P. 4
Blessed Mother Statue Attacked
Outside Queens Catholic Church
It’s In Queens! Kingsland Homestead, 143-35 37th NYC Birds Alliance, 9:30 am. Spot
(Oct. 4 to Oct. 10) Ave., Flushing. and identify creatures of flight with
• Oct. 5, Lawrence Cemetery members of the NYC Birds Alli-
Japanese cards, Reggae photos, Tour, 11 am. The Bayside Histori- ance (formerly NYC Audubon).
Queens Monopoly boards, a red cal Society leads a free guided tour Queens Botanical Garden, 43-50
violin from 1720, Colombian Pop, of historic Lawrence Cemetery. Main St., Flushing.
and vintage cars. The borough is Cornelius Van Wyck Lawrence, • Oct. 6, Woodhaven Street Fair,
all-in with diversity and eclecti- New York City’s first popularly noon. Six hours of food, games,
cism this week. Actor Steve Mar- elected mayor, and Colonel Fred- rides, and bargains. Jamaica Ave-
tin drops in, too. erick Newbold Lawrence, former nue from 80th Street to Woodhaven
president of the New York Stock Boulevard.
• Oct. 4, Yeison Jiménez, 8 pm. Exchange, are among the per- • Oct. 6, Chosen Fam, 8 pm.
This prominent Colombian singer/ manent residents. Meet at 215-15 Following the success of his first
songwriter is known for his con- 42nd Ave. solo show “Connect The Dots,”
tributions to the Música Popular • Oct. 5, Peter Simon, Dec. 29. stand-up comedian Natan Badalov
genre. His Spanish-language songs Peter Simon is best known for his offers this new work-in-progress.
often explore themes of love, heart- images of Rock-n-Roll bands such Tootles & French, 36-15 Ditmars
break, and everyday life. Queens as the Grateful Dead and Led Zep- Blvd., Astoria.
College, Colden Auditorium, 153- pelin, but this show highlights his • Oct. 8, LIC Summit, 8 am. Long
49 Reeves Ave., Flushing. images of Reggae stars and culture. Island City thought leaders partici-
• Oct. 4, The Magic of Oz: A Guests can explore 36 selected pate in a half-day summit with a
Frank Oz Retrospective, Nov. 30. images. VP Records Retail Store, variety of panels and conversations
Frank Oz (Cookie Monster, Miss 170-21 Jamaica Ave. that showcase why LIC continues
Piggy, Yoda) is one of the most • Oct. 5, Mary Tooley Parker: to be one of NYC’s most dynamic
versatile, eclectic, and industrious Textile Compositions, Oct. 27. neighborhoods. Museum of the
film artists of the last half-century. Mary Tooley Parker draws inspira- Moving Image, 36-01 35th Ave.,
MoMI will screen all 15 films he tion from memories, local history, Astoria’s Kaufman Arts District.
directed, including collaborations and visual imagery to craft works • Oct. 10, Sohrab Hura: Mother,
with Jim Henson and Steve Martin. that reside at the intersection of February 2025. The first U.S. sur-
Museum of the Moving Image, 36- traditional craft and contemporary vey of Sohrab Hura (India, born
01 35th Ave., Astoria’s Kaufman art. This exhibition features seven 1981) showcases more than 50
Arts District. pieces from her NOW series, which works from the last two decades
• Oct. 5, Afro-Arab Jazz, 8 pm. pays tribute to dogs. Opening Re- of his experimental practice. He
Lebanese pianist Tarek Yamani ception: Oct. 5 at 4 pm. Artist Talk: weaves together bodies of work The Diocese of Brooklyn for all those who are deceived by
and French-Tunisian saxophon- Oct. 19 at 3 pm. The Garage Art across photography, film, sound, is announcing a hateful act of the evil one, that they may come to
ist Yacine Boulares blend Arabic Center, 26-01 Corporal Kennedy drawing, painting, and text that vandalism that took place in the see the love of God. It is then that
Trance rhythms and Jazz harmo- St., Bayside. have never been shown together. early morning hours of Tuesday, their anger against what is humble,
nies with Jongkuk Kim on drums • Oct. 5, The Vibrant Violin, 4 MoMA PS1, 22-25 Jackson Ave., September 24, 2024, at the Presen- charitable, and lovable, may come
and Sam Minaie on bass. Queens pm. Why is the violin so beloved? Long Island City. tation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to an end,” said Father Victor M.
College, LeFrak Concert Hall, 153- Learn about the instrument’s his- • Oct. 10, Offerings for Escalante, Church, located at 88-19 Parsons Bolaños, Pastor of Presentation of
49 Reeves Ave., Flushing. tory and hear beautiful music. The Feb. 17, 2025. This is the first major Boulevard in the Jamaica section the Blessed Virgin Mary.
• Oct. 5, Neir’s Tavern Block Church-in-the-Gardens, 50 Ascan U.S. museum exhibition of duo of Queens. Parishioners are very saddened
Party, noon. Celebrate the historic Ave., Forest Hills. Enzo Camacho (Filipino, b. 1985) and frustrated because it is unclear
establishment’s 195th anniversary • Oct. 5, Queens Monopoly and Ami Lien (American, b. 1987). In the incident, a vandal ap- at this time if the statue can be
with games, popcorn, music, and Reveal Event, 1 pm. Top Trumps Through newly produced moving- proached the statue of the Blessed repaired. The statue was gifted to
an awards ceremony. Neir’s Tav- USA unveils the Queens Monopoly image works, a light-based installa- Mother located in front of the the parish by Mary Immaculate
ern, 87-48 78th St., Woodhaven. board game with a ceremony in- tion, and a suite of handmade paper
• Oct. 5, 41st Annual Queens cluding prizes, giveaways, and a works, the exhibition centers on the rectory at approximately 3:15 Hospital at the time of its closing
Agricultural Fair, Oct. 6. Two days magic act. Queens Center, Level 2 Philippine Island of Negros, a site a.m. The man picked up a rock in 2009. In a separate incident last
of pie-eating and corn-husking Center Court, 90-15 Queens Blvd., known for its sugar plantations. from the parish garden and began year, the sword of the statue of St.
contests, hayrides, carnival rides, Elmhurst. MoMA PS1, 22-25 Jackson Ave., to repeatedly strike the statue, Michael the Archangel was dam-
and midway games. Visit the main • Oct. 5, Kindness Carnival: Long Island City. causing damage to the face, side, aged and replaced at the parish.
stage and family entertainment Uniting Against Bullying & Vio- • Oct. 10, Thursday Night Jazz and hands of the Blessed Mother Police officers from the NYPD’s
tents for music and theater and lence, 1:30 pm. Spearheaded by Presents Marcus Gilmore, 8 pm. statue. The hands, which were in 103rd Precinct are investigating.
explore the Amazing Maize Maze. nine-year-old Egypt Bush, an It’s a homecoming for Hollis na- a praying position, were found on Anyone with information is asked
From 11 am to 6 pm on both days. author and CEO of BeingEgypt tive Marcus Gilmore, a top-notch the ground near the statue. to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-
Queens County Farm Museum, Cares, this free carnival includes drummer whose trophy case in- “Mary is a source of humility, 577-TIPS (8477).
73-50 Little Neck Parkway, Glen face-painting, bouncy houses, a cludes a Latin Grammy Award. charity, and love. Because there Photos of the vandalism to the stat-
Oaks. game truck, a photo booth, inflat- The concert kicks off JPAC’s are people in this world who op- ue at Presentation of the Blessed
• Oct. 5, Yu-Gi-Oh! Day, noon. able games, and activities. Cabbell Thursday Night Jazz program, pose these virtues, there are some Virgin Mary parish are attached.
A six-hour celebration of Yu-Gi- Park’s Cambria Playground, vicin- which will present live contempo- who are bothered by them. It is Video footage is available here:
Oh! with free tabletop gaming for ity of Francis Lewis Boulevard and rary music on the second Thursday necessary to pray for this man and
duelists to see if the Heart of the 219th Street, Cambria Heights. of the month. Jamaica Performing
Cards is on their side. Franchise • Oct. 6, WQXR Classical Kids Arts Center, 153-10 Jamaica Ave.
stars Dan Green and Eric Stuart Far, noon. A fun-filled day of live • Oct. 10, Conch Shell Interna-
participate in a panel discussion performances, an instrument pet- tional Film Fest 2024, Oct. 13. This
and Q&A, followed by meet-and- ting zoo, dance-and-songwriting third annual celebration screens
greets. The afternoon culminates workshops, arts & crafts, and work by film directors and writers
with a big-screen showing of Yu- more in partnership with a range of the Caribbean Diaspora and the
Gi-Oh! Dark Side of Dimensions. of cultural institutions and artists. Caribbean. Regal UA Midway,
Museum of the Moving Image, 36- Queens Theatre, 14 United Na- 108-22 Queens Blvd., Forest Hills.
01 35th Ave., Astoria’s Kaufman tions Ave. S., Flushing Meadows • Oct. 10, Archival Tour, 1 pm.
Arts District. Corona Park. LAHM Director of Research Col-
• Oct. 5, The Red Violin Returns • Oct. 6, BHS Vintage Car Show lections Ricky Riccardi leads a
to Forest Hills, 7:30 pm. Musica 2024, 9 am. A variety of vintage look at the life and legacy of Lil
Reginae Productions kicks off its and antique automobiles will be Hardin, one of Louis Armstrong’s
25th season with Artistic Director on the Bayside Historical Society’s wives. She was a pioneering musi-
Barbara Podgurski on piano joined lawn. The Castle, 208 Totten Ave., cian and key figure in his career.
by virtuoso violinist Elizabeth Fort Totten. Louis Armstrong House Museum,
Pitcairn on her Red Mendels- • Oct. 6, Mini-Global Mashup: 34-56 107th St., Corona.
sohn Stradivarius from 1720. The Gongs & Bowls Meet Violin, 1 • Oct. 10, Jasmine Gregory, Feb.
Church-in-the-Gardens, 50 Ascan pm. Multi-instrumentalist Daniel 17, 2025. Jasmine Gregory’s first
Ave., Forest Hills. Devātman plays Jazz, Electronic, institutional exhibition in the U.S.
• Oct. 5, Celebrating 25 Years of and World Music. Violinist Kaethe presents new works, including a
Forgotten New York, 6 pm. Kevin Hostetter does her unique blend of large-scale, site-specific instal-
Walsh launched the Forgotten New Ethiopian traditional music and lation. She specializes in tightly
York media outlet in 1999. He cel- modern experimental sounds. rendered canvases maneuvered
ebrates 25 years with a presentation Then, they jam together. Flushing into sprawling sculptural tableaux.
on the history and stories of Flush- Town Hall, 137-35 Northern Blvd. MoMA PS1, 22-25 Jackson Ave.,
ing. Queens Historical Society, • Oct. 6, Fall Bird Walks with Long Island City.