P. 5
Queens Times Weekly ... Did You
For the Week of ... 9/5/24 - 9/11/24 • The first aluminum drink can
was introduced in 1964
For Entertainment Purposes Only • The first drug that was sold as
a water soluble tablet was aspirin
(March 21 - April 20) (September 24 - October 23) • The national anthems of Japan,
Your intellectual charm will win Do your research before taking Jordan, and San Marino each have
hearts and bring opportunities on new ventures. Look into some only 4 lines
that you least expect. You can form of physical recreation. You • There are only 3 sets of letters
get ahead if you work diligently need to make changes to your on a keyboard which are in alpha-
behind the scenes. Your lucky investments this week. Your lucky betical order (f g h, j k l, and o p)
numbers are 5,8,4. numbers are 2,9,8. • Women were not allowed to
vote in France until 1944
TAURUS SCORPIO • A bumble bee flaps its wings
(April 21 - May 21) (October 24 - November 22) at 160 times a second
Don’t let others saddle you with Don’t let an incident at work play on • A dragonfly can fly at 40kph
guilt that isn’t warranted. Travel your mind. Try not to get every (25mph)
will promote new romantic encoun- one involved; it will not help bring • Flies can react to an object it
ters and additional cultural knowl- you closer together. Your lucky sees and change direction in less
edge. Your lucky numbers are 2,7,4. numbers are 6,8,9. than 30 milliseconds
• A queen bee can lay up to 3,000
GEMINI SAGITTARIUS eggs in one day
(May 22 - June 21) (November 23 - December 21) • Ants can lift 50 times their
You will be able to borrow money Risky ventures may turn in your own weight CROSSWORD PUZZLE
in order to invest. Your ideas may favor. Travel and educational pur- • Bees can see ultraviolet light
be good, but they aren’t necessar- suits may help alleviate the stress • 80% of the world’s food crops
ily right for everyone. Your lucky you have been feeling. Your lucky are pollinated by insects
numbers are 6,5,3. numbers are 4,9,6. • 10% of with world’s food supply
is consumed by insects
CANCER CAPRICORN • It takes 110 silkworm cocoons
(June 22 - July 22) (December 22 - January 20) to make an average tie
Unexpected bills will be impossible Don’t upset elders in your family • Queen termites can live up to
for you to pay. You can make finan- who don’t understand your pres- 50 years
cial deals that will bring you extra ent situation. Don’t confide in any- • Most spiders have transparent
cash. Your lucky numbers are 1,8,9. one for the time being. Your lucky blood
numbers are 5,7,4. • Caterpillars have over 2,000
LEO muscles
(July 23 - August 22) AQUARIUS
New innovative technology will (January 21 - February 19) To Read the paper
make your job easier. Money Help an older member with a online visit
could slip through your fingers. problem that faces them. Go after
Don’t believe everything you your goals and don’t be afraid to
hear. Your lucky numbers are ask for assistance. You’ll need Answer to Last
5,7,4. to exercise control. Your lucky Weeks Puzzles
numbers are 2,7,5.
(August 23 - September 23) PISCES “Sudoku”
Concentrate on getting the job (February 20 - March 20)
done and steer clear of office Communications with loved ones
politics and gossip. Use your bet- may be strained. You should channel
ter judgment before you sign up your efforts into getting rid of bad
for a costly venture. Your lucky habits. watch you stock investments
numbers are 8,4,3. closely. Your lucky numbers are 1,2,7. ACROSS DOWN
1. Frightening 1. Sign of healing
6. Lowly worker
2. Bistro
TRY AND FIND 10. Formerly (archaic) 3. Dwarf buffalo
14. Small and light boat
4. Origin
15. African sheep 5. Abominable snowmen
16. Captain of the Nautilus 6. Thoroughly soaked
17. Underway 7. Having profound knowledge
18. Melody 8. Ancient alphabetic character
19. Acquire 9. Spanish celebration
“Crossword Puzzle” 20. Biblical blessings 10. Designed
22. Inactive
11. Absorbs written material
23. Indian dress 12. Grin
24. Got uptight 13. In shape
26. List of choices 21. Thigh armor
30. Seated oneself 25. Otherwise
31. Beer 26. Baseball glove
32. Computer symbol 27. Beige
33. Flower stalk 28. Person, place or thing
35. Marsh plant 29. Unchosen
39. Legal guardian 34. Car drivers
41. In general 36. Baby’s first word
43. Songs 37. Happy
44. Day, month and year 38. Shade trees
46. Type of cheese 40. Russian emperor
47. Escape 42. Contrariwise
49. Neither ___ 45. Windflower
“Try And Find” 50. Fathers 48. Reflexive form of “me”
51. Crunchy vegetable
51. Roman god of love
54. Celtic language 52. Eliminate
56. Acid related to gout 53. Fine thread
57. Twice per year 55. Enlist
63. Bygone 58. A Great Lake
64. Cupid’s Greek counterpart 59. Adopted son of Claudius
65. Answer 60. Style of hairdo
Airhose Fill Er Up Mechanic Snacks 66. Small island 61. Anagram of “Sale”
67. Fluff
62. Stringed instrument
Antifreeze Filter Octane Squeegee 68. Command
Bell Garage Oilcan Tires 69. Exploit
Diesel Lift Pumps Tools 70. Charges
Dipstick Maps Signs Tow Truck 71. Not tight