P. 8

AGE 8                                                      THE QUEENS TIMES                                 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2024

          Mayor Adams Launches New Program To Help Affordable                                    Assemblywoman Nily Rozic Visits P.S.
                       Housing Projects Go Green, Save Green                                     390Q’s New Interactive Floor Projector

        Innovative Program Reinvests   crisis requires all of us; participa-  CEJ) Executive Director Elijah   (Continued from page 6)  enue and 214th street in Bayside
        Proceeds from Carbon Offset   tion must be within everyone’s  Hutchinson. “This will improve                         Hills and offers classes from
        Purchases to Help Affordable   financial reach,” said Deputy  air quality, create jobs, and create a   technology will inspire learning  Pre-Kindergarten through Grade
        Housing Developments Afford   Mayor for Operations Meera Joshi.  greener and more equitable future   through play, foster creativity,  5. Additional community invest-
        Resiliency, Decarbonization   “With the GreenHOUSE program,  for the New Yorkers of today and   and promote physical activity for  ments recently announced by
        Projects                     we are making real inroads on the  tomorrow. The new affordable   children of all abilities. Assem-  Rozic include two $250,000 grants
         Administration Calls on City   affordability challenge of emis-  housing resource should be ampli-  blywoman  Rozc’s  commitment  for Flushing schools P.S.24 and
        Council to Enable J-51 Tax   sions reduction mandates — not  fied by other resources and tools   to education continues to have a  P.S.120 for auditorium upgrades
        Incentive to Help Co-Op and   with federal underwriting  or  — specifically, the City Coun-  lasting impact on our community,  and a new security system, respec-
        Condo Owners Afford Emis-    an expensive, taxpayer-funded  cil must pass the J-51 property   and we are proud to partner with  tively, as well as a $50,000 com-
        sion Reduction Projects      program, but simply by helping  tax abatement, which will bring   her in creating a brighter future  munity program grant to Asian
                                     one another, an idea as clever as  funding to improve buildings that   for our leaders.”  Americans for Equality, also in
             New York City Mayor Eric   it is simple. The true renewable  house low- and middle-income        P.S. 390 is located on 56th Av-  Flushing.
        Adams  today  created  a new   resources in New York are our  New Yorkers, work that also can
        fund, the GreenHOUSE Fund,   collaboration and innovation, and  reduce pollution and lower energy   Attorney General James And U.S.
        to help building owners com-  I look forward to this scaling to  bills.”                 Attorney Peace Secure Over $17 Million
        ply with Local Law 97 while   make New York City the greenest       Under DOB’s pending rule
        directing critical resources to   big city in America.”    — and as directed by Local Law   From Home Health Agencies For Cheat-
        help rent-regulated apartment        “Our administration is com-  97 — offset certificates will be
        buildings and low-income co-  mitted to housing that’s affordable  available for property owners  ing Workers And Defrauding Medicaid
        ops afford emissions reduction   and sustainable,” said Deputy  to purchase in advance of the   In Landmark Wage Parity Agreement
        projects. The law — passed by   Mayor for Housing, Economic  compliance reporting deadline in
        the New York City Council in   Development, and Workforce  May 2025. They will cost $268    (Continued from page 3)  paid wages and benefits. Edison
        2019 — sets increasingly strin-  Maria Torres-Springer. “The  per ton of carbon emissions, the                       and Preferred will also revise
        gent emissions limits for large   GreenHOUSE Fund is an innova-  same cost as the penalty imposed  sick or homebound patients, doing  company policies and procedures,
        buildings in New York City   tive approach to advancing our  for not meeting emissions limits,  everything from bathing, dress-  train personnel on updated poli-
        but allows those buildings to   decarbonization goals while sup-  and through the GreenHOUSE  ing, and grooming to feeding, lift-  cies subject to OAG’s approval,
        purchase offset certificates for   porting affordable housing proj-  Fund are earmarked for efficiency  ing, and transporting patients who  and regularly report staff wages
        10 percent of those limits (effec-  ects. I want to thank our partners  improvements at affordable hous-  cannot do so themselves. Home  and  policy implementations to
        tively, paying for decarboniza-  across the administration for their  ing developments across New  health aides work long hours and  OAG for a period of three years. If
        tion efforts in other buildings).   commitment to building a greener  York City. The fund will flow  at times can be subject to emotion-  Edison and Preferred fail to com-
        This fund — created through a   and more affordable city.”   through the Resilient & Equitable  ally taxing treatment from patients  ply with these terms or properly
        rule set to be proposed shortly        “Most building stakeholders  Decarbonization Initiative, a joint  struggling with their physical and  compensate its aides, OAG has
        by the New York City Depart-  will be able to comply in this first  HPD-New York state Energy Re-  mental health. The New York  the authority to bring a civil action
        ment of Buildings (DOB) — will   compliance period, but for those  search and Development Author-  Wage Parity Act was created to  against the agency and demand
        take the proceeds from those   who are just slightly over their  ity initiative which already has a  ensure home health aides receive  additional damages.
        offset purchases and direct them   limits, the offsets will provide a  significant pipeline of affordable  fair compensation and benefits for       Edison and Preferred will also
        towards decarbonizing and    significant benefit to help them  housing locations that are ready  their hard work.    pay $9.75 million to the Medicaid
        electrifying affordable housing   avoid penalties, support carbon  and willing to start building ret-       The Wage Parity Act sets  Program, of which $5.85 million
        developments that wouldn’t   reduction in affordable housing,  rofits.                  wage and benefit minimums that  will go to New York state. The
        otherwise be able to afford them.   and allow them to continue plan-       The proposed rule was informed  LHCSAs are required to pay to  remaining $3.9 million will be
        This will also improve air qual-  ning for deeper reductions for  by a Local Law 97 advisory board,  staff who perform home health  paid to the federal government.
        ity in disadvantaged communi-  2030 and beyond,” said New York  convened by the city and staffed  aide and personal care services       The OAG and EDNY com-
        ties with disproportionately high   City Department of Environmen-  with volunteer stakeholders, in-  to Medicaid recipients. Under the  menced these investigations after
        asthma rates and will move the   tal Protection Commissioner and  cluding architects, engineers,  current law, LHCSAs must pay  whistleblowers filed a complaint
        city and state closer to achiev-  New York City Chief Climate Of-  property owners, business leaders,  workers in New York City and  under the qui tam provisions of
        ing their respective emissions   ficer Rohit T. Aggarwala. “This  public utilities, environmental  Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester  the New York False Claims Act
        reduction and equity goals.   fund is another resource the Ad-  justice advocates, and tenant  counties a base wage of $18.55 per  and the federal False Claims Act
             Additionally, Mayor Adams   ams administration is providing to  advocates. Since the law was  hour plus an additional $1.67 (in  in the U.S. District Court for the
        has called on the New York   help buildings achieve Local Law  first passed in 2019, the city has  Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester)  Eastern District of New York.
        City Council to enact the J-51   97 mobilization under the city’s  conducted extensive outreach to  or $2.54 (in New York City). The  The New York False Claims Act
        housing quality tax incentive   world-leading Climate Mobiliza-  property owners, including hold-  additional amount per hour can be  allows individuals to file actions
        program — passed this year by   tion Act.”                 ing hundreds of information ses-  paid in cash wages or in benefits  on behalf of the government and
        the New York state Legislature,        “The creation of the Green-  sions online and in-person across  such as paid vacation time. In or-  share in any recovery. The state
        with Mayor Adams’ support,   HOUSE Fund in our latest pro-  the five boroughs, provided free  der for LHCSAs to get Medicaid  has since filed a notice of interven-
        and signed into law by New   posed rule provides needed sup-  wrap-around technical support,  reimbursements for home care  tion against Edison and Preferred
        York Governor Kathy Hochul   port for building owners as they  and developed PACE financing to  services provided to Medicaid  for the purposes of settling its
        — and to allow buildings to use   work towards compliance with  fund decarbonization work.   recipients, they must comply with  Medicaid fraud claims.
        it to cover Local Law 97 com-  their emissions limits,” said DOB       Under the Adams administra-  these minimum wage and benefit       Attorney General James thanks
        pliance costs. This creative ap-  Commissioner Jimmy Oddo. “By  tion, rulemaking at DOB has con-  requirements.      U.S. Attorney Peace and EDNY
        proach would devote significant   working across agencies, this in-  tinued with an eye towards helping       The joint OAG and EDNY  for their collaboration on this
        city resources to help low- and   novative program will help reduce  building owners reduce emissions.  investigation found that Edison  matter.
        moderate-income multifam-    carbon emissions from our city,  Last September, Mayor Adams  and Preferred failed to pay their  New York MFCU’s total funding
        ily buildings, including many   while simultaneously upgrading  launched “Getting 97 Done,” a  home health aides the full benefits  for federal fiscal year (FY) 2024
        moderate-income co-ops and   building systems in our affordable  comprehensive plan to mobilize  owed to them under the Wage  is $68,997,928. Of that total,
        condos outside of Manhattan,   housing stock.”             the city’s large buildings to reduce  Parity Act. Edison and Preferred  75 percent, or $51,748,448, is
        afford the emissions reduction        “From the Green Fast Track  their emissions. The plan includes  used the wage parity funds re-  awarded under a grant from the
        projects that they’d need to   to today’s announcement of the  four key elements: identifying  quired by law to benefit aides to  U.S. Department of Health and
        implement to meet their Local   GreenHOUSE Fund, our admin-  and targeting city, state, federal,  instead purchase medical “stop  Human Services. The remain-
        Law 97 targets.              istration continues its momentum  and utility-based financing and  loss” insurance, which is a type  ing 25 percent of the approved
             “Our buildings produce 70   in  addressing  the  housing  and  funding for upgrades; providing  of insurance that acts as a safety  grant – totaling $17,249,480 for
        percent of New York City’s   climate crises,” said New York  buildings with needed technical  net for employers that are pay-  FY 2024 – is funded by New York
        emissions, which is why we’re   City Executive Director for Hous-  advice, implementing key enforce-  ing for their employees’ medical  state. Through its recoveries in
        laser-focused on helping build-  ing Leila Bozorg. “New Yorkers  ment mechanisms via a DOB rule  claims. The joint investigation  law enforcement actions, MFCU
        ings electrify, decarbonize,   deserve safe, quality, affordable  package; and decarbonizing cen-  also revealed that individuals  regularly returns more to the state
        and move forward into the    housing in environments where  tral systems in partnership with  and entities related to Edison and  than it receives in state funding.
        future,” said Mayor Adams.   they don’t have to worry about air  New York state.        Preferred received millions of       This matter was handled for
        “But we can’t leave anyone   quality and asthma. I look forward       Building owners who need  dollars in dividend payments from  MFCU by Special Assistant At-
        behind — particularly our af-  to City Council passing J-51 so  guidance on how to comply with  this “stop loss” insurance, which  torney General Jill D. Brenner
        fordable housing developments,   that we can get the full force of  the new regulations should reach  effectively served as a means of  under the supervision of MFCU
        which often are located in dis-  our decarbonization tools and  out to the “NYC Accelerator,” a  siphoning away funds intended for  Civil Enforcement Division Chief
        advantaged neighborhoods with   improve the lives of New Yorkers  MOCEJ program which provides  employees. Edison and Preferred  Alee N. Scott. The case was
        high asthma rates. That’s why   in need of affordable and sustain-  technical one-on-one assistance  then continued to seek and receive  investigated by Senior Auditor-
        we’re launching our new Green-  able housing.”             to property owners, helps them  payments from Medicaid for care  Investigator Khristian Diaz under
        HOUSE Fund, to make it more        “A just transition brings every-  apply for available financing and  performed by home health aides,  the supervision of Regional Chief
        affordable to go green and save   one along in the crucial work of  incentive programs, and connects  while falsely representing that  Auditor Stacey Millis. MFCU is
        green. We’re making sure that   decarbonizing buildings and these  them with sustainability profes-  they were in compliance with the  led by Director Amy Held and As-
        we don’t leave anyone behind as   offsets will provide affordable  sionals to start retrofit projects.  Wage Parity Act.  sistant Deputy Attorney General
        we build a greener, cleaner city   housing a critical new resource,”  Since the beginning of the Adams       Edison and Preferred will  Paul J. Mahoney. MFCU is a part
        for working-class New Yorkers.”  said Mayor’s Office of Climate                         repay $7.5 million to current and
             “Responding to the climate   and Environmental Justice (MO-  (Continued on page 9)  former home health aides for un-  (Continued on page 9)
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