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PAGE 4                                                     THE QUEENS TIMES                                     THURSDAY, JULY 25, 2024

              It’s In Queens!        Teri Gandy-Richardson. Jamaica
            (July 26 to Aug. 2)      Center for Arts & Learning, 161-
                                     04 Jamaica Ave.
        Just like the weather, the Queens  •    July 27, Junk Dump Film Fes-
        outdoor season is hot, hot, hot.  tival, July 28. This fourth annual
        Annual events include a pow-  fest screens shorts by emerging
        wow, dance fest, and film festival.  and underrepresented filmmakers
        Pop-up events include sidewalk  at the intersection of video art and
        chalk fun, bird birthdays, and  storytelling. The two-day program
        beekeeping.                  includes narrative, animated, and
                                     experimental work by artists using
        •    July 26, Thunderbird American  unique processes to tell singular
        Indian Powwow, July 28. This  and engaging stories. Screenings
        45th annual friendly competi-  are followed by discussions with
        tion attracts more than 40 Indian  the filmmakers. Museum of the   Gantries.Fabio-Rojas-Quintet
        Nations – including Cherokee,  Moving Image, 36-01 35th Ave.,
        Hopi, Matinecock, Navajo, and  Astoria’s Kaufman Arts District.  bio Rojas. His quintet will present
        Shinnecock – from around North  •    July 27, Fool’s Paradise Gar-  a repertoire of original composi-
        America and the Caribbean. Plus,  den Party, noon. A seven-hour,  tions, characterized by improvi-
        a craft-and-food market peddles  outdoor, social experience for  sation and a variety of rhythms,
        beadwork, ceramics, embroidery,  city-dwellers to dress up, create  embodying the essence of Modern
        food, jewelry, and stones. Bon-  beautiful picnic plots, and experi-  Jazz.  Gantry  Plaza  State  Park,
        fires and dance circles are planned  ence fresh air in the backdrop of  Long Island City.
        for Friday and Saturday nights.  a city-scaped green space. Queens  •    July 31, Italian Nights Series
        Queens County Farm Museum,  Botanical Garden, 43-50 Main St.,  2024, 7 pm. New York City Police
        73-50 Little Neck Pkwy., Glen  Flushing.                   Symphony Band performs as part
        Oaks.                        •    July 27, Fun with Sidewalk  of National Crime Night Out with   Attorney General James Announces
        •    July 26, Riddim & Jazz Fes-  Chalk, noon. Three hours of free  support from the 114th Precinct
        tival, July 28. Three days of live  chalk art facilitated by Syesha  Community Council. Athens   New Protections Against Deed Theft
        music with emerging and estab-  Danielle, who’s also known as  Square Park, 30th Street and 30th
        lished talent. Grammy-winning  “Homeless Heart.” After a period  Avenue, Astoria.       New Law Taking Effect Today  stop these scammers from taking
        crooner Samara Joy headlines this  of homelessness, she became an  •    Aug. 1, Flamenco Latino in  Makes Deed Theft a Crime,  advantage of hardworking people.
        year’s lineup along with Roy Har-  independent artist, humanitarian,  Concert, 7:30 pm. This Queens-  Expands AG’s Authority to Pros-  I thank State Senator Myrie and
        grove Big Band and Cocomama.  community builder, and activist.  based troupe presents a night  ecute Deed Theft      Assemblymember  Dais  for  co-
        Jamaica Performing Arts Center,  King  Manor  Museum, 150-03  of Flamenco, Tap, and Hip-Hop                          sponsoring this legislation. These
        153-10 Jamaica Ave., and Rufus  Jamaica Ave.               dancing. Jamaica Center for Arts       New York Attorney General Le-  critical reforms will help us keep
        King Park across the street.  •    July 27, Beekeeping Workshop,  & Learning, 161-01 Jamaica Ave.  titia James reminded New Yorkers  New York families where they
        •    July 26, Warm Up 2024, 4 pm.  10 am. Master Beekeeper Walter  •    Aug. 1, Strawberry Fields,  that a new law establishing deed  belong: in their homes.”
        Now in its 26th season, Warm Up  Blohm discusses apiculture’s ben-  7:30 pm. Central Astoria LDC’s  theft as a crime and expanding the       “When the Senate held our hear-
        presents live DJ sets and shows on  efits and the role honeybees play  Summer Concert series continues  Office of the Attorney General’s  ing on deed theft in 2022, we heard
        a stage designed by Stewart Uoo.  in the food supply. Local honey  with this Beatles tribute band.  (OAG) ability to prosecute deed  in detail just how easy it is for
        This night’s lineup features UNI-  from BHS hives will be on sale.  Astoria Park Great Lawn, near  theft goes into effect today. The  scammers to prey on unsuspecting
        IQU3/Newark EASYFUN/UK  Bayside Historical Society, 208  Astoria Pool.                  legislation, which was co-authored  homeowners, and how difficult it
        Klein/Parkwuud Entertainment/  Totten Ave., Fort Totten.   •    Aug. 1, Rick Larrimore’s  by Attorney General James and  can be to obtain justice,” said State
        UK  African-American Sound  •    July 28, Ballet Folklóri-  Blonds Have More Fun, 7:30 pm.  sponsored by State Senator Zell-  Senator Myrie. “Communities
        Recordings/D.O.T. Audio Arts/  co Mexicano de Nueva York’s  This group performs hits by Rod  nor Myrie and Assemblymember  like mine in Central Brooklyn are
        New York. MoMA PS1, 22-25  Guelaguetza, noon. The Dance of  Stewart as part of the Forest Park  Landon C. Dais, establishes deed  particularly vulnerable. I’m grate-
        Jackson Ave., Long Island City.   the Pineapple is a big draw to this  Summer Concert Series. George  theft as a crime, amends the statute  ful for Attorney General James’
        •    July 26, Footloose, Aug. 11.  show, which includes folk music,  Seuffert Bandshell, Woodhaven  of limitations to give homeowners  partnership in strengthening our
        Concord Theatricals presents this  traditional costumes, food, and  Boulevard and Forest Park Drive,  and prosecutors more time to seek  laws to prosecute deed theft and
        1984 musical about a teenager who  friendship. The Zapotec word  Forest Park.           justice, and grants OAG original  protect New Yorkers’ homes.”
        moves from Chicago to a small  “guelaguetza” translates as “of-  •    Aug. 1, Spitfire, 7 pm. The  criminal jurisdiction to prosecute       “When elected to the 77th As-
        town where he tries to overturn a  fering” or “reciprocal exchange of  Free Summer Concerts in the Park  deed theft. This is Attorney Gen-  sembly District, I promised I will
        ban on dancing. The 8 pm shows  gifts or talent.” Socrates Sculpture  series, presented by the Northern  eral James’ latest effort to protect  do my best to protect the residents
        are on July 26, 27, and Aug. 1, 2,  Park, 32-01 Vernon Blvd., Long  Woodside Coalition and Goliard  New Yorkers from deed theft, a  of my district. My promise was a
        3, 8, 9, and 10. The 2 pm shows  Island City.              Concerts, rocks on with a night of  criminal scam that robs New York  main motivation in sponsoring the
        are on July 28 and Aug. 4 and  •    July 28, Zikrayat, 6 pm. The  classics from the 1970s and 1980s.  families of their homes and liveli-  Deed Theft Bill with State Sena-
        11. Rockaway Theatre Company,  Jackson Heights Beautification  Sgt. Collins Triangle, Broadway  hoods. Last year, Attorney Gen-  tor Myrie and Attorney General
        Building T-4, Fort Tilden.   Group’s Summer Sundays pro-   and 59th Street, Woodside.   eral James championed legislation  James,” said Assemblymember
        •    July 26, Love and Basketball,  gram continues with traditional  •    Aug. 2, Festival of Cinema  sponsored by State Senator Brian  Dais. “This landmark bill will
        8:30 pm. An outdoor screening  Arabic music and dance led by  NY, Aug. 11. This eight-annual  Kavanagh and Assemblymember  protect the homeowners in my
        of a 2000 film about childhood  Flushing Town Hall Deputy Di-  endeavor screens about 100 in-  Helene Weinstein to enhance civil  district and across the great state
        adversaries and talented athletes  rector Sami Abu Shumays. Trav-  dependent films and organizes  deed theft protections by empow-  of New York from con artists that
        who have a love for the game of  ers Park at 78th Street and 34th  workshops, panel discussions,  ering the Attorney General and  are specifically targeting the se-
        basketball and each other. They  Avenue.                   improv classes, and other related  local district attorneys to pause  niors that own homes. Our bill will
        pursue their dream of basketball  •    July 28, Queensborough Dance  activities. Regal UA Midway,  related eviction and ownership  provide the Attorney General and
        success through high school, col-  Festival, 1 pm. Performances by  108-22 Queens Blvd., and Forest  dispute proceedings and expand  district attorneys across the state
        lege, and the pros, but along the  Cucala Dance Company, IMMA  Hills Library, 108-19 71st Ave.,  the list of crimes that allow pros-  a strong legal tool to prosecute the
        way they must face their own per-  KAT, Monali Nandy Mazumdar,  with a special screening at Queens  ecutors to invalidate fraudulent  scam artists taking advantage of
        sonal hurdles. Rufus King Park,  Ricardo “El Niño” Osorio Silvana,  Center Mall.        sale and loan documents, among  homeowners in our state. I want
        Jamaica Avenue at 153rd Street.  Brizuela Weigel, and The King-  •    Aug. 2, Buster Keaton in Sher-  other measures. That law went into  to thank my Assembly and Senate
        •    July 26, Opening Reception:  dom Dance Company. Rufus King  lock Jr., Aug. 11. Directed by Bust-  effect in December 2023.   colleagues for the overwhelming
        An Afro-Latinx Mixtape, 6 pm.  Park, 150-29 Jamaica Ave.   er Keaton, this 1924 silent comedy       New Yorkers who believe they  bipartisan support, thank the At-
        Curated by Adrian Bermeo, this  •    July 28, Birdy Birthday, 1:30  follows a lovestruck projectionist  are a victim of deed theft are  torney General for pushing this
        show exhibits artists’ visual inter-  pm. VOM’s founding benefac-  who falls asleep during a show and  encouraged to contact OAG by  issue to the top of her agenda, and
        pretations of such musical genres  tor, Elisabetha Orth, was an avid  dreams he has entered the film as a  calling 1(800) 771-7755, emailing  thank the Governor for recogniz-
        as Hip-Hop, Jazz, Motown, Reg-  birder. It was her wish that VOM  detective. Museum of the Moving, or filing a  ing and signing this landmark
        gaeton, Rumba, Bomba, Salsa,  offer water, seed, and haven to  Image, 36-01 35th Ave., Astoria’s  confidential complaint.    legislation that will protect the
        Blues, and Reggae. Artists in-  feathered friends year-round.  Kaufman Arts District.        “Deed theft is a merciless  homeowners in our state.”
        clude Bermeo, Anthony Newton,  Commemorate her birthday with  •    Aug. 2, Free First Friday, 11  crime that robs New Yorkers of       Deed theft occurs when some-
        Cameron St. Clair, Carlos Mateu,  the Queens County Bird Club.  am. On the first Friday of every  their homes, communities, and  one takes the title, or deed, to
        Catalina Baselli, Charlie Pastelle,  Voelker Orth Museum, Flushing.  month, admission is free. (Reser-  financial stability,” said Attorney  another person’s home without
        Edgar Moza, Gian GFX, Gilly  •    July 30, Fabio Rojas Quintet,  vations are strongly suggested.)  General James. “By making deed  the homeowner’s knowledge or
        Lugo, Ingrid Mathurin, Irene  7 pm. The Live at the Gantries  The Noguchi Museum, 9-01 33rd  theft the crime we know it to  approval. It disproportionately
        Fernandez, Lisa Wilde, Sasha  series continues with Venezuelan  Rd., Long Island City,  be, this law gives my office and
        Lynn Roberts, Steven Luna, and  drummer and film composer Fa-               district attorneys more power to   (Continued on page 8)
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