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PAGE 8                                                     THE QUEENS TIMES                                     THURSDAY, JULY 11, 2024

             Attorney General James Stops Four School Bus                                           Spectrum And AXS TV Present

             Companies From Illegal Idling And Polluting At                                      $10,000 Grant To Eagle Academy Of
                  Bus Yards In New York City Communities                                         Southeast Queens’ Music Education
           (Continued from page 3)   going harm to residents’ health,”  Analyst at Earthjustice. “But elec-
                                     said Eddie Bautista, Executive  trifying these fleets, with buses   (Continued from page 7)  Sounds Delicious with Carnie
        buses are particularly harmful  Director at New York City Envi-  that are available today, presents                  Wilson, The Top Ten Revealed,
        to the communities surrounding  ronmental Justice Alliance. “Ex-  a viable and effective clean energy   investing in initiatives that benefit  and Cash Cab Music. AXS TV is
        bus yards because they emit fine  cessive idling and other vehicle  solution, one that will improve   the communities we serve. ‘Band  also home to TNA Wrestling, and
        particulate matter that has been  emissions are major contributors  public health and help move us   Together’ does this by providing  Invicta Fighting Championships.
        linked to numerous problems, in-  to this pollution, spewing dan-  closer to an emissions-free trans-  much-needed funding to music  Multi-platform AXS TV is avail-
        cluding asthma, cancer, and heart  gerous contaminants into our air  portation sector in line with our   programs so students can access  able on television in all 50 states
        disease. The health impacts of air  and fueling the climate crisis. We  state’s climate plan. We commend   the instruments, instruction and  and across Canada, parts of the
        pollution are disproportionately  applaud Attorney General James  the Attorney General for acceler-  equipment they need to appreci-  Caribbean, and streaming through
        felt in low-income communities  for fighting for healthy air in our  ating this transition and taking   ate music.”  its FAST (free-ad-supported-
        and communities of color in New  communities by holding these  action to benefit schoolchildren        “Eagle Academy is an incred-  streaming television) channel.
        York City, which are often home to  school bus companies accountable  and communities across the city.”  ible  resource  for  young  men,  AXS TV has a vast reach on You-
        bus yards and other high-emission  for illegal idling and speeding       “This settlement shows how   providing them with the necessary  Tube, Facebook, Instagram, X and
        facilities like power plants located  their transition into a clean elec-  critical the city’s strong idling   tools to become the leaders of  TikTok. For a full list of providers
        in close proximity to residential  tric bus fleet.         laws are to protecting the health   the future,” said AXS TV Presi-  and territories, please visit
        neighborhoods. Children in Cen-       “We applaud Attorney General  of children and communities,   dent Andy Schuon. “Their music  subscribe.
        tral Brooklyn, the South Bronx,  James for continuing to fight to  especially disadvantaged com-  program plays a vital role in that       About Spectrum - Spectrum
        and Upper Manhattan—which  reduce tailpipe emissions in Hunts  munities,” said Suhali Méndez,   mission, as well, instilling positive  is a suite of advanced commu-
        are predominantly low-income  Point and across the city. These  Policy and Legislative Coordina-  skills, habits, and discipline that  nications services offered by
        communities and communities of  school bus companies that con-  tor at New York Lawyers for the   can last a lifetime. We are proud  Charter Communications, Inc.
        color—are three times more likely  tinue to illegally idle dump harm-  Public Interest. “We commend   to join with Spectrum to present  (NASDAQ:CHTR), a leading
        than children in other areas of the  ful pollution into the air that fuels  Attorney General James’ office   Eagle Academy with this grant,  broadband connectivity company
        city to be diagnosed with asthma.   asthma and other lung diseases in  for accelerating the process of   and we hope that it will be ben-  and cable operator serving more
             Depending on the number of  our communities,” said Dariella  electrification and for mandating   eficial to them as they continue to  than 32 million customers in 41
        alleged instances of illegal idling,  Rodriguez, Director of Commu-  anti-idling shut-off timers to bet-  grow and cultivate a strong culture  states. Over an advanced commu-
        the companies will each invest  nity Development at THE POINT  ter protect the communities that   of success.”       nications network, the company
        at least $300,000 and up to $2  CDC. “This settlement sends a  house these large depots.”       In addition to Eagle Acad-  offers a full range of state-of-
        million to purchase new electric  clear message to these companies       This matter is being handled by   emy, Spectrum has previously  the-art residential and business
        school buses or “repower” ex-  that they cannot continue to ig-  Affirmative Section Chief Yueh-  presented grants to four other  services including Spectrum
        isting traditional school buses,  nore the law and that school buses  ru Chu and Assistant Attorney   deserving programs across the  Internet®, TV, Mobile and Voice.
        which involves removing the ve-  cannot continue to be associated  General Andrew G. Frank of the   country. These include Heart of       For small and medium-sized
        hicle’s internal combustion engine  with pollution and respiratory  Environmental Protection Bureau   LA – HOLA in Los Angeles, CA;  companies, Spectrum Business®
        and replacing it with an electric  diseases. School buses carry our  under the supervision of Deputy   Harvey Rice Wraparound School  delivers the same suite of broad-
        drive system. The companies will  children and should be a symbol  Bureau Chief Monica Wagner and   in Cleveland, OH; Deep Springs  band products and services cou-
        also implement mandatory train-  of a thriving future for them, not  Bureau Chief Lemuel M. Srolovic.   Elementary in Lexington, KY;  pled with special features and ap-
        ing for all bus drivers to reduce  air pollution and asthma.”  The Environmental Protection   and London Elementary in Corpus  plications to enhance productivity,
        unnecessary excessive idling at       “Idling school buses spew car-  Bureau is part of the Division for   Christi, TX.   while for larger businesses and
        bus yards.                   cinogenic diesel exhaust into the  Social Justice, which is led by        About AXS TV - AXS TV  government entities, Spectrum
             “New York City’s low-income  air and children’s lungs, and they  Chief Deputy Attorney General   is a leading television, stream-  Enterprise® provides highly cus-
        communities and communities of  also exacerbate the ever-wors-  Meghan Faux and overseen by   ing, digital, and social music and  tomized, fiber-based solutions.
        color continue to be overburdened  ening climate crisis,” said Alok  First Deputy Attorney General   entertainment brand owned and  Spectrum Reach® delivers tai-
        by pollution, causing serious on-  Disa, Senior Research and Policy  Jennifer Levy.     operated by Anthem Sports &  lored advertising and production
                                                                                                Entertainment, Inc.  AXS TV’s  for the modern media landscape.
         Congresswoman Grace Meng Announces Pilot Program                                       programming celebrates music’s  The  company  also  distributes
                              To Renew Passports Online                                         rich history and keeps its audience  award-winning news coverage and
                                                                                                current on what’s happening in  sports programming to its custom-
                                                                                                music today with documentaries,  ers through Spectrum Networks.
                                          “Getting a passport renewed       In 2023, the State Department   live concerts, music news and  More information about Charter
                                     should not be a headache for  fielded half a million passport   information, reality shows, and  can be found at corporate.charter.
                                     U.S. travelers including those in  applications a week and issued   well known programs including  com.
                                     Queens and across New York,”  a record 24 million passports.
                                     said Congresswoman Meng. “Af-  Standard processing times for   A Night At The Ballpark: NY Mets V.
                                     ter months of backlogs and de-  a passport ranged from 10-13   Minnesota Twins: Come Tailgate With
                                     lays following the COVID-19  weeks and expedited requests took
                                     pandemic, I am pleased to see the  about 7-9 weeks. In calling for the   Us! Guest Appearance By ’69 Miracle
                                     State Department taking steps  passport backlog to be addressed,          Mets Art Shamsky
        New State Department initia-  to simplify and modernize the  Congresswoman Meng pushed the
        tive aims to shorten processing   renewal process. This online plat-  State Department to decrease the   Taligate Party Then Attend The Game With Us!
        times for travelers in Queens and   form will reduce delays caused by  long wait times, and that included   Special Gift To All Attendees
        across NY and the nation     the often-drawn-out bureaucratic  questioning Secretary of State
                                     processes and facilitate travel,  Antony Blinken about the problem       Queens Chamber of Commerce  enjoy the game from prime seating
             U.S. Rep. Grace Meng (D-  which will make it easier for my  during a congressional hearing on  presents the latest event for the NY  areas, surrounded by the electric
        Queens)  has  announced  a  new   constituents to see their loved  the State Department’s Fiscal Year  Mets Booster Club. Experience an  atmosphere of enthusiastic fans.
        pilot program launched by the U.S.   ones, travel, and conduct business  2025 budget request in May 2023.  unforgettable evening of baseball       Whether you’re a die-hard Mets
        State Department that allows trav-  around the world.”     According to the State Depart-  and entertainment as the NY Mets  supporter or an occasional fan,
        elers from Queens and throughout        Renewing a passport online  ment, standard processing times  face off against the Minnesota  this remarkable night promises
        New York and the nation to renew   involves a six-step process:  have since been reduced to 6-8  Twins in a thrilling matchup at  excitement, camaraderie, and the
        their passports online.      1.   Create a free MyTravelGov  weeks and expedited processing  the ballpark. This special event  perfect blend of sports and social-
             Beginning at midday each day,   account.              is down to just 2-3 weeks.   offers a selection of beers, non-  izing. Don’t miss the opportunity
        the program will allow applicants   2.   Log in and start a renewal       Meng’s office routinely helps  alcoholic beverages, and ball park  to be part of this exceptional ex-
        to submit information to renew   application by clicking on the  those in her district fulfill passport  food. Tailgate with us from 4:30  perience and create memories that
        their passport as long as they meet   “Renew Your Passport” button.  requests, especially for those with  pm - 7:00 pm on July 30th and then  will last long after the final pitch.
        the stated requirements. The ap-  3.   Fill in all the boxes on the form  emergency and last-minute travel   To Register Visit
        plication window will close each   with  the  information  currently  plans. Last year, her constituent
        day once the system reaches its   printed on your passport.  services team assisted with more
        daily limit. The cap is designed   4.   Enter your plans to travel in-  than 400 passport requests from
        to allow the State Department to   ternationally if your departure is  constituents who were seeking
        monitor and test the beta program   within the next eight weeks.  help booking  limited appoint-
        in real time, while addressing any   5.   Upload a photo of yourself.  ments at U.S. Passport Agency
        issues and making improvements   6.   Pay the passport renewal fee  locations throughout New York.
        where necessary. This pilot pro-  and digitally sign the application.       Constituents needing assistance
        gram is part of the agency’s plans        The number of Americans  with applying for or renewing a
        to launch a full online renewal   with valid passports has grown  passport, can contact Meng’s team
        system, but the official date has   exponentially over the past 30  for assistance. For emergency re-
        not yet been announced. It aims to   years. In 1990 just five percent  quests, constituents should reach
        reduce the lengthy process many   of Americans had passports.  out within 14 days of their date of
        travelers experience when trying   Now, that number has grown to  travel by calling 718-358-MENG
        to renew their passports.    48 percent.                   with any questions.
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