Page 10 - qt edition #3 January 16, 2025
P. 10

PAGE 10                                                    THE QUEENS TIMES                                THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2025

                Attorney General James Puts Medical                                 Gillibrand Previews Her Legislative Priorities
         Transportation Industry On Notice, Announces                                               For The New Congress
                 New Actions To Stop Ongoing Fraud                                    U.S. Senator Kirsten  ber of the Senate Aging  mittee.
                                                                                 Gillibrand  held  a  virtual  Committee, I will continue  •    Fighting age discrimi-
             New York Attorney  fake trips, adding fake tolls  tigations.        press conference to share  my work to protect Social  nation  in  the  workplace
        General Letitia James has  to inflate costs, fraudulently       These investigations   her legislative priorities  Security and Medicare  by passing the Protect-
        announced new measures  extending the mileage of  were conducted by Auditor-  and goals for the 119th  and bring down the cost of  ing Older Americans Act,
        to stop a major source of  trips, and using unlicensed  Investigators and Data Ana-  Congress. Gillibrand was  prescription drugs. I also  legislation that would in-
        Medicaid fraud by transpor-  drivers. In some cases,  lysts led by MFCU Chief   recently named to the pow-  plan to reintroduce my  validate forced arbitra-
        tation companies that use  companies exploit vulner-  Auditor Dejan Budimir,   erful Senate Appropria-  bipartisan legislation to  tion  clauses  that  prevent
        fake billing schemes to steal  able Medicaid recipients  MFCU Detectives led by   tions Committee for the  fight age discrimination in  age discrimination victims
        from Medicaid and exploit  by paying them kickbacks  former Deputy Chief  Com-  119th Congress. She will  the workplace. And finally,  from seeking justice and
        vulnerable patients. The Of-  in  exchange  for  request-  manding Officer, MFCU    also  serve  as  the  rank-  as a champion for account-  public accountability.
        fice of the Attorney General  ing transportation services  William Falk  and Deputy   ing member of the Senate  ability and transparency in  •    Expanding the Cyber
        (OAG) today issued cease  from the company. These  Chief  Ronald Lynch, Act-  Aging Committee and as  government, I will work to  Academy program to help
        and desist notices to 54  kickback schemes can put  ing Commanding Officer,   a member of the Senate  pass legislation to ban stock  young  people get  an af-
        transportation companies  already vulnerable New  MFCU, and MFCU Region-  Armed Services Commit-  trading by members of  fordable college education
        throughout the state, warn-  Yorkers at even greater risk.  al Directors, Special Assis-  tee and the Senate Select  Congress, senior executive  while simultaneously fill-
        ing them of potential finan-  MFCU investigators have  tant Attorneys General, and   Committee on Intelligence.  branch officials, and their  ing critical national secu-
        cial penalties and prison  uncovered cases in which  legal support analysts from        “As we enter a new Con-  spouses and dependents. I  rity positions in the federal
        sentences if they continue  transportation companies  each of the Medicaid Fraud   gress, I am firstly focused  look forward to a produc-  government.
        their alleged illegal schemes  exploited Medicaid recipi-  Control  Unit’s  seven  re-  on the economy - deliver-  tive 119th Congress deliv-  •    Mandating govern-
        of overcharging Medicaid  ents in need of substance  gional offices, coordinated   ing funds for infrastructure  ering for New Yorkers.”   ment transparency and
        for fraudulent services.  abuse treatment to recruit  by MFCU Chief of Crimi-  projects that create and       Gillibrand’s priorities for  accountability by passing
        The OAG’s investigations  passengers to use in fake  nal Investigations Thom-  support good-paying jobs;  the 119th Congress include:  bipartisan legislation to ban
        into the medical transpor-  billing schemes.     as O’Hanlon and MFCU    securing federal support  •    Securing federal fund-  members of Congress, the
        tation industry for ongoing       Attorney General James  Chief of Civil Enforcement   for nonprofits and other  ing for New York’s roads,  president, vice president,
        fraud have already secured  announced new measures  Alee Scott and AAG Em-  organizations that help  bridges, and public transit  senior executive branch
        over $10 million and led to  to shut down this method of  ily Auletta.. MFCU is led   working class New York-  projects.  members, and their spouses
        criminal convictions of 11  Medicaid fraud. The OAG  by Director Amy Held and   ers; and working across  •    Passing the FAMILY  and dependents from hold-
        individuals. In addition to  has served cease and desist  Assistant Deputy Attorney   the aisle to make 12 weeks  Act to make 12 weeks of  ing or trading stocks.
        issuing the cease and desist  notices  to 54  transporta-  General Paul J. Mahoney.   of paid family and medical  paid family and medical  •    Continuing to fight for
        notices today, Attorney  tion companies operating  The Division of Crimi-  leave available  for  every  leave available to everyone  9/11 first responders and
        General James announced  throughout the state, order-  nal Justice is led by Chief   American who needs it,”  who needs it.  survivors by passing the
        recent settlements with four  ing them to stop fraudulent  Deputy Attorney General   said Senator Gillibrand.  •    Bringing down the  9/11 Responder and Sur-
        transportation companies  billing practices that steal  José Maldonado under the   “I will fight to expand my  cost of prescription drugs,  vivor Health Funding Cor-
        totaling over $847,000 for  funds and put Medicaid  oversight of First Deputy   Cyber Academy program  protecting Social Security  rection Act, which would
        their illegal billing schemes.  patients at risk. Fifteen  Attorney General Jennifer   to help young people af-  and Medicare, and protect-  provide permanent and
             “Companies that illegally  of these companies have  Levy.           ford a college education  ing seniors from financial  mandatory funding for the
        profit by exploiting Medic-  also received demands for       MFCU’s investiga-  and secure stable employ-  scams as ranking member  World Trade Center Health
        aid patients steal taxpayer  repayment of fraudulently  tions have led to criminal   ment. As ranking mem-  of the Senate Aging Com-  Program.
        money and undermine the  obtained funds. The notices  convictions of fraudulent
        health care system that all  sent to these companies  transportation providers   Travel Advisory - Closures Of Exit 10e Ramp From
        New Yorkers rely on,” said  highlighted their violations  across the state. In Decem-
        Attorney General James.  and outlined potential pen-  ber 2024, Attorney General   Eastbound Grand Central Parkway To Eastbound
        “Today I am putting the  alties if they do not comply  James announced the con-  Long Island Expressway (I-495) In Queens
        entire medical transporta-  with the law. Medicaid pro-  victions and sentences of
        tion industry on notice to  viders who knowingly vio-  five taxi company owners        On or about Monday,  through approximately 5       For up-to-date, real-time
        stop these schemes that  late laws and regulations are  and their seven companies   January 13, through Friday,  a.m., each morning.   travel information, motor-
        take advantage of vulner-  subject to civil and criminal  for stealing more than $4.4   January 31, at 12 a.m. and       To access the eastbound  ists should check New York
        able New Yorkers and steal  penalties, including prison  million in Medicaid funds   continuing  through  Ap-  Long  Island  Expressway  State’s official traffic and
        critical funds intended to  time and financial penal-  through fake billing and il-  proximately 5 a.m., Each  during these closures, mo-  travel information source
        provide health care to those  ties. If the companies do  legal kickback schemes, as   Morning     torists should take Exit 10W  by calling 5-1-1, visiting
        in need. My office has al-  not change their practices,  well as money laundering.   (Weather Permitting)  (I-495 West) and follow the, or down-
        ready recovered millions of  OAG will pursue all legal  In October 2024, Attorney        The New York State  signed detour.   load the free 511NY mobile
        dollars and secured prison  remedies to recover funds  General James secured the   Department of Transporta-  Inclement weather could  app.
        sentences for those com-  and punish the companies’  convictions of three owners   tion (NYSDOT) is advising  cause these closures to be       Motorists are urged to
        mitting this fraud. I will  operators.           of a transportation company   motorists that there will be  rescheduled.    slow down and drive re-
        continue to do everything       In addition to the cease  in Monroe County for fake   full closures of the Exit 10E       These closures are needed  sponsibly in work zones.
        my power to shut down  and desist notices, Attorney  billing and illegal kickback   ramp from eastbound Grand  to facilitate work on NYS-  Fines are doubled for speed-
        these schemes and ensure  General James announced  schemes. The leaders of the   Central Parkway to the east-  DOT’s $14.8 million Safety  ing in a work zone. Con-
        that state funds meant to  four new settlements with  scheme will serve prison   bound Long Island Express-  and Mobility Improvements  victions of two or more
        help New Yorkers in need  transportation companies  and jail time and must pay   way (I-495) in Queens, on or  on the  eastbound  Grand  speeding violations in a
        are not stolen through fraud  for violations of Medicaid  back over $2.1 million.   about Monday, January 13,  Central Parkway at Long  work zone could result in
        and corruption.”         transportation rules that  In March 2023, Attorney   through Friday, January 31,  Island Expressway Inter-  the suspension of an indi-
             Medicaid reimburs-  will return over $847,000  General James secured over   at 12 a.m. and continuing  change project.  vidual’s driver license.
        es authorized businesses  to the state. These include:   $860,000 from a Capital
        for transporting Medic-  •    City Service Transpor-  Region transportation com-  AG James Reminds New Yorkers to be
        aid patients to and from  tation, Inc. in Erie County  pany for fraudulently billing
        covered medical services.  will repay $373,216.11.    Medicaid. In 2020, Attorney  Cautious in Charitable Giving For Los Angeles
        A licensed taxi company  •    AJ Medical Transporta-  General James secured the                   Wildfire Relief
        enrolls with the state as  tion Co. in Albany County  conviction  of  a  Niagara
        an eligible provider and is  will repay $350,000.  Falls transportation compa-  (Continued from page 9)  well-intentioned, and some  sonal Information. Be cau-
        then randomly assigned  •    Safe Ride of WNY,  ny owner for stealing from                        may provide innovative  tious before giving credit
        to provide trips to patients  Inc. in Erie County and its  Medicaid by billing the state  just the cause. Find out  forms of assistance, some  card or personal informa-
        to specific, non-emergen-  owner, Robert Sapienza will  for rides that they never  what organization or entity  may not have the experi-  tion over the phone, by
        cy, medical appointments.  repay over $66,000.   provided. The owner and his  will receive the money  ence or infrastructure  to  text message, or via the
        The companies must use  •    Half Moon Medical  drivers were ordered to pay  and what programs it con-  follow through on their  internet. In all cases, make
        licensed drivers, proper  Transportation, Inc. in Sara-  $1.2 million in restitution to  ducts or what services it  promises,  and  some  may  sure you are familiar with
        vehicles, and bill only for  toga County has agreed to  the state. In 2019, Attorney  provides. Find out how  turn out to be scams.  the organization to which
        services actually rendered.  pay back $58,000.   General James announced  much of the organization’s  •    Exercise Caution Before  you give such information
        They are allowed to bill       Attorney General James  the indictment and arrest of  budget supports its mis-  You Text a Contribution.  and check to see that the
        Medicaid for a base rate for  thanks the United States  the owner of Purple Heart  sion. All charities have  Check the charity’s web-  fundraising campaign is
        the trip, plus an amount for  Department of Health and  Transportation in New York  administrative expenses,  site or call the charity to  legitimate.
        mileage and any tolls.   Human Services – Office  City for stealing from Med-  but be wary if these costs  confirm it has authorized  •    Report Suspicious
             The OAG’s Medicaid  of the Inspector General,  icaid using billing fake  outweigh the amount spent  contributions to be made  Organizations. If you
        Fraud Control Unit (MFCU)  the New York State Depart-  transportation services that  on relief.   via text message.       believe an organization is
        has investigated transporta-  ment of Health, the Office  were never provided. The  •    Look Into Newly Formed  •    Don’t Give Cash. Give  misrepresenting its work
        tion companies across the  of the Medicaid Inspector  leaders of this scheme have  Organizations Carefully.  directly to the charity ei-  or that a fundraising or
        state for using fake billing  General, and the State’s  been  sentenced  to  prison  Often, in the aftermath of  ther by check made pay-  charitable scam is tak-
        and other fraudulent tactics  transportation administra-  and jail sentences and paid  tragedies, new organiza-  able to the organization  ing place,  please file a
        to steal Medicaid funds. The  tor, Medical Answering  back $4.5 million to date.   tions emerge to meet com-  or through the charity’s  complaint with the Chari-
        companies’ schemes often  Services LLC, for their                        munity needs. While most  website.               ties Bureau, or call 212-
        involve billing Medicaid for  cooperation in these inves-  (Continued on page 11)  of these organizations are  •    Be Careful About Per-  416-8401.
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