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                                           Published for the Borough of Queens

          VOLUME 29, NO. 30                                       THURSDAY, JULY 25, 2024                                                  25 CENTS

                                                                     Suozzi Fights For Quiet Skies; Battles
              NYC Mayor Adams Community
              Op Ed: Protecting New Yorkers                                      FAA To Stop Aircraft Noise

                    From Unsafe Batteries

                   New York is the safest big city in America, and we are work-
            ing hard every day to keep New Yorkers safe from all kinds of
           dangers — including those posed by lithium-ion battery fires.
                While the rise of battery-powered mobility devices has had
           many positive effects, too many of these devices contain uncer-
           tified lithium-ion batteries that do not meet safety standards.
           Many people are storing these faulty batteries in their homes
           and in some cases, businesses are charging hundreds of batteries
           at once, leading to explosions, fires, and death.
                Since 2019, these batteries have started more than 700 fires,
           killing 29 of our fellow New Yorkers, injuring nearly 450 more,
           and causing tens of millions of dollars in damage. In addition,
           these fires are increasing the risks faced by our brave FDNY
           members, who often have to battle dangerous conditions and
           toxic gases when they respond to these fires.
                Unsafe lithium-ion batteries are a clear and present danger
           to our city, and our administration is doing everything we can
           to address this crisis. Working with the FDNY and Commis-
           sioner Laura Kavanagh, we have supercharged our safety efforts,
           stepping up enforcement against high-risk charging “hot spots”

                            (Continued on page 2)
                                                                        “It’s summertime, and the   fed up,” declared Congressman  bances have increased during the
           Annual Bishop Catanello Memorial                        relentless noise from airplanes   Tom Suozzi (D - Long Island,  last few months.
              Bamonte’s Giglio Thomas More                         approaching JFK makes what   Queens).                          Last week, Suozzi, joined by
                                                                   should be the nicest time of
                                                                                                     Repeated reports of low-flying  Sen. Jack Martins, Ed Scott from
                           Award Event                             the year unbearable. Residents   planes, loud air traffic noise, and
                                                                   are rightfully concerned and   other airplane-related distur-  (Continued on page 2)

                                                                           Assemblywoman Pheffer Amato’s

                                                                        Legislation To Increase Benefits To

                                                                        Widows/Widowers Signed Into Law

                                                                        New York State Assembly-
                                                                   woman Stacey Pheffer Amato
                                                                   recently brought a monumental
                                                                   victory to the family members
                                                                   of governmental employees who
                                                                   were killed in the line of duty. Her
                                                                   bill, A.10111, often referred to as
                                                                   the “Widows COLA Bill,” was
                                                                   signed into law and will provide a
                                                                   3% cost of living (COLA) increase
                                                                   for those receiving the special acci-
                                                                   dental death benefit (SADB). Due
                                                                   to Pheffer Amato’s work, the bill
                                                                   will provide financial assistance
                                                                   to those receiving SADB dating
             The Bishop Catanello Memorial  Brooklyn since 1887. Pictured left  back to before 1970, and as recent
        Commission Organization held its  to right Tom Principe Chairman  as 2023.
        Eighth Annual Bamonte’s Giglio  of the Bishop Catanello Memorial       In NYC, this law impacts the
        Mt Carmel Mario DeStefano Me-  Commission Organization, Queens  families of fallen members of the
        morial Luncheon on Wednesday  County Supreme Court Justice  NYPD, FDNY, along with the
        July 17th during the afternoon of  Cassandra A. Johnson the Thomas  Department of Sanitation, Housing  ough Bridge and Tunnel Authority.  line of duty, including families
        the Giglio night lift. This is a ben-  More Honoree and Commission  Authority, Transit Authority, De-  Assemblywoman Pheffer Amato’s  from the community. One woman
        efit for Mt Carmel Parish in tribute  Humanitarian Chairman Angelo  partment of Correction, Health and  work will help over 1,300 families
        to the Giglio lifters a tradition in  DiGangi.             Hospitals Corporation, or Tribor-  who have lost a loved one in the   (Continued on page 2)
                                One Edition for ALL of Queens!

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