Page 8 - qt edition #6 January 6, 2025
P. 8
SBS Celebrates Adams Administration’s Jobs Week, NYC DOT Launches Art Partners
Highlighting Workforce1 System’s Success In Serving Over Initiative Seeking Community
71,000 New Yorkers Since The Start Of Administration Organizations To Exhibit Public
Milestone Includes Connecting interview prep, resume work- partnership with SBS and MOPD Artworks On City Property
Over 1,900 Individuals with Dis- shops, skills training, and job is critical to achieving our city-
abilities, More Than 3,200 Vet- placement. Job seekers can learn wide goal of connecting 2,500 (Continued from page 7) commissioned or already existing.
erans and Veteran Spouses, and more by calling 311 or visiting nyc. New Yorkers with disabilities to NYC DOT Art will discuss the
Over 1,000 “New” New Yorkers to gov/getwork. Workforce1 benefits careers, and the importance of in- more attractive and vibrant while expectations for partner organiza-
Jobs, Expanding Economic Mobil- jobseekers and businesses alike by vesting in Jobs NYC Hiring Halls expanding access to the arts. Part- tions and review the application
ity for Immigrant Communities working directly with employers that continue to deliver critical ner organizations are responsible process. Organizations can learn
in all five boroughs across the city workforce resources directly into for funding approved projects. The more at: In 2024,
City Announces Additional to fill vacancies with qualified, the communities that have histori- Request for Proposals (RFP) opens NYC DOT Art worked with al-
$340,000 in Funding for NCLEX pre-screened candidates. Busi- cally contended with the highest February 5, 2025, with a rolling most 20 partner organizations to
Nurse Training Program nesses looking to hire employees rates of unemployment.” deadline. The agency also released permit more than 28 temporary
should call 311 or visit “We applaud the adminis- an updated Site Selection Guide to art installations, including murals,
New York City Department of recruitment. tration’s successful efforts to provide additional information on sculptures, fence interventions,
Small Business Services (SBS) Additionally, under the Ad- connect New Yorkers, including eligible site types. electrified artwork, and signage
Commissioner Dynishal Gross ams Administration SBS and the New Yorkers with disabilities, “Public art helps inspire New across all five boroughs.
announced that New York City’s Mayor’s Office for People with to employment and are proud to Yorkers, build community, and cre- Additional NYC DOT Art Op-
18 Workforce1 Career Centers Disabilities (MOPD) have built be a part of those efforts through ate welcoming public spaces. NYC portunities for Artists
have served more than 71,000 on the success of MOPD’s NYC the NYC: ATWORK program,” DOT Art Partners is a creative • Open call for Car-Free Earth
New Yorkers since the start of At Work initiative by training said MOPD Commissioner Chris- way to support the mission of local Day Art Interventions | Call for
the Adams administration, which Workforce1 staff on providing tina Curry. “We look forward to organizations while bringing New Artists: Request for Proposals
includes job placement services career services to New Yorkers continuing to create pathways to Yorkers together,” said NYC DOT (open now, closes February 9 at
for more than 1,900 individuals with disabilities and embedding independence for all New Yorkers Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez. midnight): Application & over-
with disabilities, 3,200 veterans expert counselors in the down- with disabilities.” “We encourage all community- view of RFP.
and their spouses, and 1,000 town Brooklyn Workforce1 hub. These milestones in workforce based organizations to apply to • Open call for muralists on Sub-
“new” New Yorkers through the These efforts are a major contribu- development and hiring also exhibit public artwork in their mittable (launching February 5,
city’s American Dream Works tor to the city’s strong progress in come as the city announced an neighborhoods.” closes March 16 at midnight): Mu-
program. The announcement fol- meeting the mayor’s 2023 goal of additional $340,000 in funding “Public art is an essential part ralist Application & overview of
lowed the start of Jobs Week, a connecting 2,500 New Yorkers for the city’s no-cost NCLEX-RN of what makes New York’s open Request For Qualifications (RFQ).
weeklong celebration highlighting with disabilities to good-paying Training Program for English spaces welcoming, dynamic, and About NYC DOT Art - New
the Adams administration’s ef- jobs and careers over three years, Language Learners, which ad- reflective of their communities,” York City Department of Trans-
forts to ensure job opportunities as tracked by the Center for Work- dresses the city’s critical nursing said NYC Cultural Affairs Com- portation Art (NYC DOT Art)
reach every borough, block, and place Accessibility and Inclusion shortage while creating pathways missioner Laurie Cumbo. “DOT’s partners with community-based
neighborhood; and uplifting the within the Mayor’s Office of Tal- to economic mobility for immi- Art Partners Initiative is an amaz- nonprofit organizations and profes-
city’s commitment to make New ent and Workforce Development. grant New Yorkers. By leveraging ing way for neighborhood-based sional artists to present temporary
York City the best, most affordable Moreover, through the city- untapped expertise, the program organizations to work with artists public artwork on eligible NYC
place to raise a family. wide Jobs NYC initiative, SBS connects internationally trained and residents to activate medians, DOT infrastructure throughout the
These workforce development has served more than 11,000 New nurses with the resources needed sidewalks, and other pedestrian five boroughs. Asphalt, bridges,
milestones in follow the New Yorkers at 31 hiring halls across to secure licensure and high- spaces with installations that speak fences, jersey barriers, medians,
York City Economic Development all five boroughs. Jobs NYC Hir- paying roles in New York City’s to the local community. Public plazas, sidewalks, step streets,
Corporation’s (NYCEDC) first ing Halls connect jobseekers with hospitals and clinics. artwork that meaningfully invites streetlight poles, and triangles
“State of the Economy” report opportunities in both the public Since its launch, the NCLEX- local residents into the creation serve as canvases and foundations
announcing that the city’s labor and private sectors, and attendees RN program has delivered marked process can contribute so much to for temporary murals, projections,
market has reached new records can participate in on-site inter- success: 94 percent of participants a safer, more vibrant cityscape - so sculptures, and interventions.
in both private sector employment views and access workforce devel- pass the NCLEX-RN exam, com- we encourage everyone to consider The program also extends city
and labor force participation rate. opment programs. Since the start pared to the national average of participating in this exciting initia- funding to local nonprofit groups
Finally, today’s announcement of 2024, this effort has resulted 70 percent. With average salaries tive!” and artists, centering equity by
comes as the city celebrated break- in nearly 3,300 on-site interviews for program graduates exceed- Interested partner organizations prioritizing temporary art installa-
ing the all-time high jobs record and over 1,200 conditional job ing $100,000, the expansion of are invited to propose NYC DOT- tions in underserved communities.
for eighth time last week, with offers. Jobs NYC Hiring Halls this program exemplifies SBS’s owned infrastructure within their These efforts increase access to
unemployment rates dropping are targeted towards communities commitment to addressing work- communities as potential sites for arts and cultural resources while
across all demographics. with the highest levels of chronic force shortages while enhanc- temporary art. If eligible for public providing paid opportunities to
“New York City has experi- unemployment and are designed ing economic opportunities for art, locations can serve as can- New York City’s creative sector.
enced unprecedented job growth to bring jobs to the communities immigrant communities. Since vases and foundations for murals, Since 2008, NYC DOT Art has
since the start of the Adams who need them most and put New 2022, the Adams administration projections, sculptures, and other produced more than 475 tempo-
administration, and we’re just Yorkers on the pathway to steady has invested $2.8 million in the art installations. NYC DOT may rary artworks citywide, with 114
getting started,” said SBS Com- employment. NCLEX-RN program, with this permit artwork for display up to installations during Commissioner
missioner Dynishal Gross. “Our “Workforce1 is the backbone of latest expansion bringing that total 11 months. Examples of partner Ydanis Rodriguez’s leadership.
Workforce1 Career Centers have the city’s workforce development to over $4 million for 2026. organizations include business In addition, NYC DOT Art co-
been at the forefront of this suc- infrastructure, and we applaud our About the NYC Department improvement districts, nonprofits, ordinates conservation and main-
cess, training, certifying, and partners at SBS for helping more of Small Business Services (SBS) art galleries, artist-in-residence tenance of NYC DOT’s permanent
placing thousands of New York- than 71,000 New Yorkers since SBS helps unlock economic po- programs, arts councils, museums, art collection and collaborates with
ers into high-growth, in-demand 2022 get connected to career op- tential and create economic se- cultural institutions, commu- the NYC Department of Cultural
industries. This Jobs Week, we portunities, training, professional curity for all New Yorkers by nity centers, and other nonprofit Affairs (DCLA) Percent for Art
are redoubling our efforts to reach development, and other critical connecting New Yorkers to good community-based organizations. Program to commission perma-
every borough and ensure all New supports that help position the jobs, creating stronger businesses, NYC DOT Art will host a nent art as part of the Percent for
Yorkers have access to the tools, city’s diverse talent for career suc- and building vibrant neighbor- webinar in March for interested Art law.
resources, and opportunities they cess and economic mobility,” said hoods across the five boroughs. organizations to learn about the For more information about
need to thrive in our city’s fast- New York City Mayor’s Office of For more information on all SBS NYC DOT Art Partners initiative. NYC DOT Art, visit
paced workforce landscape.” Talent and Workforce Develop- services, go to, call This webinar will review the RFP dotart and follow on @nyc_dotart
SBS’s 18 Workforce1 Career ment Executive Director Abby 888-SBS-4NYC, and follow us for partner organizations to exhibit Instagram. Anyone can view pho-
Centers provide New Yorkers Jo Sigal. “Today’s announcement on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, temporary artwork on NYC DOT tos of NYC DOT Art installations
with no-cost services, including demonstrates why our continued and LinkedIn. property. Artwork can be newly on Flickr.
Gillibrand, Schumer, Blackburn, Fischer, Clarke, Garbarino, Langworthy, And Torres
Reintroduce E-Bike Safety Bill
U.S. Senators Kirsten bipartisan bill would require the York City. The New York City have been lost in New York City congressional colleagues to pass
Gillibrand, Chuck Schumer (D- Consumer Product Safety Com- Fire Department (FDNY) reports and across the country to fires this bipartisan bill and create the
NY), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), mission (CPSC) to publish a final rechargeable lithium-ion batteries caused by faulty and improperly first-ever mandatory consumer
and Deb Fischer (R-NE), along consumer product safety standard have caused more than 850 fires manufactured lithium-ion bat- product safety standard for re-
with Congressman Ritchie Torres for rechargeable lithium-ion bat- since 2021, resulting in more than teries used in e-bikes and other chargeable lithium-ion batteries
(D-NY), Congressman Andrew teries used in e-bikes and other 450 injuries, 34 deaths & dam- micromobility devices,” said U.S. used in micromobility devices.”
Garbarino (R-NY), Congress- micromobility devices to protect age to hundreds of structures. In Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. “The “We are in a time where
woman Yvette D. Clarke (D-NY), against the risk of fires caused 2024, there were 279 e-bike and Setting Consumer Standards for technology is outpacing federal
and Congressman Nick Lang- by such batteries. The bill is be- e-mobility device battery fires in Lithium-Ion Batteries Act is a safety action in many ways, mov-
worthy (R-NY), reintroduced the ing reintroduced at a time when NYC, a dramatic increase from commonsense solution that brings ing faster than the measures we
Setting Consumer Standards for fires from lithium-ion batteries the 44 that occurred in 2020. us one step closer to stopping pre-
Lithium-Ion Batteries Act. The have become widespread in New “Far too many innocent lives ventable fires, and I encourage my (Continued on page 10)