Page 7 - qt edition #3 January 16, 2025
P. 7
Queens College Celebrates Martin Luther King Jr. Day Congratulations to Dr. Judith Naraine
Queens College will present
its annual celebration of the life
and legacy of the Reverend Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr., on Sun-
day, January 19, 2025, from 3 to 5
pm. Presented in partnership with
Queens Borough President Dono-
van Richards, Jr., the event will
feature guest speakers, musical
performances, and the premiere of
the latest episode in the college’s
docuseries on King’s connection
to the college. Arva Rice will be
recognized with the Queens Col-
lege Reverend Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. Award and deliver the
keynote address. Rice, presi-
dent and CEO of the New York
Urban League, is a community the New York Urban League has million people to date.
leader who has dedicated herself empowered underserved African Grammy Award-winning
to creating pathways to success Americans in the five boroughs, saxophonist Branford Marsalis
for young people, especially girls emphasizing education and em- will perform with his eponymous
and women. For over 100 years, ployment and assisting over one quartet.
AM Kim Statement on New Committee Chair Assignment
Assemblymember Ron Kim re- visitors throughout the year. At
leased the following statement a time of great economic un-
on his new Assembly committee certainty, I’m approaching my
chair assignment: new chairmanship as a vehicle
to create jobs and bring needed
“I am honored to announce revenue into the state.
that I will be starting a new role Additionally, I will work with
as the Chair of the Standing the new Chair of the Assembly Dr. Judith Naraine received and privilege for Dr. Naraine
Committee on Tourism, Parks, Committee on Aging on a seam- the President’s Volunteer Service to be among such remarkable
Arts, and Sports Development. less transition. We must protect Lifetime Achievement Award, individuals who celebrated this
New York is home to some of older adults, and try to fix our presented by President Joe Biden achievement. The event took
the world’s finest cultural insti- broken long-term care system. and Rev. Terry Lee.
place at 5511 Glenwood Road,
tutions and recreational sites. I I want to thank Speaker Heast- NYC Mayor Eric Adams was Brooklyn, NY and the memo-
will work to ensure that these ie for his partnership and look in attendance for this prestigious rable moment were captured by
places are properly supported, forward to serving the people of occasion. It was truly an honor Essence Maldonado.
celebrated, and ready to receive New York in this new capacity.”
Pheffer Amato Re-Appointed As Chairwoman Of
Committee on Governmental Employees
ing Chairwoman, Pheffer Amato enforcement
has passed historic improvements ● Expanding accidental death
and enacted beneficial policies benefits (also known as the Wid-
for public employees and their ows COLA) by 3%
pensions. ● Creating new policies and
The Assemblywoman is a rights for provisional employees To read GIA online in English and Italian
known advocate and champion of ● Ensuring permanent healthcare Visit
public employees and their unions, coverage for spouses and domestic
while being publicly praised for partners of FDNY members Servicing The Tri-State Area and Long Island, Florida and Italy
her commitment and strong sup- ● Solidifying the 7% employee
port of public employees. Over the contribution by NYC to all City-
past two years as Chairwoman she based pensions
passed 48 bills into law which has ● Authorizing NYC school em-
included: ployees in the BERS retirement
New York State Assembly- ● Reforming Tier 6 system to transfer into the TRS
woman Stacey Pheffer Amato was ● Securing a $10,000 pay in- retirement system
re-appointed to serve as Chair- crease for the longest-serving For the upcoming 2025 legisla-
woman of the New York State police officers in the NYPD tive session she has been named to
Assembly Committee on Gov- ● Enacting disability coverage the Committee on Corporations,
ernmental Employees. The Com- for firefighters with thyroid cancer Authorities and Commissions;
mittee is the leading legislative ● Codifying permanent heart the Committee on Education;
authority on all public employees disease insurance coverage the Committee on Racing and
in New York, including retirees. and disability coverage for all Wagering; and the Committee on
Over the last 2 years since becom- uniformed members of law Veterans’ Affairs.
State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli Statement On
2025 State Of The City Address
“New York City is in a better fi- fund will help the city weather any
nancial position than a year ago, future storms. We’ll be monitor-
enabling the initiatives proposed ing the proposals closely as the
today to make the city more af- Mayor presents his budget, and
fordable for working-class New we’ll issue an analysis.”
Yorkers,” DiNapoli said. “The Reports & Fiscal Tracking Tools
new proposals must be carefully Review of the Financial Plan of
managed and monitored to ensure the City of New York
they benefit the New Yorkers they New York City Agency Services
are meant to serve and be sustain- Update
ably funded and efficiently deliv- Asylum Seeker Spending Report
ered. The city should also leverage Update on New York City Staffing
New York State Comptroller improving finances to increase its Trends (May 2024)
Thomas P. DiNapoli released the rainy-day reserves to protect es- New York City Industry Dash-
following statement on New York sential services because economic boards
City Mayor Eric Adams’ 2025 and fiscal uncertainty loom and New York City Agency Services
State of the City address: having a substantial rainy-day Monitoring Tool