba, and  President’s executive orders on
        the Postal Service replied telling  collection boxes and green relay  boxes, and to record and track the   other communist and authoritar-  bringing “order to the border”
        Meng that it will implement the  boxes. Furthermore, they failed  location and condition of green   ian regimes,’” Suozzi explained.  and work permits for undocu-
        recommendations.             to maintain the condition of col-  relay boxes.                 As Co-Chair of the newly  mented spouses of U.S. citizens,
             “For more than two years, I  lection and relay boxes including       The target implementation   formed Democrats for Border Se-  many of whom have lived in
        have pushed the Postal Service to  those with cracks and gaps in  dates for the recommendations   curity Task Force, Suozzi faces a  America for their whole lives.
        do more to combat the rampant  the doors that contributed to the  range from October 2024 to April   daunting challenge: To find com-  “Now Congress must, after 30
        mail theft that Queens residents  persistent theft.        2025, and officials are now work-  mon ground with Democrats and  years, finally act!” Suozzi said.
        have been forced to endure, and       The report makes seven rec-  ing to make these changes.

             Attorney General James Stops Four School Bus                                          Mayor Adams Community Op-Ed:
             Companies From Illegal Idling And Polluting At                                       Fighting For Safer, Cleaner Streets
                  Bus Yards In New York City Communities
                                                                                                    (Continued from page 2)  times cheaper than what you
        Bus Companies Will Invest Up  will also install automatic idling  York State Department of Envi-                     could expect to spend at a store.
        to $2 Million to Electrify Buses  shut-off timers on their remaining  ronmental Conservation (DEC) as   area who may need connections       For half a century, New York
        and  Curb  Air  Pollution  from  traditional buses and implement  potential “environmental justice   to services, such as housing or  City’s most valuable and limited
        Excessive Idling in Low-Income  anti-idling training for drivers.   areas,” or neighborhoods that are   medical care, and make referrals  resource — our public space —
        Communities and Communities       “School bus companies play an  disproportionately impacted by   to the appropriate city agency or  has been hijacked by 14 billion
        of Color                     important role in getting children  environmental harms such as air   service provider.   pounds of stinky, leaking black
                                     to and from school safely, but they  pollution.  The  companies’  bus        Similar coalitions across the  trash bags every year. Together,
             New York Attorney Gen-  should be able to do so without  yards are sometimes clustered   city are already at work making  we are changing that. Thanks to
        eral Letitia James has announced  polluting our communities,” said  together in these neighborhoods,   our neighborhoods safer and our  our administration’s efforts, as
        settlements with four school bus  Attorney General James. “New  which exacerbates their negative   streets cleaner. Our administra-  of November 12th, we will have
        companies to stop illegal exces-  Yorkers are already suffering the  impacts on the surrounding com-  tion is committed to supporting  containerized 70 percent of our
        sive idling at their bus yards in  health consequences of air pollu-  munity.           their work and leading the way  city’s trash in just two years;
        communities of color and low-  tion, and these bus companies all       New York law prohibits idling   in the fight for cleaner streets  that’s nearly 10 billion pounds of
        income communities in Brooklyn,  operate bus yards in low-income  for over five minutes, while New   and against rats. I have long  trash off our streets.
        Queens, the Bronx, and on Staten  communities and communities of  York City law prohibits idling   been clear: I hate rats. And so do       As part of the ‘Trash Revolu-
        Island. The companies—Con-   color that are already bearing the  for more than three minutes, or   New  Yorkers.  That  is  why  our  tion,’ we have changed set-out
        solidated Bus, Inc. (Consolidated),  disproportionate impacts of this  one minute when the vehicle is   administration has been ready to  times for residential and commer-
        Logan Bus Company (Logan),  pollution. We must do everything  near a school building. The OAG   do whatever it takes to cut them  cial waste, so trash doesn’t sit on
        Pioneer Transportation Co. (Pio-  we can to protect the health of our  investigation focused on instances   off from their all-you-can-eat  our streets for hours on end. We
        neer), and Total Transportation  children and our planet, and my  of idling for periods of more than   buffet. We have made enormous  have designed a brand-new model
        Corp. (Total)—will each be re-  office will always fight against  two hours in the early morning to   progress replacing black trash  of garbage truck years ahead of
        quired to invest up to $2 million  environmental injustice.”   rule out instances where extended   bags that have long cluttered our  schedule. And we have a plan to
        to purchase new electric buses       Data provided by the fleet  idling might be allowed under the   streets and fed rats.   get containerization done for ev-
        or electrify some of their current  management system that the New  law due to other circumstances,        This week, we announced the  ery building and every business
        fleet. The Office of the Attorney  York City Department of Educa-  such as traffic or picking up and   next step in our ‘Trash Revolu-  in New York City.
        General (OAG) alleges that these  tion (NYCDOE) has installed on  dropping off students.  tion’ to get bags off our streets.       We came into office with the
        four companies violated New  all New York City school buses in-       Emissions from cars, trucks,   Starting November 12th, build-  clear goal of improving public
        York laws by allowing school  dicated that the companies had all  and buses are one of the leading   ings with one to nine residential  safety, rebuilding our economy,
        buses to idle for extended periods  repeatedly exceeded idling limits.  sources of air pollution in New   units will be required to put their  and making New York City more
        of time at their bus yards. Emis-  The data revealed thousands of  York state. Idling is a significant   trash into wheelie trash bins  livable for all New Yorkers. We
        sions from buses and cars are the  instances of excessive idling by  source of these emissions, with an   for easy removal. And to make  are making improvements that
        largest contributor to air pollution  Consolidated, Logan, Pioneer,  estimated 130,000 tons of carbon   sure that cost is not a barrier for  New Yorkers feel every day. And
        in New York, and excessive idling  and Total at their bus yards. Most  dioxide emitted in New York   building owners, we had our own  every step we take — whether it’s
        endangers the health of surround-  of these bus yards, which are in  City alone each year. Emissions   bins made. These bins are high-  driving down crime or improving
        ing communities. By contrast, the  Brooklyn,  Queens,  the  Bronx,  from diesel-powered vehicles like   quality and affordable, with the  quality of life — is in service of
        new electric buses will not emit  and on Staten Island, are located                     most common size costing less  creating a safer, more livable city
        any air pollutants. The companies  in areas identified by the New   (Continued on page 8)  than $50 — approximately three  for everyone.
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