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THURSDAY, JULY 11, 2024                                    THE QUEENS TIMES                                                            PAGE 5

              Queens Times Weekly ...                                 Did You
             HOROSCOPE                                                  Know?

             For the Week of ... 7/11/24 - 7/17/24                 •    all the people on Earth could
                                                                   fit into a 1 km cube
                For Entertainment Purposes Only                    •    there are over 4,300 known
                                                                   species of ladybugs
        ARIES                        LIBRA                         •    a fly’s recation time is 30 mil-
        (March 21 - April 20)        (September 24 - October 23)   liseconds
        You  will  find good  deals  on  a    Do what you can to help others  •    butterflies taste with their
        shopping spree. Be careful not   but don’t neglect your own fam-  back feet
        to make promises that you can’t   ily. You need to keep everyone    •    moths have no stomach
        fulfill. Listen to the advice given   appraised about any hidden mat-  •    bees and house flies flap their
        by others. Your lucky numbers   ters. Your lucky numbers are  wings 200 times a second
        are 5,1,6.                   9,1,5.                        •    bees have 4 wings
                                                                   •    the most eaten fruit in America
        TAURUS                       SCORPIO                       is the banana
        (April 21 - May 21)          (October 24 - November 22)    •    the ancient Greeks first grew
        Relax and enjoy what you’ve done.   Don’t over spend on entertain-  carrots as a form of medicine and
        Plan your day carefully. Focus on   ment or you could find yourself   not a food
        forming business relationships.   short of funds at the end of the   •    originally in 1886 Coca Cola
        Your lucky numbers are 3,2,9.  month. Be cautious who you   was introduced as an ‘intellectual
                                     deal with financially. Your lucky  beverage’ to boost brain power
        GEMINI                       numbers are 7,3,2.            •    over a third of all pineapples
        (May 22 - June 21)                                         come from Hawaii
        Go with the flow and don’t be   SAGITTARIUS                •    the frozen foods were first
        concerned about others. Oppor-  (November 23 - December 21)  introduced in the 1920.       CROSSWORD PUZZLE
        tunities for new friendships will   Don’t let your emotions interfere   •    the color of a chile pepper is no
        develop if you get out to local   with  your business  decisions.   indication of its heat (usually the
        dances. Your lucky numbers are   Don’t be too quick to judge. Take  smaller the the hotter)
        8,3,2.                       time to do something nice for     •    John Kellogg invented corn
                                     yourself.  Your lucky numbers   flakes
        CANCER                       are 4,3,2.                    •    60 cows can produce a ton of
        (June 22 - July 22)                                        milk each day
        Talk to others and express your   CAPRICORN                •    Orange Fanta is the 3rd largest
        intentions.  Think  twice  before   (December 22 - January 20)  selling soft drink in the world
        you criticize. Don’t turn away any   Focus and concentrate on your-  •    Italy and France produce over
        advice about work habits. Your   self and your future. Lack of cash   40% of all wine
        lucky numbers are 2,3,9.     might be partly to blame for the
                                     problems at home. Your lucky
        LEO                          numbers are 1,8,9.
        (July 23 - August 22)
        Travel for business will be very   AQUARIUS
        beneficial. You’ll have amazing   (January 21 - February 19)
        ideas. Try not to allow others   You will benefit through hidden
        to  burden you  with  additional   assets and property investments.    Answer to Last
        responsibilities. Your lucky num-  Don’t expect long romantic en-
        bers are 5,7,2.              counters. Your lucky numbers      Weeks Puzzles
                                     are 1,8,4.
        VIRGO                                                             “Sudoku”
        (August 23 - September 23)   PISCES
        You may meet new and exciting   (February 20 - March 20)
        friends who will provide mental   Older family members may try
        stimulation. Compromise if you   to put unreasonable demands on
        wish to have any fun at all. In-  you. Don’t let other peoples prob-
        vestment will start looking better.   lems saddle you with guilt. Your
        Your lucky numbers are 5,3,9.  lucky numbers are 1,7,3.
                                                                                                ACROSS                       DOWN
                   TRY AND FIND                                                                 1. Stinging remark           1. Big party
                                                                                                5. Play parts
                                                                                                                             2. With competence
                                                                                                9. Grin
                                                                                                14. Cain’s brother           3. Harvest
                                                                                                                             4. Prudes
                                                                                                15. Your majesty             5. Fire residue
                                                                                                16. Haven                    6. Metropolises
                                                                                                17. Carnage                  7. Vogue
                                                                    “Crossword Puzzle”          19. A small island           8. Attendant
                                                                                                20. Abnormally active
                                                                                                                             9. Evening event
                                                                                                21. Upside-down              10. Sail supports
                                                                                                23. Plunges nose first       11. Small island
                                                                                                25. Tentacled devilfish      12. Told an untruth
                                                                                                28. Golf ball support        13. Estimated (abbrev.)
                                                                                                29. Supersonic transport     18. Fondle
                                                                                                32. Selected                 22. Eternally
                                                                                                33. Craggy peak              24. Fair weather
                                                                                                34. Manage                   25. Group of eight
                                                                                                35. Fork prong               26. Ground beef with peppery
                                                                                                36. Horde                    powder
                                                                                                38. “Oh dear!”               27. In shape
                                                                                                39. Anagram of “Sale”        29. Undersides
                                                                                                40. Possessed                30. Extra
                                                                                                41. Flip over                31. Quizzes
                                                                                                43. Accomplished             33. Small amount
                                                                     “Try And Find”             44. 54 in Roman numerals     34. Pitting of a solid surface
                                                                                                45. Contusions
                                                                                                                             37. Rippled
                                                                                                46. Most solitary            42. Public transit vehicles
                                                                                                48. Vacationer’s slide show  44. Adorable
                                                                                                50. Deservedly receives      45. Larger
                                                                                                54. Thug                     46. Not earlier
                                                                                                55. Consumption              47. Hermit
                                                                                                57. Artist’s stand           48. Streetcar
          Backboard   Defense     Free Throw      One-On-One                                    58. Eager                    49. Diversion
          Block       Dribble     Hoops           Rebound                                       59. Decorative case          51. Religious ceremony
          Bounce      Dunk        Jump Ball       Time-Out                                      60. File                     52. Person, place or thing
          Buzzer      Final Four  Lay-Up          Trailing                                      61. Makes a mistake          53. Agitated state
          Coach       Foul        Nothing But Net WNBA                                          62. Depression               54. Honey insect
                                                                                                                             56. N N N
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