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THURSDAY, JULY 25, 2024                                    THE QUEENS TIMES                                                            PAGE 7

         Queens-Based Artist Showcases Beauty in the Ordinary

        Garment District Space for Pub-
        lic Art presents Chinese super-
        market-inspired exhibition by
        Jenny Lin Acosta
             The Garment District Alliance
        (GDA) announced the latest in its
        ongoing series of public art exhib-
        its, unveiling One Can of Coconut
        Milk, a series of original artworks
        by Jenny Lin Acosta that explore
        the beauty of stillness in objects
        found in Chinese supermarkets,
        how these items provide everyday
        nourishment, and the impact they
        have on Acosta’s multi-ethnic
             The installation is part of the
        Garment District Space for Public
        Art program, which showcases
        artists in unusual locations and
        has produced more than 200
        installations, exhibits, and per-
        formances over the past 18 years.
        Located in a street-level window
        at 209 West 38th Street, in the
        heart of the Garment District, the
        free exhibit is accessible to the
        public through August 31st.
             “Jenny’s nostalgic and thought-                                                        Park Side Restaurant
        ful  work  is  filled  with  vibrant
        colors, textures and languages
        that represent the meaningful                                                             Queens’Finest Italian Restaurant
        coexistence of different cultures
        in our city,” said Barbara Blair,
        president of the Garment District.
        “We’re thrilled to present One                               Golden Supermarket
        Can of Coconut Milk to the public  market. As a Hainanese-Puerto  at Easy Lover BK and Welcome
        and encourage local residents and  Rican-Irish New Yorker, Acosta  to Chinatown Hub in 2024. She
        passersby to visit.”         finds nostalgic comfort in Chinese  received a BFA in interdisciplin-
             Through One Can of Coconut  supermarkets while simultaneous-  ary sculpture from the Maryland
        Milk, Acosta seeks to transform  ly indulging as an outsider through  Institute College of Art (MICA).
        compacted cardboard boxes from  her mixed-race background.       The Garment District is home
        Chinese supermarkets into works       Acosta is a brand designer at  to diverse business sectors from
        of art that memorialize and reflect  Welcome to Chinatown, culinary  technology to hospitality and
        a keen cultural understanding.  instructor, and independent artist/  includes thousands of people
        Acosta draws inspiration from  designer living in Queens, NY.  working in the creative economy,
        the blend of languages, cultures,  Acosta previously showcased  including fine and performing art-  About Park Side Restaurant - An Italian Landmark in the heart of Corona,
        colors, and textures that are com-  One Can of Coconut Milk in a  ists, designers, architects, photog-  Queens, Park Side Restaurant is truly a destination that is worth the trip.
        pressed together into blocks of  solo exhibition at Land to Sea  raphers, and more than a hundred   After one visit, you will be sure to be back again and again for one the
        compacted cardboard boxes out-  in 2023, and her previous series  theaters, galleries, performance   city’s Best Italian restaurants. Bring your appetite and enjoy authentic
        side of NYC’s Hong Kong Super-  Hainanese Chicken Rice Dinner  spaces, and studios.       and always delicious dishes using the freshest ingredients and attention to
                                                                                                  detail served by our professional staff. Park Side is also happy to host your
                                                                                                  next function with our private dining area and flexible banquet packages.
              NYC Parks Opens Four New Pickleball Courts
                                    In Alley Pond Park                                              107-01 Corona  Ave. Corona Heights, NY
                                                                                                          (718) 271-9274 • (718) 271-9871
        The $28,000 project adds a new                                                                       - Reservations Suggested -
        dedicated space for one of the
        fastest growing sports in NYC

            On Friday, July 19th, NYC Parks
        Queens Borough Commissioner
        Jackie Langsam joined Council
        Member Linda Lee to celebrate
        the completion of four brand new
        standalone pickleball courts for
        use in the athletic fields area of
        Alley Pond Park. The new courts
        occupy a space at the end of the
        Alley Pond Main path, joining
        the tennis and baseball fields in
        the area.
             “Alley Pond Park is home to
        athletic fields, golf courses, hiking
        trails and playgrounds, and today  for its beautiful parks and green  that local greenspaces provide
        we’re adding pickleball to the  spaces, so I am proud to join NYC  exciting new options which serve
        list of amenities which make this  Parks in ensuring that our com-  their communities’ diverse needs
        park so special,” said NYC Parks  munity’s facilities are maintained  best. These four new courts at
        Queens Borough Commissioner  for all residents,” said Coun-  Alley Pond also join the newly
        Jacqueline Langsam. “The popu-  cilmember Linda Lee. “I know  surfaced pickleball court at nearby
        larity of pickleball continues to  how much the community enjoys  Farm Playground, converted from
        grow in Queens, and NYC Parks  tennis and pickleball at our city’s  a previously underused handball
        is excited to meet enthusiasts at  parks so I look forward to seeing  court. The new courts come on
        our many courts around Queens.  athletes young and old enjoying a  the heels of the new $26 million
        In adding pickleball to the many  state-of-the-art court all summer  Alley Pond Environmental Center,
        options parkgoers have at Alley  long. Thank you to NYC Parks and  which opened in 2023. Parks is
        Pond Park, we’re offering another  Commissioner Donoghue for your  also currently planning a pathway
        way for Queens residents to stay  partnership.”            reconstruction project throughout
        active and have fun with this new       By creating new spaces for  the park that will increase acces-
        exciting sport.”             this popular pastime, this project  sibility within this beloved com-
             “Eastern Queens is known  furthers Parks’ goal of ensuring  munity greenspace.
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