P. 10

PAGE 10                                                    THE QUEENS TIMES                                     THURSDAY, JULY 25, 2024

          NYC Council Votes to Expand Availability of Rapid                                       DiNapoli: Improved Planning Needed

                                     STI Testing Sites                                              For New York To Achieve Its Clean
              (Continued from page 9)  the bravery and contributions of  district.                                 Energy Goals
                                     these veterans are never forgotten.       58-75 Queens Midtown Ex-  (Continued from page 9)  als are evaluated consistently and
        cil is forced to defend our institu-  Today’s passage of Resolution 10  pressway Rezoning – An applica-              contracts are awarded to the most
        tional prerogative after passing  in the NYC Council, recognizing  tion to facilitate the enlargement  expected renewable energy gen-  qualified proposers.
        Local Law 42 and then overriding  July 27 annually as Korean War  of a pre-existing development site  eration and timing of projects not       In response, PSC did not agree
        the mayor’s veto,” said Council  Veterans Armistice Day in the  in Council Member Julie Won’s  yet operable; and,    with several of the audit’s find-
        Member Sandy Nurse. “However,  City of New York, is a great step  district.             •    Perform a detailed analysis of  ings, including that it uses out-
        it’s clear the mayor will try to  in honoring those who served in       27-24 College Point Boulevard  cost estimates and periodically  dated or incorrect calculations for
        weaken the law in court. Local  the war.”                  Overlay – An application to fa-  report results to the public, and  planning purposes. It also referred
        Law 42 bans solitary confinement,       Land Use - The Landmarks  cilitate the development of a one-  assess the extent to which ratepay-  to events such as the COVID-19
        globally recognized as torture that  Preservation Commission’s desig-  story commercial building with  ers will be responsible for Climate  pandemic impacting cost analysis.
        causes physical and psychological  nation of the Old Croton Aqueduct  a drive-through, and bring sev-  Act implementation costs.  NYSERDA generally agreed with
        harm. My resolution allows us  Walk as an historic landmark in  eral existing commercial uses into  The audit also recommends NY-  the audit’s recommendations and
        to not only defend the Council’s  Council Member Pierina Ana  conformance, in Council Member  SERDA:                 said it had implemented changes
        authority but recommits us to  Sanchez’s district. The Old Cro-  Vickie Paladino’s district.  •    Take steps to ensure propos-  to its procedures.
        banning this cruel practice in our  ton Aqueduct Walk is a public       Resilient Homes Staten Is-
        city jails. This is a vital step in  walkway on top of the Old Croton  land – An HPD application for   AFGE Endorses Kamala Harris
        ensuring humane treatment in our  Aqueduct, an engineering marvel  UDAAP approval and Article
        jails and protecting the health and  built in 1842 which brought the  XI tax exemption to facilitate the   For President
        dignity of every individual. We  first direct water supply to New  construction of eight two-family
        must stand firm in our commit-  York City. Upon its completion,  homes and seven one-family       The American Federation of  portant voice for change.
        ment to justice and human rights.”  the 41-mile-long aqueduct carried  homes containing a total of 23  Government Employees (AFGE),       We look forward to working
             Establishing Korean War Vet-  45 million gallons of water daily to  units. The sites, which were part  the largest union representing  with Vice President Harris and her
        erans Armistice Day          the city from a reservoir in Croton,  of the Build  it Back Program  750,000 federal and D.C. gov-  running mate to repudiate the dark
             Resolution 10, sponsored by  New  York.  On  April 27,  1940,  after being ravaged by Hurricane  ernment employees nationwide,  future outlined for our country
        Council Member Robert Holden,  after  completing  a  substantial  Sandy, will be redeveloped under  is proud to announce that our  in Project 2025 and continue de-
        would recognize July 27 annually  renovation, the Parks Department  the HPD’s Open Door Program,  National Executive Council has  livering results for the American
        as Korean War Veterans Armi-  opened the Aqueduct Walk as an  creating new homeownership  voted unanimously  to  endorse  people.
        stice Day in the City of New York  official public park, and it contin-  buildings affordable to moderate-  Vice President Kamala Harris to       Throughout AFGE’s presiden-
        to honor the courage and sacrifice  ues to maintain and upgrade the  and middle-income households  be the next president of the United  tial endorsement process, and in
        of those who served.         park to this day.             in Council Member David Carr’s  States, reaffirming our previous  the many months since, AFGE
             “The Korean War, often called       2118 Avenue U Rezoning -  district.            endorsement.                 members  have  made  clear  that
        the ‘Forgotten War,’ was largely  An application to facilitate the       Finance: - Preconsidered       During her time in the U.S. Sen-  their top priority in 2024 is defeat-
        overshadowed by World War II  development of a new four-story  Resolution, sponsored by Council  ate, she stood shoulder-to-shoul-  ing Donald Trump and stopping
        and the Vietnam War,” said Coun-  mixed use-building. It will include  Member Justin Brannan, reau-  der with AFGE to secure critical  anti-worker efforts like Project
        cil Member Robert Holden, Chair  approximately 10 housing units,  thorizing a 40-year Article V tax  PPE and sick leave for front-line  2025. During his first term, his
        of the Committee on Veterans.  three affordable units and ground-  exemption for the preservation  workers during a pandemic, keep  administration implemented many
        “Recognizing Korean War Vet-  floor commercial retail space, in  of one rent-stabilized building in  the government funded to prevent  anti-worker, anti-union policies
        erans Armistice Day ensures that  Council Member Inna Vernikov’s  Council Member Osse’s district.  a disastrous shutdown, secure  that threatened our union and the
                                                                                                much-needed compensation for  frontline government workers we
         Red Cross Responds to Support 161 People in NYC Last Week                              victims of the terrorist attacks  represent. Another Trump admin-
                                                                                                on September 11, 2001, defend  istration would be a threat to our
              (Continued from page 8)  (7/19/24)                   sistance and have not already   safe staffing levels and collective  union, our democracy, our rights,
                                     •    One household (two individu-  connected with Red Cross ser-  bargaining rights across federal  and our freedoms.
        als) after a fire on East 95th Street  als) after a fire on 167th Street  vices should contact 1-877-RED   agencies, protect the diversity and       The American Federation of
        (7/19/24)                    (7/19/24)                     CROSS (1-877-733-2767).      human rights offices of federal  Government Employees (AFGE)
        •    Two households (three indi-       The Red Cross responded to       EXTREME HEAT SAFETY:   agencies, and nominate pro-union  is the largest federal employee
        viduals)  after  a  fire  on  Calyer  help 1 person affected by 1 emer-  Extreme heat is deadly and kills   justices to the Supreme Court. As  union, representing 750,000 work-
        Street (7/19/24)             gency on Staten Island:       more people than any other weath-  vice president, she has led im-  ers in the federal government and
             The Red Cross responded to  •    One household (one individ-  er event. Be sure to stay hydrated,   portant work on the White House  the government of the District of
        help 17 people affected by 2 emer-  ual) after a fire on Quinn Street  stay cool, and prevent heat illness   Task Force on Worker Organizing  Columbia.
        gencies in Manhattan:        (7/19/24)                     such as heat cramps, heat exhaus-  and Empowerment, delivering       For the latest AFGE news and
        •    Three households (12 indi-       In each instance, the Red Cross  tion, and heat stroke. Learn more   results for working people across  information, visit the AFGE Me-
        viduals) after a fire on West 162nd  Greater New York Disaster Action  at  the country, and has been an im-  dia Center.
        Street (7/17/24)             Team provided emergency assis-       About the American Red Cross:
        •    Three households (five indi-  tance, including temporary lodg-  The American Red Cross shel-  Attorney General James Announces
        viduals) after a fire on Chrystie  ing and/or financial assistance,  ters, feeds and provides comfort
        Street (7/19/24)             to meet the families’ immediate  to victims of disasters; supplies   New Protections Against Deed Theft
             The Red Cross responded to  needs. The Red Cross also typi-  about 40% of the nation’s blood;
        help 34 people affected by 5 emer-  cally provides information packets  teaches skills that save lives;   (Continued from page 8)  General James has taken to combat
        gencies in Queens:           regarding recovery resources and  distributes international humani-                     deed theft. In July 2024, Attorney
        •    Two households (seven indi-  guidance, cleanup kits, comfort  tarian aid; and supports veterans,  deed theft has taken place or is   General James announced the con-
        viduals) after a fire on Astoria  kits with personal care items,  military members and their fami-  suspected, which acts as a “red   viction and sentencing of Marcus
        Boulevard (7/18/24)          snacks, waters, and other items  lies. The Red Cross is a nonprofit  flag” warning banks and insur-  Wilcher, the leader of a Queens
        •    One household (two indi-  as needed.                  organization that depends on  ance companies of potential scams   deed theft ring that sold three
        viduals) after a fire on 11th Street       Red Cross caseworkers will  volunteers and the generosity of  and voiding good faith purchaser   homes without the knowledge
        (7/18/24)                    continue to work with families  the American public to deliver its  protections. The law also makes it   of the rightful property owners
        •    Seven households (18 indi-  to connect them with additional  mission. For more information,  possible to keep New Yorkers in   and pocketed over $1 million.
        viduals) after a fire on 99th Street  resources for long-term recovery  please visit or Cru-  their homes and stay an eviction   In June 2023, Attorney General
        (7/19/24)                    needs.              , or follow  proceeding in housing court when   James applauded the passage of
        •    One household (five individu-       Any persons impacted by these  us (@redcrossny) on Facebook,  the rightful homeowner can show   her legislation, cosponsored by
        als) after a fire on 126th Street  disasters who need recovery as-  Instagram, X, or LinkedIn.  evidence that there is a potential   State  Senator  Brian  Kavanagh
                                                                                                deed theft in progress. The law
            Community Partnerships Division Visits 100th Precinct                               also expanded the protections   and Assemblymember Helene
                                                                                                                             Weinstein, that reformed New
                                                                                                of the Homeowner Equity Theft   York’s civil laws to provide more
                                                                                                Prevention Act (HEPTA) to allow   tools to prevent deed theft. In July
                                                                                                homeowners with active utility   2023, Attorney General James
                                                                                                liens the opportunity to cancel   announced the indictment of a
             Members of Queens District                                                         any contract to sell their property.  Long Island man for deed theft
        Attorneys Office Community                                                                   The new criminal reforms   for allegedly stealing two homes
        Partnerships Division recently                                                          taking effect today and the civil   in Harlem which had a combined
        met with Captain Carlos Ren-                                                            reforms passed last year will   estimated value of more than
        don,  executive  officer  of  the                                                       help New Yorkers stay in their   $4.7 million during the relevant
        100th Precinct on the Rockaway                                                          homes. Under these new laws,   times of possession. In February
        peninsula.                                                                              homeowners will have stronger   2021, Attorney General James
             They had a productive discus-                                                      protections against deed theft, law   announced an $800,000 grant,
        sion about community concerns                                                           enforcement will have new tools   funded by Office of the Attorney
        and future opportunities for                                                            to prosecute deed thieves, and   General (OAG) settlements, to
        collaboration. Thank you to                                                             scammers will be deterred from   the New York City Department
        the leaders of the precinct for                                                         stealing homes.
        hosting us.                                                                                  This is the latest action Attorney   (Continued on page 11)
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