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                                           Published for the Borough of Queens

          VOLUME 29, NO. 28                                       THURSDAY, JULY 11, 2024                                                  25 CENTS

                                                                                Governor Hochul Launched
            Mayor Adams Community Op-Ed:

           Fighting For Safer, Cleaner Streets                              The “Get Offline, Get Outside”

                 Last week, we celebrated Independence Day — an oppor-                   Summer Campaign
              tunity to reflect on the values that make the American Dream
            possible in our city. Public safety and livability are two such
           foundational commitments — allowing every New Yorker to
           pursue their dreams without fear for their safety and with a
           better quality of life.
                I am proud to say that New York remains the safest big city
           in America — and continues to get safer every day.
                As a result of our administration’s successful public safety
           strategy, New York City has seen six straight months of crime
           reduction. Overall crime continues to trend downward and
           is down year to date. Homicides are down double digits for
           the year, as well as for this quarter and for last month. Grand
           Larceny Auto is also down double digits. Shootings are down.
           And burglaries are down, too.
                Our public transit system is the lifeblood of our city, so
           keeping New Yorkers safe on the subway is key to ensuring
           that New York remains the safest big city in America. That is
           why we surged more than 1,000 additional officers in the sub-
           way system in February and introduced additional technology,
           including cameras and data driven officer deployment. As a
           result, transit crime remains down for the year, and if you take
           out one of the pandemic years, we have reached the lowest level
           of transit crime in 14 years.
                            (Continued on page 2)

           Council Member Francisco Moya                           And the Governor also announced that swimming pool entry is free at New York state parks.
                                                                   See story on page 2.
           Announces FY 2025 Discretionary
          And Capital Budgets For District 21                       Suozzi Seeks New Bipartisan Coalition

                                                                     Of “Business, Badges, And The Bible”

                                                                          To Bring “Order To The Border”

                                                                   Suozzi will introduce legislation
                                                                   to fix the broken immigration
                                                                   and border system

                                                                        Congressman Tom Suozzi (D
                                                                   - Long Island, Queens) is seeking
                                                                   to build a bipartisan, broad-based
                                                                   coalition to bring ‘order to the
                                                                   border’  and  reform America’s
                                                                   antiquated, broken immigration
                                                                        Suozzi says he is also deter-
                                                                   mined to bring together a new
                                                                   alliance –“business, the bible,
                                                                   and badges”– in a collective ef-
                                                                   fort to lobby Congress and force
        Delivering for District 21: Signif-  ments, totaling over $1.58 million  it to do its job.  an essential part of the U.S. work-  dignity. Spiritual and secular
        icant Investments in Community  in discretionary funding and over       He explained this unique part-  force, contributing across sectors  leaders of all kinds can join hands
        Services, Youth Programming  $4 million in capital funding, will  nership by saying:    and playing a noteworthy role in  to practice what they preach: the
        and Infrastructure           support a wide range of communi-       “Business has a huge stake in  our country’s economy.”  golden rule, human dignity, and
                                     ty services, youth programming,  immigration reform. Companies,       “By using the word ‘bible,’ I  the worth of all people.
             Council Member Francisco  and infrastructure improvements.  farmers, hospitals, and manufac-  refer to those basic values, both       And ‘badges’ represent our
        Moya is proud to announce the FY       Discretionary Budget High-  turers need a long-term immigra-  religious and secular, that Ameri-  country’s law enforcement com-
        2025 Discretionary Budget and  lights                      tion fix to better plan the future  cans have embraced –that all men  munity who need new, innova-
        FY 2025 Capital Budget alloca-                             of our nation’s economic health.  and women are created equal and
        tions for District 21. These invest-  (Continued on page 2)  Immigrant workers have become  are entitled to human respect and   (Continued on page 3)
                                One Edition for ALL of Queens!

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