Page 9 - qt edition #3 January 16, 2025
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THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2025                                 THE QUEENS TIMES                                                            PAGE 9

            AG James Releases Statement on                              AG James Reminds New Yorkers to be Cautious in

             2025 State of the State Address                            Charitable Giving For Los Angeles Wildfire Relief

             New York Attorney General  dress throughout the years. These   AG James Urges New Yorkers to       Fraudulent organizations  site’s FAQs and Terms and Con-
        Letitia James today released the  measures will help ease the bur-  Beware of Sham Charities and  can try to take advantage of  ditions to see what fees will be
        following statement in response  den for struggling families and   Make Sure They Are Giving to  New Yorkers’ good intentions,  charged. Also, don’t assume that
        to Governor Kathy Hochul’s 2025  help students and teachers thrive   Trustworthy Organizations  especially following natural  charities recommended on social
        State of the State:          in schools. Additionally, I am                             disasters. Given the significant  media sites, blogs, or other web-
        “I am pleased with key legislative  pleased that addressing mental ill-       New York Attorney General  impact of wildfires, it is essential  sites have already been vetted.
        proposals outlined in Governor  ness is a key priority, and ensuring   Letitia James today provided  for New Yorkers to be informed  Research the charity yourself to
        Hochul’s State of the State that  more available beds and services   guidance to New Yorkers looking  as they seek to help. The OAG of-  confirm that the charity is aware
        will help New York families  must be a key component of that   to support relief efforts as wild-  fers the following tips to ensure  of the campaign and has given
        throughout our state. Expanding  effort. I look forward to working   fires continue to burn across the  donations are safe and effective:  its approved permission for the
        free school lunches, protecting  with my colleagues in state gov-  greater Los Angeles  area. The  •    Solicited by Email? Find Out  use of its name or logo. If avail-
        children’s mental health,  and  ernment to advance these issues   Office of the Attorney General  Who Is Soliciting. If you receive  able, sign up for updates from
        securing affordable housing are  and ensure New Yorkers receive   (OAG) warns that New Yorkers  a solicitation by email, find out  the campaign organizer to keep
        essential issues that I have long  the quality services and protec-  should be wary of sham charities  who is behind that email address.  abreast of how contributions to
        advocated for and worked to ad-  tions they deserve.”      attempting to take advantage of  Contact the charity whose name  the campaign are being spent.
                                                                   their concern  and encourages  is in the email or visit its website  •    Check Before Giving. Donate
           Statement From Speaker Adams on                         everyone to take steps to ensure  to find out if the email is really  to charities you are familiar with
                                                                   they are giving to legitimate  from the charity. Do not give  and  carefully review  informa-
              Governor Hochul’s 2025 State of                      charitable organizations.    personal information or your  tion about the charity before
                       The State Address                                “In the midst of terrible natu-  credit card number in response  you give. Check a website like
                                                                   ral disasters such as the wildfires  to an email solicitation unless
             “Meeting the full breadth of New  entering high-demand fields. To   impacting the greater Los An-  you have checked out the charity.  to find out which charities are at
        Yorkers’ needs requires consistent  truly confront New York’s genera-  geles area, scammers often take  •      Be  Careful  When  Giving  the aid forefront. Most charities
        investments into comprehensive  tional affordability crisis, we must   advantage of generous acts in  Through Social Media or Other  are required to register and file
        solutions from our city and state  continue to build on our holistic   exchange for personal gain,” said  Fundraising Sites. Before giving  financial reports with OAG’s
        leaders. Governor Hochul’s State  approach that advances housing   Attorney General James. “While  through social media or fundrais-  Charities Bureau if they solicit
        of the State address presented im-  solutions, affordable childcare,   it is inspiring to see so many New  ing sites, research the identity  contributions from New Yorkers.
        portant proposals that can support  and opportunity for everyone   Yorkers eager to help, I encour-  of the organizer of the fundrais-  Check OAG’s website for finan-
        working families, expand access  who calls our city home. New   age them to be cautious of sham  ing efforts and ask the same  cial reports of charities or ask the
        to affordable homeownership, and  York City requires strong support   charities that prey on people’s  questions you would of a char-  charity directly for its reports.
        advance educational opportunities  from the state, and I look forward   generosity and ensure that they  ity. Online platforms that host  •    Ask How Your Donation
        for New Yorkers. I’m encouraged  to our continued partnership   are giving to trustworthy orga-  groups and individuals soliciting  Will Be Used. Find out how the
        by the Governor’s commitment  with Governor Hochul, Majority   nizations and groups. We will  for causes may not thoroughly  charity plans to use your dona-
        to providing free school meals,  Leader Stewart-Cousins, Speaker   continue to do everything we can  vet those who use their service.  tion, including the services and
        working towards universal child  Heastie, and all our state partners   to support victims of this terrible  Donors  should  only  give  to  individuals your donation will
        care, and making community col-  to meet our shared goals for New   tragedy and I urge anyone who  campaigns conducted by people  support. Find out more than
        lege free for working-age students  York.”                 experiences any issues when  whom they know. Donors also
               Déjà Food! Queens Taste 2025                        donating to contact my office.”  should take a close look at the   (Continued on page 10)
                           Is On May 13                                Suozzi Elected Chair of The Bipartisan Problem
        The Borough’s Biggest Bash  there. (Some do both!) Plus, the                              Solvers Caucus
        Returns to the New York Hall  atmosphere is always festive, cre-
        of Science with Exquisite Food,  ating an ideal scene for meeting,  Suozzi to use his chairmanship  that the bipartisan relationship is  in Congress.
        Inspiring Beverages, and Top-  greeting, and exchanging contact  to  foster  bipartisan collabora-  recalibrated to be an all-in, 50-50  •    During the height of the CO-
        Notch Networking             information.                  tion between Republicans and  two-way proposition, and that  VID-19 pandemic, the Problem
                                          Finally, Queens Taste 2025  Democrats.                pragmatism and balance prevail  Solvers were able to negotiate a
             Queens Economic Development  supports a good cause. Proceeds                       over extremism and ideological  bipartisan framework to provide
        Corporation and Queens Tour-  go to QEDC’s ongoing efforts to       Congressman Tom Suozzi  purity. There is nothing more  emergency relief for students,
        ism Council proudly announce  attract, create, and maintain jobs  (D - Long Island, Queens) has  important to the preservation of  families, small businesses, and
        that Queens Taste 2025 is set for  in the borough. Tickets cost $125  been selected as Co-Chair of the  democracy, and to the success of  healthcare providers.
        the New York Hall of Science in  each (two for $200), but as QEDC  bipartisan Congressional Problem  our nation, than genuine biparti-  •    In 2021, the Problem Solvers
        Flushing Meadows Corona Park  is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit, they’re  Solvers Caucus by his caucus col-  san leadership. We will embrace  played a crucial role in negotiat-
        on Tuesday, May 13, from 6 pm  partially tax deductible as permit-  leagues.            this challenge once again, and  ing the Infrastructure Investment
        to 9 pm.                     ted by law.                        The Problem Solvers Caucus  we will succeed, because I love  and  Jobs  Act. This landmark
             In other words, get ready       Restaurant recruitment has  is a bipartisan group of 49 Mem-  the United States of America, the  legislation paved the way for
        for everything from crunchy to  just begun, but here are some  bers of Congress, evenly divided  greatest country on earth.”  generational infrastructure im-
        creamy, delectable to delightful,  entities that have participated in  between Republicans and Demo-       “The American people we serve  provements across the nation and
        enticing to exquisite, fiery to  previous Queens Tastes: Althea’s  crats, committed to advancing  are demanding this Congress work  added hundreds of thousands of
        flaky, pleasing to piquant, and  Tropical Delights; Arepalicious;  common-sense solutions to key  together, across party lines, to get  good-paying jobs to our economy.
        sweet to savory.             Bevo’s Kitchen; Bocaito Café;  issues facing our nation. Prob-  things done,” said Suozzi.  •    In 2022, the Caucus pushed ef-
             More than 50 restaurants, bev-  Culiraw; F. Ottomanelli Burgers  lem Solvers Caucus members sit       Suozzi has a long history on  forts to pass the PACT Act, which
        erage purveyors, and dessert mak-  & Belgian Fries; Culiraw; Fogo de  down together weekly to debate,  the Problem Solvers Caucus. Just  provided entitlements to health-
        ers are expected to offer samples  Châo; Little Chef Kitchen; Mansi;  exchange ideas, and find common  days after first being sworn into  care and disability compensation
        of cuisine. Plus, clients of the  Mayahuel Astoria; MumsKitchens  ground on the most pressing issues  Congress in 2017, he joined the  for Veterans who were exposed to
        Entrepreneur Space, a food-and-  NYC; Muncan Food Corp; Neir’s  to the American people.  Caucus as a founding member.  toxic substances during military
        business incubator that QEDC  Tavern; Queens Curry Kitchen,       “The election results signal a       Suozzi was soon named Vice-  service.
        operates in Long Island City, will  Rincon Salvadoreño, Rudy’s  mandate for common-sense solu-  Chair, a position he held for the  •    Also in 2022, the Caucus
        provide their artisanal specialties.  Bakery & Café; Santa Chiara;  tions to longstanding challenges  115th, 116th, and 117th Congress-  was instrumental in passing the
        And to wash it all down, brewers,  Schmidt’s Candy; SingleCut Beer-  like border security, immigration  es. He remained a leader in the  CHIPS and Science Act, which
        wine makers, and mixologists will  smiths; Sydney’s Sweets; Taste of  reform, and economic recovery,”  Caucus through several landmark  made historic investments into
        be on tap. (Teetotalers will be able  Surabaya; and Tipsy Scoop.  said Suozzi. “Achieving progress  negotiations.    U.S.  workers, manufacturers,
        to quench their thirst with tropical       Past sponsors include Kaufman  on these fronts demands biparti-  •    At the end of 2018, the Problem  communities, and businesses
        fruit juices and bubble tea.)  Astoria Studios, Resorts World  san cooperation.”        Solvers helped negotiate “Break  while bolstering strategic compe-
             Queens Taste 2025 is a celebra-  New York City, Port Authority of       The Problem Solvers Caucus,  the Gridlock” rules to encourage  tition with China.
        tion of the World’s Most Delicious  NY + NJ, Plaxall Inc., Silvercup  in the spirit of bipartisan coopera-  bipartisanship, transparency, and       “This Congress is so narrowly
        Borough, but it’s also a great  Studios, USTA, The Driscoll  tion, elects two Co-Chairs—one  compromise. This was the first  divided. The Republicans only
        place to network. Almost all the  Group D&F Development We-  Democrat and one Republican.  rules package passed with bipar-  have a two-seat majority to work
        anticipated 400 attendees either  bline Media Group, and The Shops  Congressman Suozzi will serve  tisan support in 20 years.  with, and they will need Demo-
        live in Queens or do business  at Skyview.                 as the Democratic Co-Chair  •    In 2018, the Problem Solvers  cratic support to get things done,”
                                                                   alongside Congressman Brian  led the efforts to pass the First  said Suozzi. “We have to be able
                                                                   Fitzpatrick (R-PA), who will hold  Step Act, a bipartisan package  to work together and find com-
                                                                   the Republican seat.         that improved criminal justice  promise, and the Problem Solvers
                                                                        “I thank my colleagues for  outcomes and reduced the federal  know how to do that.”
                                                                   once again placing their trust and  prison population.         Suozzi will lead a Caucus that
                                                                   confidence in me to continue to  •    In June of 2019, the Problem  continues to gain influence; in this
                                                                   lead the bipartisan Problem Solv-  Solvers voted as a bloc to deliver  time of intense partisan division,
                                                                   ers Caucus,” said Congressman  aid to children and families at  the Problem Solvers’ membership
                                                                   Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01). “As we  the U.S.-Mexico border—aid  continues to grow, and its leaders
                                                                   move forward, we will ensure that  which may have otherwise been
                                                                   two-party solutions are advanced,  delayed due to partisan division   (Continued on page 11)
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