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PAGE 10                                                    THE QUEENS TIMES                                     THURSDAY, JULY 11, 2024

         Food Establishments Offering Outdoor Dining Have                                         State-Approved Cannabis Dispensary

              27 Days To Apply For New Program Or Remove                                           Grand Opening  in Flatiron District
                                Outdoor Dining Setups                                           New Business Supported by  including assistance with com-
                                                                                                the NY Social Equity Cannabis  plying with state regulations and
        Establishments Must Apply for  setup, the application for the per-  the new program established by  Investment Fund, Headed by  identifying wrap-around services
        ‘Dining Out NYC’ by End of  manent Dining Out NYC program  City Council legislation, roadway  Justice-Impacted Licensee  in security, insurance, and other
        Day on August 3 To Continue  must be submitted by the August  dining will be seasonal, with the                      essential components. Tony called
        Offering Outdoor Dining; Non-  3 deadline. This deadline is only  season ending on November 29  Stoops, a New York State-li-  the experience working with the
        Compliant Businesses Will Re-  applicable to restaurants currently  and resuming on April 1. Sidewalk  censed cannabis dispensary, held  Fund “like getting an MBA.”
        ceive Fines                  participating in the temporary  setups are allowed year-round.  its grand opening at 182 Fifth       “The Fund helped me learn
                                     outdoor dining program; new and       To facilitate a seamless transi-  Avenue (between 22nd and 23rd  business at a whole other level,”
        Comprehensive Guidance, Ser-  existing restaurants not currently  tion, NYC DOT recently launched  Streets), across from the Flatiron  said Chris, who had been a serial
        vices, and Prototypes Available  participating can apply any time  an extensive outreach campaign,  Building in Manhattan.   entrepreneur before becoming a
        Online To Make It Easy To Par-  to Dining Out NYC.         including advertisements via                              CAURD licensee.
        ticipate                          “Act now! Food establishments  LinkNYC, bus shelters, social me-       The dispensary is supported       The dispensary will carry a
                                     with existing outdoor dining set-  dia platforms, and direct outreach  by the New York Cannabis Social  full variety of products that are
             New York City Department  ups have until August 3 to apply  to participating food establish-  Equity Investment Fund, a public-  tested to emphasize public health
        of Transportation (NYC DOT)  to participate in Dining Out NYC  ments by NYC DOT and the NYC  private fund created to provide  and safety for adult use. Custom-
        Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez  or remove their setups,” said  Department of Small Business  opportunities for justice-involved  ers can place orders through the
        today issued an urgent notice to  NYC DOT Commissioner Yda-  Services. In March, NYC DOT  individuals who have received  store’s website, https://stoopsnyc.
        restaurants and other food es-  nis Rodriguez. “Outdoor dining  launched a user-friendly online  a Conditional Adult-Use Retail  com/, where more information can
        tablishments currently offering  enhances our communities, and  application portal to streamline  Dispensary (CAURD) license  be found about the store and its
        outdoor dining that they have  we’re excited to make it a per-  the application process, enabling  from the State Office of Cannabis  offerings. The store is open from
        exactly 27 days to apply for the  manent feature of New York City  restaurants to transition smoothly.  Management (OCM).  10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through
        city’s new outdoor dining program  streets. The city’s new outdoor  The portal includes all necessary       The dispensary is owned by  Saturday, and from noon to 8 p.m.
        or must remove their outdoor din-  dining program is the biggest and  information, fees, and documenta-  Victor (Tony) Rodriguez and  on Sundays.
        ing setups. These establishments  best in America and we have made  tion requirements.  Chris Kulian, who said that the       More information about the
        must apply to ‘Dining Out NYC’  it easy to participate through our       The Dining Out NYC website  Fund was instrumental in helping  New York State Cannabis Social
        by the end of day on August 3.  online application portal and ad-  features the Dining Out Market-  them secure this prime location.  Equity Fund and the entrepreneurs
        Applications and comprehensive  ditional resources and guidance  place and Set-Up Menu. Launched  “If it weren’t for the Fund, we  partnering with the Fund can be
        guidance, services, and outdoor  available at”  in early May, the Marketplace is  certainly wouldn’t have been on  found at
        dining prototypes are available       Restaurants with temporary  a one-stop-shop for food estab-  Fifth Avenue,” Chris said.  Cannabis. More information about
        online at  outdoor dining setups that apply  lishments setting up sidewalk or       The Fund provides significant  New York’s Cannabis program
             The Dining Out NYC website  by August 3 must bring their set-  roadway cafes, offering compa-  support to CAURD licensees who  can be found at https://cannabis.
        makes it easy for eligible food  ups into compliance with Dining  nies specializing in construction,  choose to work with the Fund,
        establishments to participate by  Out NYC design requirements  assembly, design, and storage
        offering comprehensive guidance,  within 30 days of application ap-  of outdoor dining materials and   Catholic Migration Workers Hold First
        detailed informational resources,  proval or by November 1, 2024,  furniture. Using these companies
        compliant outdoor dining proto-  whichever is sooner. Non-compli-  is optional. The Setup Menu,    Picket for Fair Contract
        types, and a marketplace offering  ance with the August 3 deadline  launched alongside the portal,
        services and products to support  may result in penalties of $500  presents four compliant roadway  The unionized staff at CMS in  es, management at CMS refused
        compliant setups. To continue  for the first offense and $1,000  prototypes as models for outdoor  Queens and Brooklyn will hold  to come to an agreement, instead
        operating a current outdoor dining  for subsequent offenses. Under  dining setups.      the union’s first ever picket in  allowing the contract to expire on
                                                                                                its fight for livable wages and  June 30th, 2024. The organiza-
        Red Cross Responds to 20 Emergences, Supports 228 People                                the chance to remain competitive  tion would rather allow a strike
                                                                                                with other legal service organiza-
                               in New York City Last Week                                       tions.                       than reach a deal with workers
                                                                                                                             that would ensure their ability to
                                                                                                                             continue to provide high quality
             The American Red Cross in  (7/5/24)                   needs. The Red Cross also typi-       The Association of Legal Aid  representation to New Yorkers.
        Greater New York is helping 228  •    Five households (16 individu-  cally provides information packets   Attorneys - UAW Local 2325  The union remains committed to
        people after 20 emergencies in the  als) after a fire on East 5th Street  regarding recovery resources and   (ALAA) at Catholic Migration  negotiating in good faith, but be-
        five boroughs between July 1 and  (7/6/24)                 guidance, cleanup kits, comfort   Services (CMS) will participate  cause of management’s inaction,
        July 8, 2024.                     The Red Cross responded to help  kits with personal care items,   in their shop’s first ever lunch-  has had to involve the community
                                                                                                time picket Tuesday, July 9,  and demonstrate the member-
              The Red Cross responded  4 people affected by 1 emergency  snacks, waters, and other items   2024 from 1:15pm-2:15pm. This  ship’s whole dissatisfaction with
        to help 140 people affected by 7  in Manhattan:            as needed.                   momentous occasion comes after  the offers currently on the table.
        emergencies in the Bronx:    •    One household (four indi-       Red Cross caseworkers will   several months of bargaining for       “On top of high rent and liv-
        •    Four households (13 individuals)  viduals) after a fire on 2nd Avenue  continue to work with families   a fair contract and management’s  ing expenses, I’m still paying
        after a fire on Bainbridge Avenue  (7/2/24)                to connect them with additional   refusal to agree to a one-year  off my student loans. If Catholic
        (7/1/24)                          The Red Cross responded to help  resources for long-term recovery   agreement that would ensure  Migration Services refuses to pay
        •    Two households (11 individu-  48 people affected by 6 emergen-  needs.             livable wages and the ability  us livable wages, I may have to
        als) after a fire on Saxon Avenue  cies in Queens:              Any persons impacted by   to participate in ALAA’s effort  make some tough choices, such as
        (7/4/24)                     •    Two households (two indi-  these disasters who need recovery  for sectoral bargaining in legal  leaving New York City.” - Bryan
        •    Five households (14 individuals)  viduals) after a fire on 77th Street  assistance and have not already  services.  Fotino, CMS Bargaining Com-
        after a fire on East 226th Street  (7/2/24)                connected with Red Cross services       CMS has been providing ser-  mittee Rep.
        (7/4/24)                     •    Three households (16 individu-  should contact 1-877-RED CROSS  vices to the immigrant and low-       Members are committed to
        •    Two households (six indi-  als) after a fire on Beach Channel  (1-877-733-2767).   income communities in Brooklyn  fighting for the contract that they
        viduals) after a fire on Faile Street  Drive (7/2/24)            EXTREME HEAT SAFETY:  and Queens since 1971. In recent  deserve — one with livable wages
        (7/5/24)                     •    Two households (six individu-  Extreme heat is deadly and kills  years, the staff, services, and  and a one-year term. The union
        •    Eight households (14 individu-  als) after a fire on 95th Avenue  more people than any other weath-  clients have increased. In 2020,  remains confident it will not only
        als) after a fire on Minford Place  (7/3/24)               er event. Be sure to stay hydrated,   staff at CMS decided to unionize,  win this contract, but also come
        (7/6/24)                     •    Two households (eight indi-  stay cool, and prevent heat illness   and in 2021, they entered into  back next year with even more
        •    29 households (79 individuals)  viduals) after a fire on 132nd Street  such as heat cramps, heat exhaus-  their first contract. Now, while  power and the support of its union
        after a fire on East 181st Street  (7/4/24)                tion, and heat stroke. Learn more   negotiating their first successor  siblings across ALAA who will
        (7/6/24)                     •    Two households (nine individu-  at  agreement, management has in-  be engaged in the same fight.
                                                                                                sisted on locking the union into a       ALAA - UAW Local 2325 is
        •    One household (three individu-  als) after a fire on 144th Avenue       About the American Red Cross -   3 year contract with unacceptable  the nation’s oldest labor union
        als) after a fire on Lacombe Avenue  (7/4/24)              The American Red Cross shelters,   salaries, and much lower than  of public defenders and legal
        (7/6/24)                     •    Two households (seven indi-  feeds and provides comfort to   comparable organizations. Even  services workers.  Encompassing
             The Red Cross responded to help  viduals) after a fire on 86th Avenue  victims of disasters; supplies about   more concerning, management  almost 3,000 members, ALAA
        31 people affected by 5 emergen-  (7/5/24)                 40% of the nation’s blood; teaches   expects the union to entertain  represents the workers of the
        cies in Brooklyn:                 The Red Cross responded to help  skills that save lives; distributes in-  these inadequate salary propos-  Legal Aid Society, Neighborhood
        •    Two households (six individu-  5 people affected by 1 emergency  ternational humanitarian aid; and   als without providing any other  Defender Service, The Bronx
        als) after a fire on Brighton 12th  on Staten Island:      supports veterans, military mem-  economic counters.      Defenders, Queens Defenders,
        Street (7/2/24)              •    Two households (five indi-  bers and their families. The Red       After the union proposed  Brooklyn Defender Services,
        •    One household (three individu-  viduals) after a fire on Bay Street  Cross is a nonprofit organization  multiple offers that would settle  Appellate Advocates, The Office
        als) after a fire on Cozine Avenue  (7/4/24)               that depends on volunteers and the  negotiations, including dropping  of the Appellate Defender, The
        (7/3/24)                          In each instance, the Red Cross  generosity of the American public  nearly all economic items for the  Center for Appellate Litigation,
        •    One household (three individu-  Greater New York Disaster Action  to deliver its mission. For more  sake of reasonable salary increas-  and dozens more organizations.
        als) after a fire on Christopher Av-  Team provided emergency assis-  information, please visit redcross.
        enue (7/4/24)                tance, including temporary lodg-  org or, or   Visit Our Website:
        •    One household (three individu-  ing and/or financial assistance,  follow us (@redcrossny) on Face-
        als) after a fire on East 94th Street  to meet the families’ immediate  book, Instagram, X, or LinkedIn.
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