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THURSDAY, JULY 25, 2024                                    THE QUEENS TIMES                                                            PAGE 5

              Queens Times Weekly ...                                 Did You
             HOROSCOPE                                                  Know?

             For the Week of ... 7/25/24 - 7/31/24
                                                                   •    45% of people use mouthwash
                For Entertainment Purposes Only                    daily
                                                                   •    on average 22% of all restau-
        ARIES                        LIBRA                         rant meals include potato chips
        (Mar. 21 - April 20)         (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23)          •    the most popular toothbrush
        You could be tempted to over-  You may have a problem with  color is blue
        spend on unnecessary items. Try   coworkers if you try to tell them  •    the US produces 19% of the
        not to donate to organizations if   what to do. You should avoid  world’s trash
        you can hardly afford to take care   getting involved in the personal  •    59% of people say that their
        of yourself. Your lucky numbers   problems of colleagues. Your  average looking
        are: 8,9,3                   lucky numbers are: 6,4,9      •    53% of women don’t leave
                                                                   home without makeup on
        TAURUS                       SCORPIO                       •    44% of people have broken
        (Apr. 21 - May 21)           (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)           a bone
        Pleasure trips will be a form   Don’t go hog wild when it comes  •    9% of people skip breakfast
        of healing for your emotional   to entertainment or you could  daily
        state of mind. Be prepared to   find yourself short of funds at the  •    chocolate manufacturers use
        encounter new friendships that   end of the month. Get involved in  40% of the world’s almonds
        will provide you with valuable   worthwhile endeavors and meet  •    90% people depend on alarm
        information. Your lucky numbers   new friends. Your lucky numbers  clocks to wake up
        are: 7,3,6                   are: 7,2,6                    •    21% of people don’t make
                                                                   their bed in the morning
        GEMINI                       SAGITTARIUS                   •    85% of women wear the      CROSSWORD PUZZLE
        (May 22 - June 21)           (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21)           wrong bra size
        Think of changes to your home   You can make new friends if you  •    the number 1 reason why
        that will please and add to every-  join clubs. Family members will  people purchase a mobile phone
        one’s comfort. You can prosper if   not be happy with the amount  is for safety
        you in vest in property or mutual   of time you are spending away  •    per person France consumes
        funds. Your lucky numbers are:   from home. Your lucky numbers  the most cheese
        4,9,5                        are: 8,1,9                    •    the Earth experiences over
                                                                   50,000 earthquakes a year
        CANCER                       CAPRICORN                     •    75% of people wouldn’t give
        (June 22 - July 22)          (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20)           up their spouse for a night for a
        You can make new connections   Don’t be afraid to confront situ-  $1,000,000
        through friends or relatives. Rela-  ations concerning loved ones in  •    M*A*S*H stood for ‘Mobile
        tionships may be hard to handle.   order to solve any problems that  Army Surgical Hospital’
        Do not make rash decisions about   may exist. Let go of the past in  •    The TV sitcom Seinfeld was
        your personal life. Your lucky   order  to progress. Your lucky  originally called ‘The Seinfeld
        numbers are: 7,1,8           numbers are: 9,1,7            Chronicles’

        LEO                          AQUARIUS                         Answer to Last
        (July 23 - Aug. 22)          (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19)               Weeks Puzzles
        You’re in a high cycle for ro-  Your dramatic nature may be
        mance. You need to get out if you   too much to handle. Try not to
        want to meet potential partners.   be overbearing where family is   “Sudoku”
        Mingle with those who have simi-  concerned. Don’t make moun-
        lar interests. Your lucky numbers   tains out of molehills if you want
        are: 9,7,1                   to  avoid  conflict.  Your  lucky
                                     numbers are: 7,9,5
        (Aug. 23 - Sept. 23)         PISCES
        You must avoid gossip and focus   (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20)
        on what you have to do. You can   Be aware of  any deception on                         ACROSS                       DOWN
        form new partnerships, but don’t   the part of those you deal with.                     1. Waterproof cover          1. Musical phrase
        move too quickly; things may not   Use your charm, but don’t sign                       5. Smack                     2. Dry
        be as they appear. Your lucky   or agree to anything. Your lucky                        9. Implored                  3. Post-employment years
                                                                                                13. Component used as fertilizer
                                                                                                                             4. Grazing land
        numbers are: 7,6,4           numbers are: 6,4,1                                         14. Greens with dressing     5. South southeast
                                                                                                16. Breezy                   6. Light source
                   TRY AND FIND                                                                 17. Pesky insects            7. Hawaiian greeting
                                                                                                18. Overact
                                                                                                                             8. Evident
                                                                    “Crossword Puzzle”          19. Beak                     9. Greek goddess of healing
                                                                                                20. Rewrites                 10. King of the jungle
                                                                                                22. Peafowls                 11. Formerly (archaic)
                                                                                                24. Devastation              12. Colors
                                                                                                26. Caper                    15. End of life
                                                                                                27. Came out                 21. Portent or omen
                                                                                                30. String                   23. Knights
                                                                                                33. Mental deterioration     25. Trawling equipment
                                                                                                35. Type of sword            27. Ancient Dead Sea kingdom
                                                                                                37. Flowery verse            28. Mass communication industry
                                                                                                38. Sweet sticky liquid      29. Do It Yourself
                                                                                                41. Sash                     31. Loathsome
                                                                                                42. Mineral excavator        32. Ledger entry
                                                                                                45. Earthquake waves         34. Paintings
                                                                                                48. Area under roofs         36. Ascend
                                                                                                51. Hard rubber              39. Employ
                                                                                                52. Underway                 40. Taverns
                                                                     “Try And Find”             54. Bridge                   43. Knickknack holder
                                                                                                55. Friendly
                                                                                                59. Fill with joy            44. Abounding
                                                                                                                             46. No
                                                                                                62. Away from the wind       47. Comparison
                                                                                                63. Mistake                  49. Funnel shapes
                                                                                                65. Follow orders            50. Evening event
                                                                                                66. Teller of untruths       53. Late
          Bowling      Catch        Cribbage        Diamonds                                    67. Marsh plant              55. Baby cow
          Bridge       Charades     Croquet         Division                                    68. Delight                  56. Mishmash
                                                                                                69. Golfer’s cry
          Canasta      Checkers     Dare            Dolls                                       70. Got a good look at       57. Close
                                                                                                                             58. Opera house box
          Cards        Chess        Darts           Dominoes                                    71. Cravings                 60. Adolescent
          Casino       Clubs        Deuce           Hearts                                      61. Visual organs
                                                                                                                             64. Bloodshot
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