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PAGE 10                                                    THE QUEENS TIMES                              THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2024

           Meng, Markey, Ramirez, And Espaillat Introduce                                         Tour of World-Class Glass Recycling

            Destination Reception Assistance Act To Support                                                  Facility in District 27
                         Local Reception Of New Arrivals

              (Continued from page 9)  commends and endorses the Des-  Suzan DelBene (WA-01), Jim
                                     tination Reception Assistance Act.  McGovern (MA-02), Melanie
        ties with the resources they need  Cities and communities across  Stansbury (NM-01), Cori Bush
        to provide essential services to  the country have lacked needed  (MO-01), Nydia Velázquez (NY-
        our newest neighbors. By invest-  infrastructure and federal sup-  07), and Judy Chu (CA-28). In the
        ing in workforce development,  port to effectively and humanely  Senate, the bill is cosponsored
        stable housing, and legal support,  welcome arriving asylum seekers  by Senators Dick Durbin (D-
        we help set up new arrivals for  and other newcomers – this bill  Ill.), Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.),
        success and strengthen our com-  addresses that challenge head  Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Cory
        munities as a whole. The National  on,” said Erol Kekic, Senior Vice  Booker (D-N.J.), Peter Welch
        Partnership for New Americans  President for Programs at Church  (D-Vt.), Richard Blumenthal (D-
        applauds this critical effort and  World Service. “It is imperative  Conn.), Chris Murphy (D-Conn.),
        urges Congress to support this  that we better support the local  Laphonza Butler (D-Calif.), Ber-
        vital legislation,” said Nicole  communities which receive and  nie Sanders (I-Vt.), and Mazie
        Melaku, Executive Director of  support new arrivals as they and  Hirono (D-Hawaii).          Council Member Nanta-   corporation,  they  take  their
        the National Partnership for New  their families become our neigh-       The Destination Reception As-  sha Williams thanked Council  obligation seriously to conduct
        Americans.                   bors, coworkers, and schoolmates.  sistance Act is endorsed by New   Member Shaun Abreu, Chair of  their business in a sustainable,
             “The Destination Reception As-  We applaud Congress for turning  York Immigration Coalition, Am-  the Sanitation Committee, for  ethical, and safe manner. Glass
        sistance Act provides the partner-  towards practical and proven solu-  nesty International USA, Wom-  joining  me on a  tour of  EWG  can be perpetually recycled
        ship and resources that communi-  tions to the challenges we face at  en’s Refugee Commission, Refu-  Glass Recovery & Recycle Corp.  without losing any quality. Their
        ties need to welcome newcomers  the border. This legislation invests  gees International, International   With six facilities across Tristate  commitment to providing clean,
        so they can start their new lives,”  in our capacity to welcome, help-  Rescue Committee, National   area including four in the 27th  high-quality cullet ensures that
        said Melanie Nezer, Vice Presi-  ing to ensure all of us have the  Partnership for New Americans,   District,  EWG  Glass  is  setting  the glass we use every day is safe
        dent of Advocacy and External  resources we need to thrive and  Church World Service, Friends   the standard for sustainable  and recyclable, perpetually and
        Relations at the Women’s Refugee  flourish.”               Committee on National Legis-  glass recycling. As a recycling  without compromise.
        Commission. “The United States       “Faith groups have long rec-  lation, American Immigration
        has a commitment to welcome  ognized that loving thy neighbor  Lawyers  Association,  Interna-  Conversation On Racial Equity
        those seeking safety, and our com-  means ensuring both protection  tional Refugee Assistance Project,
        munities are strengthened when  and reception. The Destination  Center for Gender & Refugee
        all are given the chance to thrive.”  Reception Assistance Act restores  Studies, Save the Children, Na-
             “To meet the worldwide migra-  our legacy of welcoming commu-  tional Immigration Law Center,
        tion challenges of the 21st century,  nities by strengthening functional  United We Dream, Human Rights
        we need the federal government  partnerships and cementing or-  First, United Church of Christ,
        to work in partnership with states  derly and benevolent processes,”  MomsRising, American Civil
        and localities to humanely and ef-  said Anika Forrest, Legislative  Liberties Union (ACLU), Refugee
        ficiently receive noncitizens who  Director for Domestic Policy at  Congress, Jesuit Refugee Service
        arrive after traversing oceans,  the Friends Committee on Na-  USA, Immigrant Defenders Law
        harsh landscapes, and dangerous  tional Legislation. “The United  Center,  Oasis  Legal  Services,
        situations in the hopes of joining  States needs sustainable migration  Borderlands Resource Initiative,
        the fabric of America,” said Jenni-  management policies that ensure  Refugee Advocacy Lab, HIAS,
        fer Ibañez Whitlock, Supervisory  respite and vital services, as well  Wind of the Spirit Immigrant
        Policy & Practice Counsel at the  as healthy and prosperous transi-  Resource Center, International
        American Immigration Lawyers  tions for newcomers. This policy  Institute of New England, MIRA
        Association (AILA). “This bill is a  is a critical step toward fulfilling  Coalition, Immigration Hub,
        sensible solution to addressing the  this nation’s promise to provide  Alianza Americas, Unitarian             In  November  2022,  New   conversation on racial equity at
        economic realities of certain costs  refuge.”              Universalists for Social Justice,   York City voted to establish the   our Admin Headquarters in For-
        currently borne by cities and states       In the House of Representatives,  Interfaith Welcome Coalition of   Commission on Racial Equity   est Hills. New Yorkers of all ages
        and sets them up to benefit from  the legislation is co-sponsored by  San Antonio, Network Lobby for   (CORE) to advance racial equity   and backgrounds came together
        the long-term contributions we  Representatives Ayanna Pressley  Catholic Social Justice, Advocates   in government operations and   to voice what they want NYC
        know that immigrants inevitably  (MA-07), Eleanor Holmes Norton  for Human Rights, Ascentria Care   to increase community voice in   government to prioritize to make
        provide to receiving communities.  (DC), André Carson (IN-07),  Alliance, National Immigrant   government decision making.   our city more equitable. Feedback
        When we invest in our shared fu-  Dan Goldman (NY-10), Jonathan  Justice Center, Vera Institute of   CORE developed and released   from the conversation will be in-
        ture, we make America stronger.”  Jackson (IL-01), Nikema Williams  Justice, and Illinois Community   draft community equity priori-  corporated into CORE’s efforts to
             “Church World Service strongly  (GA-05), Juan Vargas (CA-52),  for Displaced Migrants.  ties to improve the wellbeing of   advocate for more equitable poli-
                                                                                                New Yorkers harmed by racism.   cies and practices across NYC’s
             Leader Jeffries Statement On Shooting At West Indian                               On August 15, we partnered   food, housing, education, policing,
                                   American Day Parade                                          with CORE to host a community   and economic systems.
        Democratic Leader Hakeem  victims and their families during  threat of gun violence.          CUNY Receives $200,000 From
        Jeffries released the following  this difficult time.           No one in Brooklyn, New York   Lumina Foundation to Create Teaching
        statement:                        The parade is a beautiful display  or America is safe until we get
                                     of culture and community that I  weapons of war off our streets.    Tools on Ethical Use of AI
             I am saddened and horrified  have been honored to attend over  America cannot be the best ver-
        by today’s shooting at the West  the years, including this year.  sion of herself until we crush the   (Continued from page 9)  faculty member with expertise in
        Indian American Day Parade in  Every American should be able to  scourge of gun violence once and                    the use of AI.
        Brooklyn. My prayers are with the  celebrate their heritage without the  for all.            “The ethical use of emerging       The teaching materials they
          Gillibrand Statement On Deaths Of Six Hostages In Gaza                                technologies like artificial intel-  have created include projects in
                                                                                                ligence is a crucial area of focus  which CUNY students learn how
        U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand  including Israeli-American Hersh  heart breaks for his parents, Rachel   for the future of higher education,”  to build and use customized chat-
        today issued the following state-  Goldberg-Polin. My heart is with  and Jon, who worked tirelessly to   said Lumina President Jamie  bots, which are AI programs that
        ment on the six hostages killed in  their families and loved ones today.  bring Hersh and all the hostages   Merisotis. “We are proud to sup-  are designed to have automated
        Gaza, including Israeli-Ameri-       “Hersh was just 23 years old,  home.               port CUNY’s efforts to develop  conversations with humans.
        can Hersh Goldberg-Polin:    described by his mother as a ‘happy-       “Hamas leaders must be held ac-  innovative teaching tools that not       For example, education students
                                     go-lucky, laid back, good humored,  countable for their crimes. And we   only advance AI literacy but also  at York College will train bots
             “I’m devastated and horrified  respectful and curious person’ with  will keep working until we bring the   ensure that today’s students are  with information customized to
        by the murder of six hostages,  a bright future ahead of him. My  remaining hostages home.”  prepared to navigate the complexi-  the materials and learning needs
                                                                                                ties and ethical considerations  of students in their classrooms. In
                TAKE 5 Top-Prize Ticket Sold in JAMAICA                                         of this evolving technology. By  creating and testing the chatbots,
                                                                                                fostering collaboration and mak-
                                                                                                                             the student teachers will not only
             The New York Lottery today  from a field of one through 39.  contributing $3.8 billion in fiscal  ing these resources widely avail-  learn first-hand how AI works but
        announced one top-prize winning  The drawing is televised twice  year 2023-2024 to benefit public  able, CUNY is leading the way to  will be required to think critically
        ticket was sold for the Aug. 30  daily at 2:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.  schools in New York State.   enhance educational equity and  about the information they are
        TAKE 5 MIDDAY drawing. The  A Lottery draw game prize of any  New Yorkers struggling with  empower learners nationwide.”  feeding the bots and what they are
        ticket was sold at:          amount may be claimed up to one  a gambling addiction, or who       The initiative, called Building  training the bots to do. Ultimately
        •    STAR CARE PHARMACY lo-  year from the date of the drawing.  know someone who is, can find  Bridges of Knowledge, comprises  they will assess the advantages,
        cated at 17520 HILLSIDE AVE in       About the New York Lottery -  help by calling New York’s toll-  teams of faculty fellows in five  limitations, biases and ethical
        JAMAICA, which sold one prize-  The New York Lottery continues  free  confidential  HOPEline  at  academic areas — education,  concerns of the tools they produce.
        winning ticket worth $20,656.00   to be North America’s largest  1-877-8-HOPENY (1-877-846-  STEM, social sciences, health
             TAKE 5 numbers are drawn  and  most  profitable  Lottery,  7369).                  and humanities – each led by a    (Continued on page 11)
   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12