Page 3 - qt edition #3 January 16, 2025
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AG James Stops Text Message Scam Targeting Vulnerable Suozzi Announces Student Winners of
New Yorkers Looking For Remote Job Opportunities the 2024 Congressional App Challenge
Scammers Sent Text Messages Congressman Tom Suozzi (D— sional App Challenge, encourag-
Claiming to Help Find Remote Long Island, Queens) announced ing students across New York’s
Jobs; Tricked New Yorkers into the winner and runner-up of the Third Congressional District to
Depositing Hundreds of Thou- 2024 Congressional App Chal- pursue their passion in the STEM
sands of Dollars in Cryptocur- lenge, a national competition in fields,” said Suozzi. “I am con-
rency Accounts which high school students use a stantly amazed by the talent of
programming language to create our students and the creativity
AG James Freezes $2.2 Million an application for a PC, web, tablet, of the applications that they have
Worth of Cryptocurrency, Files mobile device, or other device. put together to address real-world
Lawsuit to Recover Money for First place was awarded to issues. Congratulations to Aditya
Defrauded New Yorkers Aditya Varma of Syosset High and Stephanie, and thank you to all
School. Aditya’s app, “Rent Your the students who participated this
New York Attorney General Driveway,” is a game-changer for year. You are our future.”
Letitia James has filed a lawsuit drivers and homeowners alike. Suozzi’s office received applica-
to recover $2.2 million worth of It makes it easier to find private tions from 28 students representing
cryptocurrency held in digital driveway parking near essential 11 high schools in New York’s
wallets and stolen from New locations like schools, hospitals, Third Congressional District.
Yorkers and victims across the and train stations. It’s a practical The Congressional App Chal-
country in a remote job scam. An solution that efficiently addresses lenge is an annual competition
investigation by the Office of the a common problem. hosted by the U.S. House of Rep-
Attorney General (OAG), together Stephanie Sze of Manhasset resentatives to encourage students
with the U.S. Secret Service and High School was the runner-up. to pursue STEM careers. Since its
the Queens County District At- Stephanie’s “College Buddy” app inception in 2015, the Challenge
torney’s Office, found that scam- streamlines the college search pro- has become the largest student
mers have been sending text cess, helping high school students computer science competition in
messages offering fake online job discover the best options based on the United States, with the 2024
opportunities that were actually their unique interests. By empow- Congressional App Challenge set-
a scheme to entice unsuspecting ering students to make informed ting multiple records. This year’s
people to purchase and deposit decisions about their future, “Col- CAC included the participation of
stablecoins, a type of crypto- lege Buddy” plays a crucial role in 12,682 students and 3,881 origi-
currency, into those scammers’ shaping their educational journey. nal applications submitted from
digital wallets. The scammers “Since 2017, my office has Congressional districts across the
promised victims compensation if been proud to host the Congres- United States.
they opened a cryptocurrency ac-
count, deposited cryptocurrency, Assemblyman Braunstein Releases
and began reviewing products Statement on Governor’s Mental
on fake websites that replicated
legitimate brands. Through this Health Proposal
action, Attorney General James is
seeking to recover the frozen cryp- A s s e mb lyma n E d w a r d languish in our subways, shelters
tocurrency for defrauded victims Braunstein released the follow- and streets. I was glad to hear
and require the scammers to pay ing statement: the Governor propose the imple-
penalties, restitution, and damages mentation of several tenets of my
and permanently stop them from “During her State of the State bill, the Supportive Interventions
advertising or sending unsolicited address, Governor Hochul echoed Act, during her remarks. I look
text messages in New York. a sentiment I have long been forward to working with her, the
“Deceiving New Yorkers saying: there is nothing compas- State Legislature and the Mayor’s
looking to take on remote work sionate about allowing those with Office this Session to affect these
and earn money to support their serious mental health issues to important policy changes.”
families is cruel and unaccept-
able,” said Attorney General Council Member Francisco Moya
James. “Scammers sent text mes- And Mayor Adams Revitalize
sages to New Yorkers promising
them good-paying, flexible jobs Roosevelt Avenue
only to trick them into purchasing
cryptocurrency and then stealing (Continued from page 2) district. His dedication and com-
it from them. The cryptocurrency mitment to our community have
that has been frozen thanks to my and optimism. resulted in real, tangible changes
office will be available to help Operation Restore Roosevelt’s that are making a difference in the
New Yorkers defrauded by this objective is to bring safety and lives of residents every day” said
scam. I urge all New Yorkers to order to the area while providing Community Leader Massiel Lugo
be cautious of text messages from Based on a referral from the U.S. the jobs required them to review support to those affected by the “With the help of Council
unknown senders claiming to of- Secret Service, my Cryptocur- products online to help generate issues that once plagued Roosevelt Member Francisco Moya and
fer jobs or other opportunities, and rency Unit was able to identify “market data” that would lead to Avenue. This initiative involves Mayor Eric Adams, Roosevelt
to report any scams to my office.” and trace over $2 million in stolen sales. The victims were then told a collaborative effort among Avenue is becoming a place to
“Crimes of deception continue crypto and identify the digital that to earn money they had to various city agencies, utilizing be proud of again. However, the
to evolve, driven by large wind- wallets where these coins were open accounts with a number of enforcement measures and of- work cannot stop here—we must
falls stolen from unsuspecting being held. Partnering with State registered and licensed cryptocur- fering resources to individuals in continue to build on this momen-
victims,” said Patrick J. Freaney, Attorney General Letitia James’ rency platforms and had to main- need by connecting them with the tum” said Community Leader
Special Agent-in-Charge, United Investor Protection Bureau, we tain a cryptocurrency account appropriate services and support Lupita Aguirre
States Secret Service, New York were able to freeze the tokens to equal to, or greater than, the price providers. Operation Restore Roo- Council Member Francisco
Field Office. “While this cyber preserve victim funds while the of the products they were review- sevelt will proceed indefinitely, Moya represents the New York
scam operated across multiple ju- Attorney General’s office seeks to ing. The victims were assured that with no set end date. City Council’s 21st District, which
risdictions, crypto-tracing by the recover the stolen millions. I want they were not purchasing the prod- “Restoring the quality of life in encompasses East Elmhurst, Le-
Secret Service in New York and to thank the diligent prosecutors ucts but that the account balances our neighborhoods is about more Frak City, parts of Jackson Heights
its close partnership with the New and investigators in my Crypto- would help “legitimize” the data than just improving safety—it’s and his native Corona. He chairs
York Attorney General’s Office currency Unit and members of the they were generating and that they about creating a sense of pride, the Subcommittee on Zoning and
resulted in the freezing of millions Attorney General’s office for their would get their original payment opportunity, and hope for every Franchises and sits on seven other
of dollars and brought disruption outstanding work on this case. I back plus commission. Victims resident. The improvements along committees: Civil Service and
to this harmful operation.” also want to acknowledge Tether were also instructed to create and Roosevelt Avenue are significant, Labor; Cultural Affairs, Librar-
“Work scams that prey on those and Circle Internet Group, inc. for connect a crypto wallet to their but we cannot stop here. We must ies, and International Intergroup
seeking legitimate employment their crucial assistance.” working accounts to receive their continue to push forward, build- Relations; Finance; Immigration;
not only rob victims of their hard- The OAG investigation found compensation. ing on this progress and ensuring Land Use; Parks and Recreation;
earned money but also shatter that a network of scammers has Examples of text messages sent that we restore and enhance the and Hospitals. Council Member
their trust in the job market,” said been targeting people looking for by scammers claiming to offer job quality of life for everyone along Moya also serves as the vice co-
Queens District Attorney Melinda remote jobs and tricking them into opportunities Roosevelt Avenue, said Council chair of the Black, Latino, and
Katz. “In this case, the perpetra- depositing money into cryptocur- Scammers told victims to buy Member Francisco Moya. Asian Caucus (BLAC). For more
tors used advanced technology to rency accounts as a way to start two types of stablecoins known “Council Member Francisco information, please visit council.
lure victims into depositing cryp- earning money. The scammers as “USDC” and “USDT” using Moya is the only local elected of- Follow
tocurrency and stole millions of told victims who responded to ficial who has truly taken action to Francisco Moya on Facebook,
dollars in the form of stablecoins. unsolicited text messages that (Continued on page 4) improve the quality of life in this Instagram and Twitter.