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THURSDAY, JULY 11, 2024                                    THE QUEENS TIMES                                                            PAGE 7

                          Elder Fraud Prevention

             Members from the Queens
        District Attorneys Office of
        Frauds and Housing and Work-
        er Protection Bureaus routinely
        educate the public on how to
        steer clear of scams and fraudu-
        lent activities.
             With a particular focus on
        safeguarding seniors who are
        increasingly becoming targets,
        the bureaus recently hosted a
        Senior Housing and Financial
        Scams Awareness presentation
        at the Raices Corona Older
        Adult Center in Corona.
             If your organization or agen-
        cy could benefit from a similar
        session, contact my Com-
        munity Partnerships Division
        at CommunityPartnerships@ or 718-286-6435.

         Spectrum And AXS TV Present $10,000

          Grant To Eagle Academy Of Southeast                                                       Park Side Restaurant

              Queens’ Music Education Program                                                     Queens’Finest Italian Restaurant

        Eagle Academy is One of Five
        Schools to Receive the Grant
        from AXS TV’s Band Together
        For Music Education Initiative
        this Spring, Providing Vital
        Funds to Exemplary Public Edu-
        cation Music Programs Across
        the United States

             AXS TV and Spectrum have
        announced that Eagle Academy
        for Young Men, of Queens, NY,
        has been selected to receive a
        $10,000 grant as part of “AXS                                                             About Park Side Restaurant - An Italian Landmark in the heart of Corona,
        TV’s Band Together For Music                                                              Queens, Park Side Restaurant is truly a destination that is worth the trip.
        Education”—an ongoing initia-                                                             After one visit, you will be sure to be back again and again for one the
        tive connecting AXS TV with                                                               city’s Best Italian restaurants. Bring your appetite and enjoy authentic
        affiliates, local communities, and                                                        and always delicious dishes using the freshest ingredients and attention to
        schools to support vital music edu-                                                       detail served by our professional staff. Park Side is also happy to host your
        cation programs and the benefits                                                          next function with our private dining area and flexible banquet packages.
        they provide students.
             The award was presented by
        Spectrum’s Director of Gov-                                                                 107-01 Corona  Ave. Corona Heights, NY
        ernment and Community Strat-                                                                      (718) 271-9274 • (718) 271-9871
        egy Jonelle Johnson and AXS                                                                          - Reservations Suggested -
        TV’s Gyneen Meyers, during
        the school’s annual spring recital
        at the end of June, as part of the
        Academy’s graduation ceremony
        where 40 young men graduated.   New  York  City  Schools  Chancellor  David  C.  Banks
        The ceremony featured remarks   with  Spectrum’s  Vice  President  of  Government  Affairs
        by Eagle Academy Principal Dr.   Rodney Capel at Eagle Academy’s graduation ceremony.
        Christopher Smith and Eagle
        Academy Assistant Principal  plify top leadership, instruction,  nation, on behalf of Eagle Acad-
        Dawn Story Rodgers.          and participation, yet also dem-  emy for Young Men of Southeast
             The keynote speaker, New York  onstrate a strong need for further  Queens we accept AXS TV’s gen-
        City Schools Chancellor David C.  funding  and  support.  Selected  erous grant to amplify music and
        Banks, joined the celebration for  teachers can then use the grant to  education in our school,” said Dr.
        his significant role in the develop-  purchase music, fix broken instru-  Christopher R. Smith, Principal.
        ment of the Eagle Academy. As  ments or buy new ones, repair or  “This partnership will harmo-
        the founding principal of the first  replace performance equipment  nize creativity and knowledge,
        Eagle Academy for Young Men in  and uniforms, and address any  nurturing the next generation of
        the Bronx and later as President  other needs that the music pro-  innovators and artists. By sup-
        and CEO of the Eagle Academy  gram may have. Eagle Academy  porting music and arts education
        Foundation, Chancellor Banks  is using the funds for after-school  we ensure that young minds are
        has been crucial in guiding the  musical activities.       equipped with the tools to inno-
        institution’s mission.            The Eagle Academy Foundation  vate, communicate and effectively
             Public school music programs  develops and supports a network  enrich lives through the power of
        often experience a severe lack of  of all-male college preparatory  creativity.”
        funding and are the first casualties  schools, from grades 6 through 12,       “Our continued partnership
        when budget cuts are made—a  in challenged urban communities.  with AXS TV supports a new
        problem that has only increased  The schools are focused on edu-  round of grants boosting funda-
        in recent years. “AXS TV’s Band  cating and mentoring young men  mental music and arts education,”
        Together For Music Education”  into future leaders committed to  said Camille Joseph-Goldman,
        initiative seeks to rectify this,  excellence in character, scholastic  Group Vice President, State Gov-
        awarding grants to school-age  achievement, and community  ernment Affairs at Spectrum.
        music education programs across  service, and promoting these prin-  “It’s important for us to continue
        the country. These candidates are  ciples nationally.
        established programs that exem-       “With gratitude and determi-  (Continued on page 8)
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