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PAGE 4                                                     THE QUEENS TIMES                                     THURSDAY, JULY 11, 2024

                                                                                                  As High Temperatures Continue, The
                                                                                                     New York Department Of State’s
                                                                                                     Division Of Consumer Protection
                                                                                                 Reminds New Yorkers To Never Leave

                                                                                                      Children And Pets In Hot Cars
                                                                                                Take Precautions to Keep Chil-  could face criminal charges.
              It’s In Queens!                                                                   dren and Pets Safe and Prevent       Safety Tips for Children
            (July 12 to July 18)                                                                Heat Stroke                  •    Never leave a child in an unat-
                                                                                                                             tended vehicle in the warm weath-
        Some multi-event, outdoor pro-                                                               “As temperatures continue to  er, not even with the windows
        grams start this week, while oth-                                                       rise this week and throughout the  slightly open or down, due to the
        ers continue. Warm Up and City                                                          summer, I urge all New Yorkers  risk of heatstroke (hyperthermia).
        of Water Day are huge. So is the                                                        to remember these life-saving tips  •    If you see a child in a hot car,
        Jamaica Bay Festival. Indoors,                                                          and remain attentive when getting  call 911 right away and follow their
        Irish music, fused glass, and                                                           in and out of your car because just  instructions. Emergency person-
        house restoration entice.                                                               a simple mistake or a few minutes’  nel are trained to respond.
                                                                                                time can put your loved one in seri-  •    Teach children not to play in
        •    July 12, Warm Up 2024, 4 pm.                                                       ous danger.”                 or around vehicles and to alert
        Now in its 26th season, Warm Up                                                              As high temperatures continue  an adult when a friend is playing
        presents live DJ sets and shows on                                                      across New York State, the New  in a vehicle without supervision.
        a stage designed by artist Stewart                                  CityofWater         York Department of State’s Divi-  Make sure children understand
        Uoo in the PS1 Courtyard. The                                                           sion of Consumer Protection is  the dangers of trunk entrapment
        opening night lineup is KIM                                                             warning New Yorkers of the dan-  (suffocation, heatstroke, etc.).
        ANH/Can U Not Talk Records/                                                             ger children and pets face when  •    Place something you need, like
        New York Johnny Dynell/New                                                              left in hot cars. Unfortunately,  keys, a purse or bag, or your cell
        York Gatekeeper/Dungeon Ses-                                                            multiple deaths have been reported  phone, next to your child’s car seat
        sions/New York DJ Miss Parker/                                                          after children and pets have been  so you will remember to check the
        Brooklyn. MoMA PS1, 22-25                                                               left in a hot vehicle. Heatstroke or  backseat before you lock the car.
        Jackson Ave., Long Island City.                                                         death due to hot cars occur most  Alternatively, place a stuffed toy
        •    July 12, A Night of Irish Music,                                                   commonly when an adult uninten-  in your child’s car seat when not in
        7 pm. The Blarney Star Concert                                                          tionally forgets a child or pet, who  use and move the toy to the front
        Series continues with top-notch                                                         may be quiet or sleeping in a in a  passenger seat when your child is
        tin whistle player Mary Bergin                                                          rear-facing seat. Along with these  in his/her car seat as a reminder
        and bouzouki player and singer                                            Eich          incidents, children can also gain  that your child is in the vehicle.
        Alan Murray. Students from the                                                          unsupervised access to parked cars  •    Use drive-through services
        Woodlawn School of Irish Music  nity. Artist Jacqueline Qiu leads a  shattered windows, a punctured   and get stuck inside, especially if  whenever possible while driving
        play an introductory set. New  weaving workshop. The Noguchi  foundation, and an airborne chim-  child safety locks are on. There is  with a child in a vehicle.
        York Irish Center, 10-40 Jackson  Museum, 09-01 33rd Rd., Long  ney cap were only some of the   a real and severe danger in extreme  •    It is vital to recognize the symp-
        Ave., Long Island City.      Island City.                  challenges. Bayside Historical   weather and when temperatures  toms of heatstroke in children.
        •    July 13, Jamaica Bay Festival,  •    July 14, Modern Ruin, 3 pm.  Society, The Castle, 208 Totten   don’t “feel” hot. At 60 degrees  Symptoms include absence of
        8:30 am. This seventh annual  A  screening  of  a  documentary  Ave., Fort Totten.      outside, after just one hour a closed  sweat, confusion, disorientation,
        extravaganza includes free kayak-  about the New York State Pavil-  •    July 17, Act One: One Act   car can get as hot as 105 degrees.  flushed skin, loss of alertness,
        ing, fishing, surfing, hiking, bird  ion. Then, Director Matthew Silva  Festival 2024, Aug. 11. Curator        “Hot weather can pose many  unconsciousness or rapid/shallow
        watching, art, and nature at vari-  and Bill Cotter, co-author of The  Cassandra  Gutterman-Johns   risks to New Yorkers, and one of  breathing.
        ous spots in Jamaica Bay.    1964-1965 New York World’s  reviewed 180 individual plays   the most prevalent dangers comes  Safety Tips for Pets
        •    July 13, City of Water Day,  Fair, participate in a panel discus-  and organized her selections into   from children or pets being left  •    Never leave a pet unattended
        noon. A paddle outing and chanc-  sion moderated by Queens World  groups of seven programs with   unsupervised in hot cars,” said  in the car. Like children, dogs and
        es to learn about the borough’s  Film Festival Executive Director  eight plays each. The winning   Secretary of State Walter T. Mos-  other animals have a harder time
        waterfront (marine ecology, water  Katha Cato. Queens Theatre, 14  play, actors, and director receive   ley. “As temperatures continue to  staying cool, leaving them ex-
        quality, superfund contamination,  United Nations Ave. S., Flushing  cash prizes. The Secret Theatre,   rise this week and throughout the  tremely vulnerable to heatstroke.
        and resilience) with the Queens  Meadows Corona Park.      38-02 61st St., Woodside.    summer, I urge all New Yorkers  •    A car can overheat even when
        Landing Boathouse and Environ-  •    July 14, Fused Glass Work-  •    July 17, Italian Nights 2024:   to remember these life-saving tips  the window has been left cracked
        mental Center, Newtown Creek  shop, 11  am. Designer Naomi  Gene DiNapoli, 7 pm. DiNapoli   and remain attentive when getting  an inch or two. Parking in the
        Alliance and the North Brooklyn  Rabinowitz teaches how to fuse  offers Italian style pop music   in and out of your car because just  shade or leaving water in the ve-
        Community Boathouse.         glass jewelry. Alley Pond Envi-  made famous by Italian American   a simple mistake or a few minutes’  hicle won’t prevent your pet from
        •    July 13, Remembering Queens  ronmental Center, 229-10 North-  artists as part of this free summer   time can put your loved one in seri-  overheating, either.
        Historian Jack Eichenbaum, 2:30  ern Blvd., Douglaston.    series. Athens Square Park, 30th   ous danger.”           •    According to the American
        pm. An informal, communi-    •    July 14, Kamran Sadeghi,  Street and 30th Avenue, Astoria.       Tragically, 1,083 children have  Society for the Prevention of Cru-
        ty tribute to friend, colleague,  3:30 pm. The monthly Bang on  •    July 18, Seth Goldart & Co., 7   died nationwide due to Pediatric  elty to Animals (ASPCA), young,
        mentor, tour guide, and official  a Can series continues with elec-  pm. The Free Summer Concerts   Vehicular Heatstroke since 1990.  overweight or senior animals or
        Queens Historian Jack Eichen-  tronic musician and mix engineer  in the Park series, presented by   Fifteen of these were in New York  those with short muzzles or thick
        baum. All are invited to share  Kamran Sadeghi. The Noguchi  the Northern Woodside Coalition   State. According to People for the  or dark coats are most at risk for
        their memories. Kingsland Home-  Museum, 09-01 33rd Rd., Long  and Goliard Concerts, continues   Ethical  Treatment  of  Animals  overheating.
        stead, 143-35 37th Ave., Flushing.  Island City.           with a night of Eclectic Folk   (PETA), every year many pets  •    If you see a pet in a hot car, call
        •    July 13, FMCP History/City of  •    July 14, Alex Owen Quar-  and Country. Sgt. Collins Tri-  die from heat exhaustion because  911 immediately.
        Water, 2 pm. The second World’s  tet, 6 pm. The Jackson Heights  angle, Broadway and 59th Street,   they are left in parked vehicles. In  •    Recognize the symptoms of
        Fair History Walk of 2024 is  Beautification Group’s Summer  Woodside.                  2023 alone, 163 animals died due  heatstroke in pets and take action
        themed to honor the 17th annual  Sundays program continues with  •    July 18, Barkha Dance Com-  to heat–related deaths and another  if you see them. Symptoms include
        City of Water Day. It features a  New Orleans Jazz. Travers Park  pany, 7 pm. A free dance perfor-  855 were rescued from the heat.  restlessness, heavy panting, vomit-
        guided walk to learn the aquatic  at 78th Street and 34th Avenue.  mance among Suchitra Mattai’s   Anyone found responsible for leav-  ing, lethargy and lack of appetite
        stories that shaped the World’s  •    July 14, Family Day: Cel-  art exhibition. Socrates Sculpture   ing a child or pet alone in a hot car  or coordination.
        Fair and the borough. American  ebrating Prototyping Play, 1 pm.  Park, 32-01 Vernon Blvd., Long
        Society of Landscape Architects  Highlights include workshops,  Island City.
        New York employees inform on  installations, play, storytelling,  •    July 18, The Live Experience   Statement on Governor Hochul’s
        making the Mist Garden. Meet at  and building. Queens Museum,  & DJ, 7:30 pm. Central Astoria   Gateway Tunnel Announcement
        the Unisphere, Flushing Meadows  NYC Building, Flushing Mead-  LDC’s Summer Concert series
        Corona Park.                 ows Corona Park.              continues with a night of Pop   Riders Alliance Policy & Com-  project, her flip flop lost New
        •    July 13, Introduction to Botani-  •    July 16, Calvin Johnson &  music. Astoria Park Great Lawn,   munications Director Danny  York the biggest ever federal capi-
        cal Eco-Printing, July 14. Artist  Native Son, 7 pm. The Live at  near Astoria Pool.    Pearlstein said:             tal investment grant, which would
        Dani Song leads workshops on  the Gantries series continues with  •    July 18, Desert Highway, 7:30                 have  built  the  Second  Avenue
        eco-printing with organic mate-  a family-friendly, high-energy  pm. This group performs covers        “Governor Hochul’s congestion  subway to East Harlem.
        rials such as plants, insects, and  show inspired by the sounds and  by The Eagles as the Forest Park   pricing betrayal is wasting time       “While wooing suburbanites,
        natural minerals to create mul-  vibes of New Orleans. Gantry Pla-  Summer Concert Series contin-  and money. Gateway will cost  who hate her, the governor has
        titudes of colors. Schedule: July  za State Park, Long Island City.   ues. George Seuffert Bandshell,   double the prior tunnel plan that  abandoned millions of city bus
        13 at 11 am; July 14 at 10:30 am.  •    July 17, Lee McColgan: A  Woodhaven Boulevard and Forest   former New Jersey governor Chris  and subway riders, who elected
        Queens Botanical Garden, 43-50  House Restored, 7 pm.  Archi-  Park Drive, Forest Park.  Christie blocked.           her and are stuck waiting for reli-
        Main St., Flushing.          tectural conservator and author  •    June 18, Fashion Bandana        “As the governor cheers one  able and accessible public transit.”
        •    July 13, Community Day, 11  Lee McColgan discusses his new  Workshop, 1:30 pm. Artist Phyllis
        am. Admission is free with special  book, A House Restored, about  Ger leads a workshop with a sup-
        programming to celebrate the  restoring the 1702 Loring House  ply of cotton bandanas. Voelker
        Asian American, Native Hawai-  in Pembroke, Massachusetts. De-  Orth Museum, 149-19 38th Ave.,             Read Our Paper Online and Play Sudoku
        ian, and Pacific Islander commu-  teriorating bricks, frozen pipes,  Flushing.                             and crossword puzzles online
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