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PAGE 8                                                     THE QUEENS TIMES                                     THURSDAY, JULY 25, 2024

          Gillibrand Stands With Veterans At Wounded Warrior                                      Gillibrand Announces Legislation To
            Project In Nyc To Announce Legislation To Address                                     Cap The Cost Of Prescription Drugs
              Epidemic Of Traumatic Brain Injuries In Service                                    High Drug Prices Can Force  a year for an individual and $4,000
                                 Members And Veterans                                           New Yorkers Who Rely On Pre-  a year for a family with private in-
                                                                                                scription Drugs To Cut Pills In  surance. It would be life-changing
             Following a disturbing report  the country. Our service members  Hendon. “It is an essential step   Half Or Skip Doses Entirely;   for older adults and the millions
        showing  that  service  members  go through so much to protect the  toward safeguarding the well-                    of Americans with chronic condi-
        are sustaining crippling traumatic  freedoms we hold dear including  being and future of our veteran    New Legislation Would Guar-  tions and disabilities.”
        brain injuries as a result of firing  regularly firing heavy weapons  and military community.”  antee That Life-Saving Medica-       Senators Bob Casey (D-PA),
        their own weapons, U.S. Senator  which can lead to increased brain       Gillibrand was joined by New   tion Is Affordable For Working  Raphael Warnock (D-GA), Amy
        Kirsten Gillibrand stood with vet-  injury. It is important that we ad-  York City Commissioner of Vet-  Families    Klobuchar (D-MN), John Fetter-
        erans at Wounded Warrior Project  dress this issue. Thank you again  erans’ Services James Hendon,                   man (D-PA), Richard Blumenthal
        in NYC to announce the Blast  to  Senator  Gillibrand  and  I’m  CEO of Wounded Warrior Project        U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand  (D-CT), Chris Van Hollen (D-
        Overpressure Safety Act, legisla-  looking forward to continuing to  Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Walter Piatt, and   held a virtual press conference to  MD), Martin Heinrich (D-NM),
        tion to address traumatic brain  partner with you to fight for our  veteran advocates.   announce the Capping Prescrip-  Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Peter
        injuries among service members  veterans across the state and the       Specifically, the Blast Over-  tion Costs Act, legislation that  Welch (D-VT), and Mazie Hirono
        and veterans.                country the way they’ve fought for  pressure Safety Act would:   would  cap the  annual  out-of-  (D-HI) cosponsor this bill. Repre-
             Service members who regu-  us,” said New York State Senator  1.   Mandate regular neurocogni-  pocket cost of prescription drugs  sentative Kathy Manning (D-NC)
        larly fire heavy weapons are at  Jessica Scarcella-Spanton.  tive assessments over a service   at $2,000 for individuals and  leads companion legislation in the
        increased risk of brain injury as a       “According to Wounded War-  member’s career, including a   $4,000 for families with private  House.
        result of repeated exposure to ex-  rior  Project’s  (WWP’s)  2022  baseline neurocognitive assess-  insurance. The legislation builds       Throughout her time in Con-
        plosions or blasts from their own  Annual Warrior Survey, 36.5%  ment before training.   on transformational drug pricing  gress, Gillibrand has fought to
        weapons and explosives - other-  of WWP warriors self-reported  2.   Create blast overpressure ex-  reforms included in the Inflation  lower the cost of prescription
        wise known as blast overpressure.  experiencing TBI due to military  posure and TBI logs for all service   Reduction  Act  of  2022,  which  drugs. In 2022, she helped pass
        These brain injuries can cause  service. Through our survey, and  members.              capped the price of insulin at $35  the Inflation Reduction Act, which
        depression, anxiety, cognitive  the programs we deliver, we have  3.   Increase transparency regard-  a month and out-of-pocket drug  capped Medicare patients’ out-
        problems, hallucinations, panic  learned that TBI contributes to  ing blast overpressure safety in the   costs at $2,000 a year for Medi-  of-pocket prescription drug costs
        attacks, violent outbursts, suicidal  a decline in quality of life, pres-  weapons acquisition process. DoD   care Part D beneficiaries.  at $2,000 per year; empowered
        tendencies, psychiatric disorders,  ents as an elevated risk factor for  must consider the minimization        “No one should have to risk  Medicare to negotiate prescription
        dementia, and a variety of other  suicide, and underlays increased  of blast overpressure during the   their health by skipping refills or  drug prices; and regulated price
        serious health problems. At least a  mental health symptom and sub-  acquisition process, require con-  rationing life-saving medication  increases by drug companies.
        dozen Navy SEALs who have died  stance use dependence,” said  tracting entities to provide blast   because they can’t afford the cost  She is an original cosponsor of
        by suicide over the past decade  LTG Walt Piatt, U.S. Army (Ret.),  overpressure safety data, and pub-  of their prescriptions,” said Sena-  the Medicare for All Act, which
        were later found to have suffered  Chief Executive Officer, WWP.  lish blast overpressure safety data   tor Gillibrand. “Under the Biden  would provide every American
        blast injuries, and many more ser-  “That is why Wounded Warrior  for weapons systems and its plans   administration, we’ve already  with prescription drug coverage.
        vice members have complained of  Project is proud to support the  to better protect service members   made huge strides by passing  Last year, she joined a bipartisan
        health issues after blast exposure.  Blast Overpressure Safety Act  from in-use weapons systems.   legislation to allow Medicare to  push to lower out-of-pocket costs
        Despite this, the Pentagon has  which will help protect Service  4.   Improve data on concussive   negotiate drug prices and cap the  for prescription drugs by limiting
        struggled to properly investigate  members from blast overpressure  and subconcussive brain injuries   price of insulin at $35 a month  the use of harmful “copay accu-
        the impact of blast overpressure,  and TBI; improve research and  service members sustain. This in-  for seniors. Now, I’m fighting  mulators,” which prevent copay
        effectively track the prevalence  data collection regarding brain  cludes information on discharges   to get prices down on all drugs  assistance from counting toward
        of blast overpressure-related in-  health and safety; and expand ac-  related to and medical providers   for all Americans. The Capping  a patient’s deductible or out-of-
        juries, or offer appropriate care  cess to effective treatments and  trained in these injuries, as well   Prescription Costs Act imposes  pocket maximum and make it
        to service members and veterans.  support for veterans with a brain  as efforts with allies and partners   caps on out-of-pocket prescription  harder for patients to afford their
        Gillibrand is calling for more  injury. WWP applauds Senator  to better address these injuries.   drug costs: a maximum of $2,000  medications.
        research and better treatment for  Gillibrand and fellow senators  5.   Enhance efforts to mitigate
        those affected.              for their leadership and efforts to  exposure and help service mem-  Attorney General James Announces
             “After repeatedly being exposed  address this critical issue.”  bers access care. This includes
        to blasts from their own weapons       “We know that proximity to  retaliation protections for those   New Protections Against Deed Theft
        during both training and combat,  explosions and blast overpressure  who seek care; modifying existing
        our service members are sustain-  has a detrimental effect on brain  weapons system to reduce blast   (Continued from page 4)  property, one commercial mixed-
        ing severe and crippling brain  health, but these injuries can fly  exposure; updating and making                    use property with at least one
        trauma,” said Senator Gillibrand.  under the radar far too often, not  publicly available blast overpres-  impacts elderly homeowners and  residential unit, or two or more
        “This bill will require the DoD  only impacting a veteran’s well-  sure thresholds and creating a  homeowners of color, especially  commercial properties, regardless
        to investigate the prevalence and  being and quality of life, but their  waiver system for exceeding these  New Yorkers in gentrifying neigh-  of monetary value.
        causes of these brain injuries; to  ability to secure their earned ben-  thresholds;  training  high-risk  borhoods who live in homes that  •    Grand Larceny in the Third
        track each service member’s expo-  efits,” said DAV National Legisla-  service members to help them  have significantly increased in  Degree, a Class D Felony applies
        sure to blasts; and to help service  tive Director Joy Ilem. “The Blast  recognize exposure symptoms  value over the years.   to deed theft of one commercial
        members access care. This is a  Over Pressure Act would mandate  and creating strategies to mitigate       Under previous law in New  real property, regardless of mon-
        critical bill and I look forward to  baseline brain cognitive function  their risk; and expanding the types  York state, deed theft itself was not  etary value.
        getting it passed in the NDAA.”   tests before training, require the  of technologies in the Warfighter  a crime. This law amends penal  •    Extend the Statute of Limita-
             “As Chair of the Veterans,  military to record individual blast  Brain Health Initiative pilot blast  law to make deed theft a form of  tions: This new law changes the
        Homeland Security and Military  exposures and regularly test ex-  monitoring program.   grand larceny, extends the statute  statute of limitations to prosecute
        Affairs committee in the NYS  posed service members to check  6.   Support service mem-  of limitations to allow for more  deed theft crimes so that prosecu-
        Senate, I want to thank Senator  for signs of injury. DAV is proud  ber treatment by establishing a  time to identify and investigate  tion must begin within five years
        Gillibrand for her work supporting  to support this bill, and we thank  Special Operations Comprehen-  cases, and grants OAG the original  of the theft or within two years
        our veterans and for introducing  Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand for her  sive Brain Health and Trauma  criminal jurisdiction to prosecute  after the rightful homeowner re-
        legislation to address the epi-  leadership in co-sponsoring this  program, making the National  deed theft crimes alongside district  alizes their deed has been stolen,
        demic of traumatic brain injuries  vital piece of legislation.”  Intrepid  Center  of Excellence  attorneys statewide. These new  whichever occurs later.
        in service members and veterans.       “This important legislation ad-  (NICoE) a program of record and  criminal provisions will increase  •    Grant OAG Original Criminal
        On a personal note, I want to  dresses the urgent need to protect  requiring DoD to provide child  enforcement opportunities and  Jurisdiction: This new law grants
        also thank her on behalf of my  our service members from the  care services to those seeking  help keep New Yorkers in their  OAG concurrent original juris-
        military family for championing  devastating effects of blast-related  treatment there, and mandating  homes. Attorney General James’  diction to prosecute deed theft
        bipartisan legislation that would  traumatic injuries,” said New York  training for medical and training  new law:   crimes alongside district attorneys
        also directly help my family and  City Department of Veterans’  personnel on blast overpressure  •    Establish Deed Theft as a  throughout the state.
        so many military families across  Services Commissioner James  and exposure and TBI.    Crime: Under this new law, deed       Last year, the state legisla-
                                                                                                theft is now legally considered  ture passed Attorney General
         Red Cross Responds to Support 161 People in NYC Last Week                              grand larceny, and can be pros-  James’ legislation co-sponsored
                                                                                                ecuted as such.              by State Senator Kavanagh and
        The  American  Red  Cross  in  (7/15/24)                   viduals) after a fire on Prospect  •    Grand Larceny in the First  Assemblymember Weinstein,
        Greater New York is helping 161  •    Six households (23 individuals)   Avenue (7/22/24)  Degree, a Class B Felony applies  reforming New York’s civil laws
        people after 19 emergencies in  after a fire on St. Ann’s Avenue        The Red Cross responded to  to deed theft of a residential real  to give New Yorkers more tools
        the five boroughs between July  (7/15/24)                  help 48 people affected by 4 emer-  property that is occupied as a  to protect their homes and stop
        15 and July 22, 2024.        •    Two households (10 individu-  gencies in Brooklyn:    home by at least one person and is  deed theft. Previously, there were
                                     als) after a fire on Lyvere Street   •    Nine households (36 individu-  a home that is owned by someone  very few legal remedies available
             The Red Cross responded to  (7/17/24)                 als) after a fire on Evergreen Av-  who is elderly, incapacitated, or  to homeowners and prosecutors
        help 61 people affected by 7 emer-  •    Four households (five individu-  enue (7/16/24)  physically disabled, or deed theft  once a scammer had  obtained
        gencies in the Bronx:        als) after a fire on Garden Street   •    Two households (seven indi-  of three or more residential real  the deed to someone’s home.
        •    Three households (11 individu-  (7/18/24)             viduals) after a fire on Flatbush  properties, regardless of monetary  Under Attorney General James’
        als) after a fire on Creston Avenue  •    Two households (two individu-  Avenue (7/16/24)  value.                    law, prosecutors can now file a
        (7/15/24)                    als) after a fire on Throop Avenue   •    One household (two individu-  •    Grand Larceny in the Second  legal action on properties where
        •    One household (one individual)  (7/20/24)                                          Degree, a Class C Felony applies
        after a fire on White Plains Road  •    Three households (nine indi-  (Continued on page 10)  to deed theft of one residential   (Continued on page 10)
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