Page 9 - qt edition #44
P. 9

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2024                                 THE QUEENS TIMES                                                            PAGE 9

          Meng Awards Federal Funding To St. Francis Preparatory                                       Breast Cancer Walk
                                 School In Fresh Meadows
        Money to help improve school

             U.S. Rep. Grace Meng (D-
        Queens), New York’s senior mem-
        ber of the House Appropriations
        Committee – which funds the
        federal government’s programs
        and activities – announced today
        that she awarded $150,000 to St.
        Francis Preparatory School in
        Fresh Meadows.
             The funds will allow the school
        to make additional security im-
        provements to help ensure the safe-
        ty of students, faculty and staff.
        The money is allocated through
        the U.S. Department of Homeland
        Security’s Nonprofit Security
        Grant Program which is designed   Congresswoman Meng presenting $150,000 to St. Francis
                                     Preparatory School in Fresh Meadows. Pictured with Meng
        to pay for safety measures that help   is its Principal Patrick McLaughlin (sixth from left), school       The Queens District Attorneys  munity well-being, we proudly
        guard against threats and attacks.   officials and students from the school’s student government.  office recognizes the critical im-  participated in the annual 5K walk
             “Safety must always be a                                                           portance of breast cancer aware-  against breast cancer at Flushing
        top priority in our communities,   Prep for years to come.”    commitment to our school and  ness, especially considering that it  Meadows Corona Park on Sunday.
        especially at our local schools,        “This grant will have a profound  for recognizing the importance  is the second most common cancer       Together, we stand in solidar-
        and this grant will go a long way   impact on our school’s ability to  of secure educational spaces. We  among women in the United States.  ity with those affected by breast
        towards keeping everybody at St.   maintain a safe learning environ-  look forward to continuing our       In alignment with our mission  cancer and in support of cancer
        Francis Preparatory School more   ment, providing our students,  partnership with her to foster a  to enhance public safety and com-  research.
        secure,” said Congresswoman   staff, teachers and families with  positive and safe environment for
        Meng. “The Nonprofit Security   peace of mind,” said St. Francis  all of our SFP students.”  Make Your Vote Count: Vote Stacey
        Grant Program is a key initiative to   Preparatory Principal Patrick       St. Francis Preparatory School
        enhance safety, and in Congress,   McLaughlin. “With these re-  is an independent Catholic college   Pheffer Amato for State Assembly
        I’m proud to have helped increase   sources, we are better equipped  preparatory school. It includes
        funding for it over the years so   to implement new safety protocols  2,450 students in grades 9-12.   By Michael O’Meara
        that this crucial money can make   and security measures that priori-  Opened in 1858, the school has   President of the Police Conference of New York
        its way to schools and nonprofits   tize the protection and comfort of  been in its present location at
        in our borough. I look forward to   our school community. I thank  61-00 Francis Lewis Boulevard   Dear Editor and Friends:
        these funds benefiting St. Francis   Congresswoman Meng for her  since 1974.                   Election Day is upon us. While it seems that everyone is focused

              Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato Honors                                           on the Presidential race, I have kept a steadfast focus on the down-
                                                                                                  ballot races that impact our State, neighborhood and families.
                                  NYC Auxiliary Police                                            As the President of the Police Conference of New York (PCNY),
                                                                                                  an MTA police officer, and your neighbor, I want you to consider
             New York State Assembly-                                                             voting to re-elect the candidate EVERY police union in New York
        woman Stacey Pheffer Amato                                                                City and New York State has endorsed - Stacey Pheffer Amato.
        acknowledged and honored the                                                                   Let’s break it down and talk about the facts. There are 150
        contribution to public safety from                                                        members in the State Assembly and the Republicans are in the
        NYC Auxiliary Police Officers                                                             unbreakable minority - there are 48 of them and 102 Democrats.
        and the nearly 60 years of service                                                        The State Assembly is partisan, and only members of the majority
        from the Auxiliary Police Be-                                                             have a say in what goes on. Thankfully for us, Stacey has a seat
        nevolent Association of the City of                                                       at the table; she’s in the majority conference where all decisions
        New York (APBA), as she awarded                                                           are made. I’ve worked with elected officials in both parties and
        the union an official State Proc-                                                         know who can and cannot be effective. Republicans are great allies
        lamation. The Assemblywoman                                                               and supporters, but we need someone who can actually score the
        thanked all the auxiliary police                                                          touchdown, not just be a cheerleader. Stacey is scoring touchdowns
        officers (APO) who “perform their                                                         for us every day by repeatedly delivering for us and our families!
        duties as volunteers, placing them                                                             Let’s look at the facts: Stacey has never supported or worked
        among the most distinguished and                                                          to defund the police on the City or State level. Just the opposite,
        valuable individuals in service                                                           instead, she was responsible for a 24% increase in State police
        to  the  people.”  The  Assembly-                                                         funding. She was also the reason every member of law enforcement
        woman also praised the union                                                              obtained a heart disease presumption, giving us healthcare coverage
        for fearlessly defending auxiliary                                                        that we had fought for years to obtain. This change only happened
        police officers who are often lo-                                                         after she passed the bill and made it a reality. She delivered!
        cal  residents  who go  through                                                                I’ll be honest, we have problems in New York and a job in law
        specific training to directly assist                                                      enforcement is not easy. But the truth is that losing Stacey won’t
        the NYPD and help protect their                                                           change that. Instead, it will take away our strongest pro-police ally,
        communities.                                                                              and replace her with someone who begrudgingly can never be part
             “Auxiliary police officers are                                                       of the decision-making process and deliver on any of his promises.
        some of the most civic-minded                                                             It makes no sense to replace a moderate Democrat like Stacey with
        New Yorkers who take on heroic                                                            someone who will be in the ineffective minority, unable to pass a
        responsibilities in support of the                                                        bill, negotiate the State budget, or bring resources to our district.
        well-being of their communities.                                                          We don’t have to like that, but it’s the facts. Why would you will-
        They assist the amazing NYPD                                                              ingly vote to take away our voice in Albany?
        in so many ways. This is a special                                                             The best way to push for a change in New York is by sending
        way to say thank you to all of                                                            Stacey Pheffer Amato back to Albany because she is actually in the
        New York City’s Auxiliary Police                                                          room where decisions are made. As a moderate, she has stopped
        Officers, while also celebrating                                                          radical legislation from being passed, and she has voted no on
        the union that has defended and                                                           extremist policies. She has worked tirelessly to roll back negative
        represented them fearlessly,” said  They want to help protect our  Sterler, thanked Pheffer Amato   policies one step at a time. You should do your own research and
        Assemblywoman Pheffer Amato.  community which is truly honor-  and stated ‘’Chairwoman Pheffer   check out all her “no” votes. Don’t believe the half-truths other
             Pheffer Amato also announced  able. By allocating this funding  Amato has been a true champion   people are saying about her record. After all, both Republicans
        the allocation of $250,000 in  to each precinct’s Auxiliary unit,  of safer streets, working for fair   and Democrats BEG to be co-sponsors and add their name to her
        capital funding to the auxiliary  I’m making sure they have the  and effective law enforcement   legislation. Check for yourself!
        police units of the NYPD’s 106th  resources they need to help the  statewide. It’s particularly fitting        As the President of the largest police organization in New York,
        Precinct, 100th Precinct and 101st  NYPD and get the job done right,”  that this Proclamation is made by   the umbrella union that encompasses nearly every local police
        Precinct. “In a time when there  said the Assemblywoman.   the Chair of the Governmental   union throughout New York, I am responsible for the lives of our
        doesn’t seem to be enough hours       In accepting the illuminated  Employees Committee, as she is   officers and for ensuring their families are protected. I’m giving you
        in the day, APO’s throughout our  State Proclamation on behalf of  a valuable ally to this union on   the facts as I work shoulder-to-shoulder with Stacey. I am asking
        City find a way to commit more  APBA President John W. Hyland,  wider issues and has delivered for   you to consider voting for Stacey because she is the best option!
        than a million hours of volunteer  the union’s long time Director                         You can vote for Stacey Pheffer Amato on the independent line
        time to this incredible work.  of Government Affairs, Lewis    (Continued on page 10)     called “We The People” or as a Democrat.
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