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THURSDAY, JULY 11, 2024                                    THE QUEENS TIMES                                                            PAGE 9

           Attorney General James Takes Action to Uphold Federal                                   AG James Urges New Yorkers to Use
                                  Ghost Gun Regulations                                           Free Credit Monitoring and Identity

             Attorney General Letitia James  (ATF) issued a Final Rule in 2022,  California, Colorado, Connecti- Theft Protection Services in Aftermath
        joined a coalition of 24 attorneys  that clarifies the definition of  cut, Delaware, Hawai’i, Illinois,   of Change Healthcare Cyberattack
        general in urging the United  “firearms” in the Gun Control Act  Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts,
        States Supreme Court to uphold  of 1968 (GCA), to include kits and  Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada,   Cyberattack on Change Health-  for two years. Consumers can en-
        a federal rule that regulates ghost  parts that can be easily converted  New Jersey, North Carolina, Or-  care’s Systems Affected Millions  roll in free credit monitoring and
        guns—untraceable weapons often  to fully-functional firearms. The  egon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,  of Patients and Providers Na-  identity protection services online
        made at home from kits—like  Final Rule does not ban gun kits,  Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin,  tionwide            or by calling 1-866-262-5342.
        other firearms. The coalition  but it subjects gun kits and nearly-  the District of Colombia, and the                    Consumers should be aware
        filed an amicus brief in Garland  complete guns to the same rules  Northern Mariana Islands.       New York Attorney General  of potential warning signs that
        v. VanDerStok, urging the court  as conventionally manufactured       Attorney General James has  Letitia James issued a consumer  someone is using their medical
        to reverse a decision by an appeals  guns, including serial number and  been a leader in the fight to pro-  alert to raise awareness about free  information. These signs include:
        court overturning this common-  background check requirements.  tect New Yorkers and communi-  credit monitoring and identity  •    Bills for medical services they
        sense gun safety rule. In the brief,  The commonsense rule was struck  ties across the nation from gun  theft protection services available  did not receive.
        Attorney General James and the  down by the Court of Appeals for  violence. In May 2024, Attorney  for  millions  of  consumers  im-  •    Errors in their Explanation of
        coalition argue that the rule clari-  the Fifth Circuit, ruling it was an  General James joined a coalition  pacted by the Change Healthcare  Benefits statement, such as charg-
        fies existing law, is necessary to  impermissible expansion of the  of attorneys general in urging the  data breach. In February, Change  es for services never received or
        prevent gun violence, and helps  GCA, though the U.S. Supreme  U.S. Court of Appeals for the First  Healthcare, which operates the  prescriptions not taken.
        law enforcement solve  serious  Court allowed the Final Rule to  Circuit to allow Massachusetts’  nation’s largest electronic health  •    Calls from debt collectors about
        crimes.                      remain in effect while the appeal  decades-old ban on the sale and  care payment system, experienced  medical debts they do not owe.
             “Gun safety laws save lives,  proceeds.               possession of assault weapons  a cyberattack that exposed the  •    Medical debt collection notices
        and weakening these measures       In the brief, Attorney General  and large-capacity ammunition  personal information of millions  on their credit report that they do
        puts Americans in danger,” said  James and the coalition of attor-  magazines to remain in place. In  of patients, including millions of  not recognize.
        Attorney General James. “Ghost  neys general explain that striking  March 2024, Attorney General  New Yorkers. After the cyberat-  •    Notices from their health in-
        guns are on the rise across the  down this federal regulation would  James secured a $7.8 million judg-  tack, Attorney General James  surance company about reaching
        country, and stripping away fed-  harm public safety and hinder law  ment against gun retailer Indie  urged UnitedHealth Group. Inc.,  benefit limits.
        eral rules that help regulate these  enforcement. The coalition notes  Guns for illegally selling ghost  the nation’s largest health insurer  •    Denials of insurance coverage
        deadly weapons will cause the  that the rule is consistent with  gun components in New York. In  and the parent company of Change  due to inaccurate pre-existing
        problem to get worse. I am proud  the text, history, and purpose of  February 2024, Attorney General  Healthcare, to bolster its efforts to  conditions.
        to stand with my fellow attorneys  the GCA and demonstrated that  James announced the takedowns  protect providers, pharmacies, and       If you are concerned about
        general as we call for this com-  the Fifth Circuit’s decision was  of a gun trafficking network that  patients harmed by the breach. To-  your data but prefer not to use the
        monsense gun safety measure to  flawed. The coalition argues that  sold ghost guns and assault-style  day, Change Healthcare is offering  free services provided by Change
        stay in place, and for more to be  the rule is necessary to close a  rifles and a narcotics trafficking  all New York residents free credit  Healthcare, consider freezing
        done to protect our communities  dangerous perceived loophole and  network in Dutchess County. In  monitoring and identity theft pro-  your credit by calling all three
        from senseless gun violence.”  stop people who are banned from  March 2023, Attorney General  tections for two years to safeguard  credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax,
             As gun violence continues to  owning guns from making an end  James secured a court order ban-  their personal information.  and TransUnion. A credit freeze
        plague the nation, states are seeing  run around existing law—which  ning  10 gun  distributors from       “The disastrous cyberattack  prevents banks or lenders from
        an increase in the number of un-  they could do more easily before  selling and shipping ghost gun  on Change Healthcare leaked the  accessing your credit report. This
        traceable, unserialized ghost guns  gun kits were subject to the same  parts into New York. In December  personal information of millions  will stop identity thieves from tak-
        recovered by law enforcement. To  regulations as other firearms.   2022, Attorney General James  of Americans and made them  ing out new loans or credit cards in
        combat the growing problem of       Joining Attorney General James  announced the takedown of a  vulnerable to bad actors,” said  consumers’ names because credi-
        ghost guns, the Bureau of Alcohol,  in filing this amicus brief are the  ghost gun trafficking operation in  Attorney General James. “While  tors will not approve their loans or
        Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives  attorneys general of Arizona,  Queens and Westchester counties.  UnitedHealth and its subsidiary  credit requests if they cannot first
                                                                                                work to address the fallout from  access their credit reports. By law,
          Next Drop: Nyc Dot Releases Limited Batch Of Authentic                                the cyberattack, I urge everyone  a credit bureau must allow con-
                                                                                                who believes their information  sumers to place, temporarily lift,
          ‘Beastie Boys Square’ Street Signs To Commemorate 35th                                may have been compromised to  or remove a credit freeze for free.
                             Anniversary Of Paul’s Boutique                                     use the free credit monitoring and       When consumers freeze their
                                                                                                identity theft protection services  credit with each bureau, the bu-
                                                                                                to protect themselves. Compa-  reaus will send them a personal
        Beastie Boys Square Sign Drop  the album was named for a fic-  of special occasions, and other   nies should not treat strong data  identification number (PIN). The
        Coincides With Anniversary of  tional clothing store located at the  custom releases. NYC DOT began   security as an afterthought, it is  consumers can then use that PIN
        Paul’s Boutique, eleased in July  intersection, dubbed Beastie Boys  its monthly drops in June, with   necessary to protect New York-  to unfreeze their credit if they
        1989                         Square during a ceremonial street  the release of Christopher Street/  ers from fraud and my office will  want to apply for a loan or credit
                                     co-naming in September 2023.   Stonewall Place street signs to   continue to ensure companies take  card. Consumers can also use the
        Lower East Side Intersection       “Fans from across the world  commemorate Pride Month. The   this responsibility seriously.”  PIN to freeze their credit again
        Was Featured on Album’s Iconic  travel to Ludlow and Rivington  signs sold out within hours of        The cyberattack on Change  after they have applied for loans
        Cover                        streets to pay homage to the Beas-  their release.         Healthcare interrupted health care  or a new credit card.
                                     tie Boys and Paul’s Boutique, a   About the NYC DOT Sign Shop   services at thousands of doctors’       Consumers should call all three
        Fans Will Need To “Fight for  landmark album that pushed the  - The New York City DOT Sign   offices, hospitals, and pharmacies  credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax,
        Their Right” -- and Act Fast -- To  boundaries of hip-hop sampling.  Shop is in Maspeth, Queens and   and leaked Americans’ sensitive  and TransUnion to freeze their
        Own a Genuine Limited-Edition  Now you can own a piece of this  manufactures over 70,000 signs   health and personal data onto the  credit.
        Sign; Only 75 Available      iconic corner with the Beastie  each year. A team of 32 Sign   dark web, a hidden portion of the  •    You can place a credit freeze
                                     Boys Square sign hand-made  Shop employees hand-make street   internet where cyber criminals  with Experian online or by calling
             New York City Department  by NYC DOT,” said NYC DOT  signs, highway signs, directional   can buy, sell, and track personal  +1 (888) 397-3742.
        of Transportation (NYC DOT)  Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez.  signs, parking signs, and more.   information. Change Healthcare  •    You can place a credit freeze
        Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez  “We look forward to our next  There are over two million NYC   estimates that the data breach  with Equifax online or by calling
        announced a limited number of  monthly sign drop, which allow  DOT signs in use across the 6,000   could impact up to one-third of  +1 (888) 766-0008.
        authentic, commemorative Beas-  all who love New York City to  miles of streets in New York City.  all Americans.    •    You can place a credit freeze
        tie Boys Square street signs are  celebrate the people, places, and       The monthly sign drops are the        Since Change Healthcare has  with TransUnion online or by call-
        for sale to commemorate the 35th  special occasions that make this  latest iteration of sign sales that   not yet notified affected indi-  ing +1 (800) 680-7289.
        anniversary of the hip hop group’s  the greatest city in the world.”  have historically been available   viduals, Attorney General James       Consumers can report concerns
        landmark album Paul’s Boutique.       “Our CityStore is a time cap-  from the Sign Shop.  encourages everyone to use the  related to the Change Healthcare
        As part of the agency’s monthly  sule for all things New York City       About the CityStore - CityStore   free credit monitoring and identity  cyberattack to the Office of the
        ‘sign drops,’ the Beastie Boys  and that includes honoring the in-  is the Official store of the City of   theft protection services to safe-  Attorney General (OAG) by call-
        Square signs are hand-made at  delible legacy hip-hop has had on  New York. CityStore is operated   guard their information. These  ing  1-800-771-7755  or  filing  a
        the NYC DOT Sign Shop, which  shifting culture and connecting  by the New York City Department   resources will be available for free  complaint online.
        produces over 70,000 signs each  people,” said NYC DCAS Com-  of Citywide Administrative Ser-
        year. A limited edition of 75  missioner Louis A. Molina. “This  vices. 100% of sales benefit the
        signs will be sold online for $75  rings true as we celebrate the 35th  City of New York.
        each and are available one per  anniversary of the Beastie Boys’       CityStore is similar to a mu-
        customer. All signs will be sold  iconic album – Paul’s Boutique.  seum store, which complements
        via the CityStore, the Official  Our continued partnership with  the museum by highlighting the
        Store of the City of New York, and  NYC DOT is truly a special way  treasures within while serving
        proceeds will benefit the city’s  to pay homage to our city’s rich  as a stand-alone retail entity for
        general fund.                and diverse culture and offer New  wonderful gifts, collectables and
             The Beastie Boys Square street  Yorkers a small piece of history.  research materials. A museum
        sign currently hangs at the corner  We can’t wait to celebrate the  store is a revenue source for the
        of Ludlow and Rivington streets,  next drop.”              museum and reinforces and pro-
        the intersection in Manhattan’s       Monthly sign drops feature  tects the integrity of the museum
        Lower East Side that was featured  signs for iconic New York City  brand. CityStore is the “museum
        on the iconic cover of Paul’s Bou-  streets, commemorations of fa-  store” for the entire City of New
        tique. Released on July 25, 1989,  mous New Yorkers, celebrations  York.
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