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THURSDAY, JULY 25, 2024                                    THE QUEENS TIMES                                                            PAGE 9

          NYC Council Votes to Expand Availability of Rapid                                      DiNapoli: Improved Planning Needed
                                     STI Testing Sites                                              For New York To Achieve Its Clean

        Council also voted on legislation  have skyrocketed, most harshly  inclusive school dress code policy      Energy Goals
        to address  inequities in public  impacting New Yorkers at the  that complies with Title IX of the       The Public Service Commis-  the remaining 202 projects, only
        school dress code policies   intersection of Black, Latino,  Federal Education Amendments  sion (PSC) and the New York  30% were completed, and on av-
                                     low-income and LGBTQ+ com-    Act  and  accounts  for  diverse  State Energy Research and Devel-  erage it takes 5 years for a large-
             The New York City Council  munities,” said Council Member  cultures, gender expressions and  opment Authority (NYSERDA)  scale renewable project to be up
        voted on legislation to expand the  Pierina Sanchez. “In NYC, Black  body diversity.    have taken considerable steps in  and running, as a 2030 deadline
        availability of rapid testing sites  and African American people       A DOE-wide school dress code  planning for New York State’s  looms to achieve 70% renewably
        for sexually transmitted infections  and Latinx people made up more  policy would create a framework  transition to renewable energy but  sourced electricity.
        (STIs) across the city, representing  than 80% new HIV infections in  for protecting students from sexist  must take stronger action to meet       Renewable Energy Contracts
        a critical next step in citywide ef-  2022. The Bronx in particular  and heteronormative dress codes,  the state’s clean energy goals, ac-       The PSC also did not fully
        forts to reduce rates of STIs and  suffers from the highest rate of  eliminating the enforcement of  cording to an audit released today  plan for expiring contracts, which
        HIV. Currently, rapid testing is  HIV infection and deaths across  standards that target girls and  by New York State Comptroller  could lead to higher costs. Most
        only provided at two clinics, but  New York State’s 62 counties, the  students of color. It would also  Thomas P. DiNapoli. The audit  contracts for renewable energy
        the bill will require the City to  highest rate of chlamydia infec-  allow for flexibility in the creation  found inadequate planning, moni-  sources have a 10 to a 20 year
        double the number of sites over  tions, and the second-high rates  of school-level dress code policies  toring and assessment of risks and  span. Between 2007 and 2022,
        the next three years.        of gonorrhea in the five boroughs.  and should be created through  challenges in the PSC’s efforts to  81 contracts expired, which could
             The Council also voted on  Study after CDC study has shown  consultation with diverse com-  help the state meet the Climate  lead to New York paying more
        legislation that would address  these inequities are not about risk  munities within the DOE school  Leadership and Community Pro-  than the original price once the
        inequities in public school dress  behaviors but are a direct result of  system and engagement with  tection Act’s (Climate Act) tar-  contract expires. Additionally,
        code policies. Dress code policies  a lack of access to testing, preven-  youth who are impacted.  gets, which seek 70% renewably  there is no guarantee these facili-
        in NYC Department of Educa-  tion, treatment and care. That is       “Resolution 292 pushes for an  sourced electricity by 2030 and  ties will then sell the renewable
        tion (DOE) schools vary widely,  why the passage of Int. 435 is so  inclusive dress code to account for  net-zero emissions by 2040.  electricity they generate into the
        and students and advocates have  important. By expanding access  diverse cultures, gender expres-       “New York is moving in the  New York power grid and con-
        reported that some school dress  to rapid STI testing in partnership  sion, and body diversity,” said  right direction to transition to  tribute to achieving the Climate
        code policies have unfairly tar-  with community-based organiza-  Council Member Althea Stevens.   renewable energy, but we found  Act goals. These situations, for
        geted and criminalized LGBTQ+  tions with the ability to reach the  “The next step will be to engage  better planning, monitoring of  example, were not factored into
        students and students of color.  most impacted communities, we  in meaningful dialogue with our  progress and timely assessment of  PSC’s planning to develop a pro-
        This was a concern also raised  are taking an essential step in ad-  youth and the Department of Edu-  risks by PSC is needed to achieve  gram to meet the goals.
        by youth advocates as part of the  dressing horrific inequities in STI  cation to fine-tune the specifics of  our ambitious clean energy goals,”  Projected Costs
        Young Women’s Initiative 2.0, an  infection rates and investing in the  the dress code policy. It is vital for  DiNapoli said. “New York has       The PSC did not reasonably
        initiative dedicated to improving  long-term health of the people of  young people to shape the changes  been a leader in its efforts to  estimate or verify other entities’
        outcomes for young women and  New York City. It is time to ensure  they want to see in their schools. I  reduce greenhouse gas emissions  estimates of the cost of the transi-
        girls. The bill and resolution voted  everyone has access to the life-  am committed to ensuring our city  and the threats caused by climate  tion to renewable energy. Under-
        on today aim to improve transpar-  saving services they need.”   takes strides towards inclusivity,  change, and identifying existing  taking a project without knowing
        ency and promote policies that       Requiring Transparency and  allowing the space for students to  and emerging challenges will  the costs increases the risk that the
        protect students from sexist and  Addressing Inclusivity in NYC  express themselves through their  improve the likelihood that we  project will not succeed. The ab-
        heteronormative dress codes and  Department of Education’s Dress  clothing”             succeed.”                    sence of cost estimates also makes
        the enforcement of standards that  Code Policies                Strengthening Oversight of City  Planning            it difficult, if not impossible, to
        target girls and students of color.  Dress  code  policies  in  DOE  Contract Procurement Procedures       Auditors found that the PSC,  assess its impact on New Yorkers,
             “Expanding health services to  schools vary widely, as schools  Introduction 863-A, sponsored  tasked under the Climate Act with  including those who are currently
        meet the needs of New Yorkers  are permitted to adopt individual  by Council Member Justin Bran-  establishing and reviewing the  struggling to pay their utility bills
        in their communities has always  dress code policies at their own  nan, would require public notice  state’s renewable energy program,  and who have faced rising costs
        been a priority for this Council,”  discretion. Despite existing regu-  if an actual contract differs from  sometimes used outdated data and  over the past two decades. PSC
        said Speaker Adrienne Adams.  lations, students and advocates  the agency procurement plan in  wrong calculations to determine  officials stated that they expect
        “With the passage of today’s leg-  have reported that some school  terms of contract length, nature of  if the  state could reach 70%  the cost for renewable energy to
        islation, more residents will soon  dress code policies have unfairly  services, or affected civil service  renewably sourced electricity by  decrease as time goes on, but did
        have greater access to rapid STI  targeted and criminalized LG-  titles and headcount. It would  2030. The PSC did not update  not produce an analysis that dem-
        testing that can prevent unneces-  BTQ+ students and students of  also apply these requirements to  their calculations based on new  onstrated how quickly they expect
        sary spread and transmission. The  color. Increased transparency  contract amendments that would  laws and directives, which may  these costs to decline.
        Council is also taking steps to  around school dress code poli-  increase a contract’s value to over  drive clean energy demand and  Other Issues Affecting State’s
        help address inequities within our  cies provides needed oversight to  $1 million and reduce the public  supply up, like electric vehicles,  Ability to Meet Goals
        public school system’s dress code  ensure that these policies establish  notice period for such unplanned  new green buildings, or electric       Auditors identified other fac-
        policies, a concern raised by youth  non-discriminatory protections  contract actions from 60 to 10  cooling and heating.  tors that could delay achievement
        advocates as part of the Council’s  for students.          days. This bill aims to strengthen       PSC also did not fully account  of the Climate Act goals, includ-
        Young Women’s Initiative 2.0. By       Introduction 118-A, sponsored  oversight of city service contracts  for other potential risks, and did  ing increasingly severe weather,
        requiring  greater  transparency  by Deputy Speaker Diana Ayala,  by expanding some provisions  not consider certain challenges  renewable electricity demands, a
        and calling for inclusivity in the  would require the Department of  in Local Law 63 of 2011, which  that could delay meeting the  delayed Champlain Hudson Power
        dress code, our legislation can  Education (DOE) to post dress  requires agencies to publish an  state’s clean energy targets. For  Express line and potential limita-
        help advance anti-discrimination  code policies on its website and re-  annual procurement plan detail-  example, according to the Inde-  tions on the hydroelectric power
        protections that support all stu-  port on dress code policies in DOE  ing the anticipated contracting  pendent  System Operator, the  it is expected to provide, and
        dents. I thank my Council col-  schools for five years, including  actions for the coming fiscal year  state would need new technology  material availability and supply
        leagues for their leadership and  information about whether each  to prevent displacement of city  not yet developed to account for  chain issues.
        support on these important bills.”  school has a dress code policy  employees.          the weather-related intermit-       While the PSC is not solely
             Expanding Availability of  and data on dress code violations       “There is no need to choose  tency of renewables, as well as  responsible for ensuring the state
        Rapid Testing for Sexually Trans-  and penalties, broken down by  between quick project timelines  expanded transmission capability  is prepared to meet the Climate
        mitted Infections            month, week, and student race  and strong oversight; we can  to get clean energy to consumers,  Act’s goals, it should discuss the
        Introduction 435-A, sponsored by  and gender.              have both,” said Council Member  to achieve the 2040 goal of 100%  potential effects of these issues
        Council Member Pierina Sanchez,       “Uneven dress code policies  Justin Brannan. “New York City  renewable statewide electric  with the agencies responsible
        would require the Department  in New York City public schools  has the greatest municipal work-  generation.         for ensuring a smooth transition,
        of Health and Mental Hygiene  have led to disproportionate dis-  force in the world, and we should       The audit found that the PSC  determine the effects of these con-
        (DOHMH) to make available  cipline and consequences for  prioritize, value, and compensate  did not develop a back-up plan  cerns and include this information
        rapid testing services for sexually  students simply expressing them-  their labor every time we can.  if the Climate Act’s goals were  in its projections to increase the
        transmitted infections in at least  selves,” said Deputy Speaker Di-  Where we do need contractors, the  not met within prescribed time-  likelihood of meeting the Climate
        4 boroughs. DOHMH would be  ana Ayala. “Students and families  greatest city in the world should  frames, except for the continued  Act’s goals.
        required to determine the loca-  should have the opportunity to  settle for nothing less than the  reliance on fossil fuels, including       DiNapoli’s audit recommended
        tions for rapid testing services  easily access any school’s dress  greatest procurement process in  “peaker plants,” which generally  the PSC:
        and report to the Council on the  code policy in a central location  the world.”        operate at a higher monetary and  •    Begin a comprehensive review
        considerations that went into  on the Department of Education’s       Authorizing Legal Action in  environmental cost.  of the Climate Act, including an
        making those determinations.  website and determine if their in-  Defense of Law Banning Solitary  Project Cancellations & Delays  assessment of progress towards
        DOHMH would also be required  dividual schools’ policies are truly  Confinement              Cancellations of renewable  the  goals  and  annual  funding
        to conduct an education campaign  non-discriminatory and aligned  Resolution 504, sponsored by  energy projects have slowed  commitments and expenditures;
        to inform communities about the  with DOE guidelines. My hope is  Council Member Sandy Nurse,  progress toward meeting the  •    Analyze and address existing
        locations and availability of rapid  that this transparency will bring  would authorize the Speaker to  Climate Act’s goals, and auditors  and emerging risks and known
        testing services, and to report to  us towards consistent, inclusive  engage in litigation on behalf of  determined that the PSC did not  issues on a continual basis to
        the Council annually for 3 years  and fair policies across our school  the Council of the City of New  plan properly for the historical  minimize the impact on the state’s
        on the availability of rapid testing  system that do not unjustly target  York to oppose the Department  project cancellation rate. As of  ability to meet Climate Act goals;
        services  throughout  New  York  our students.”            of Correction’s efforts to suspend  April 2023, there were 230 large-  •      Provide a more accurate
        City.                             Resolution 292, sponsored by  Local Law 42 of 2024.   scale renewable projects awarded  representation of the likelihood
             “Since the COVID-19 pandemic  Council Member Althea Stevens,       “It’s unfortunate that the Coun-  contracts within the Climate Act  of meeting targets by assessing
        began, racial inequities in sexu-  calls on the New York City De-                       program, and 28 projects were
        ally transmitted infection rates  partment of Education to create an   (Continued on page 10)  cancelled from 2005 to 2023. Of   (Continued on page 10)
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